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Everything posted by Mnemosis

  1. I TOTALLY agree, stack. The potential to watch Holland grow as Peter is the REAL appeal here, and it's why I'd rather see him in the role than an older Parker. Though it does present an interesting question/challenge: if they're going for the "growing into/out of the role" angle, how will they handle their timeline? The events of Iron Man vs AoU took place... what? five years apart? At the most? Do we know? Point is... will they age Spidey in real time and risk doing the same to the older heroes?
  2. It'll go up on Hasbro Toy Shop after the fact, you'll just have to be quick.
  3. That bit about the law of diminishing returns is true. I mean, we can all argue about who is missing from the line, but at the end of the day all of the MAJOR characters have been covered. There's not a glaring hole in the collection. It's really easy to lose that perspective though, When Mattel's DC Universe Classics line was coming to an end, there was a lot of grumbling from fans about "how could this character have never been made", and every single one was a matter of opinion. You may think it's an injustice that we never got Vixen; I may feel that way about Warlord; but neither one of us is right, because at the end of the day they are not major omissions.As far as Minimates goes, I think the key is balance, and hitting all the different aspects of the Marvel Universe. That means not only the different groupings, but also different time periods. You all know that I get grumpy whenever new X-Men related sets are announced; that's because the last few years have been VERY X-heavy, with multiple comics waves and box sets devoted to that one corner of the Marvel Universe to the exclusion of the others. And I'm pretty sure I know why: they sell better. DST's end goal is not to create an expansive Marvel Universe, but to sell product. If that means we get another 90s X-Force box set rather then, say, the West Coast Avengers, I can understand that thinking. I don't have to like it, but I understand it. It doesn't do DST any favors, though, when Hasbro is sitting over there playing Fan Service Bingo with Marvel Legends (and to a lesser extent the 3 3/4" line). We now have the COMPLETE Wrecking Crew, in two different scales. We've got two Hyperions. Hell, we've got Batroc! I repeat: WE HAVE A MARVEL LEGENDS BATROC. Sure, there are plenty of great characters that have Minimates and not Marvel Legends, but the perception right now is that Hasbro is playing to the fans and DST has fallen behind. Still... Dazzler/ Howard the Duck. I am in no way complaining. I concur, 100%, with EVERYTHING you just said. There are plenty of Mates I'd still like to have, but few that are glaring omissions at this point. I'd argue that Toad and Wasp are the two biggest oversights thus far, but again... personal opinion. Your comment about Hasbro is also right on the nose - Legends started strong all those years ago, then leveled off for a LONG time. All that while, Minimates was kicking ass. Over the past... two years?... the tables have turned considerably. DST focuses more on the movie waves now while Hasbro is finally taking some chances. Worse yet, it's the exact characters that DST has ignored/missed - the Wrecking Crew, Uncanny NOW Storm, Cyclops, and Magik, Strfye. It's easy to forget that we've got Alicia Masters and the Puppet Master, the Outback X-Men, Alpha Flight, an army of Sentinels, the stone men, and three partial X-Force teams. But still no 90's X-Factor or Generation X (or even a complete 90's X-Force - what are we missing, 2 characters?). Liefeld team: Sunspot, Warpath, Siryn, Boom Boom Capullo team: Sunspot, Warpath, Siryn, Feral So, four either way One wave, with a Stryfe/Zero two-pack to round it out
  4. Honestly, I feel like most of Chuck's answers are "No plans right now, but never say never" which is, in my mind, the definition of giving people something to hope for, even if it takes a while. The problem is the law of diminishing returns. If there are 100 Marvel characters total and 50 you want, then the odds are in your favor that at least one figure in each pack will be one you want. But what happens when, of the first 50 figures made, you actually get 40 you wanted!? Well, great, but... now, out of the 50 remaining slots, you only want ten. That means your odds just dropped to one in five, not to mention redos and whatnot. The point is, every time one of your wants gets checked off, you become that much harder to please. And I don't mean just you. I've said it before... DST puts out top notch product and they do quite a bit of fan service along the way. If the trade off is having to wait that much longer for the chance to get the last few characters I want, well... It's worth it
  5. Groundhog - good to see you, weird post lol I'm glad some folks are digging the idea I threw out. I realize it's unlikely, but I really think it could be fun! I'd love some Galaxy rangers, too!
  6. Does this surprise you, though? They're running a business and they have specific ideas on how they want to run it. They have numbers to back up those ideas, too. I'm not saying other numbers don't exist to contradict that. But let me put it this way... An intelligent person can make a case for almost anything, including but not limited to the production of Netflix Daredevil Minimates. But just because a consumer - or many consumers - can make a good argument for something, that doesn't mean a business is going to do a 180 on the spot. Maybe Zach has communicated the passion for a Netflix wave to Chuck. Maybe Chuck has revisited the numbers and is considering the possibility, going forward. Or, maybe the deal would be so counter-productive on paper that there's no pitch that will get it considered. We don't know, and it doesn't matter. The money we give DST is in exchange for their product, not for shares of the company. Would I love Netflix Minimates? Probably, depending on execution. But there's enough other great product coming along that my wallet counts this as a mixed blessing. ::shrugs::
  7. I forget if this was ever mentioned, if so, feel free to delete/combine threads, but I'd LOVE to see more 80s cartoon Minimates. Either as a wave of loosely related two packs (Bravestarr/his horse, Tranzor Z/female robot, etc) I know we've talked about the big series that we'd love full lines of, but some of these could be one and done as two or four packs
  8. It appears as though you only made one. LOL
  9. Agreed on all points. And yes, the "Class of..." Joe packs would have sucked me right the heck in.
  10. I was thinking the same thing!
  11. I HAD it and remembered it being small, but couldn't recall just HOW small.
  12. A Spaniard collector? They must go for a pretty penny.
  13. The old Playmates bridge set with lights, sounds, and working doors might not be TOO terribly out of scale. That thing was awesome.
  14. I would buy the SHIT out of that Star Trek wave. Not so much the Q-Pid set, tho
  15. 1) Kind of want it for the bloodied hands 2) Is "Yay shots" a thing now? I'm all for it!
  16. Recent talk of their upcoming Minimates exclusives and the need for a Father's Day card led me to Walgreen's toy aisle today and for the first time ever, I stumbled onto a Venom. I hadn't been hunting, but I'd kept my eyes open. Seeing it in person, I snatched it up immediately. Couldn't be happier with this impulse purchase as he MIGHT be one of my top five Legends, ever. Top ten, easily. What sets him apart? - vest gives him a different look from the standard slim or bulky Legends bodies, falling betwixt the two - belt's weapons, including a painted holstered sidearm, have amazing detailing - tentacle pack just looks great - four guns for multiple posing options (though I personally went with the laser sighted pistol and a rifle from someone else) - super poseable but tight enough joints to hold poses - great "gun holding" hands - overall phenomenal aesthetic And just for fun, in no particular order? Series six Cable AoA Sunfire Stryfe Evolution 2pack Wolverine Black Widow Winter Soldier Agent Venom Hobgoblin Hasbro Dr. Doom Mojo
  17. I'll echo the sentiment that the REAL irritation here is that Chuck sounded excessively dismissive of the Netflix properties which, frankly, do stand to be better and longer lived as a whole than DC's TV Universe. Flash is great, Arrow's hit or miss, Gotham is mediocre at best, and the two newly slated shows look promising but far from perfect. And that's what almost anyone will tell you Daredevil was - perfect. We understand he differences between the licenses, we just don't understand how a person/company with faith in Gotham to move product seems to have no such faith in Daredevil. It would be like announcing a toy line for a Discovery Channel has how about dinosaurs but saying "Eh, we're not so sure about this Jurassic World movie" Do we KNOW Punisher will be in costume? I'd guess he will, if only a tactical vest with a spray painted skull, but do we KNOW? I haven't heard, personally.
  18. You have to twirl your muostache when you say it... "We... are... VILLIANS!"
  19. Colonel, I'm willing to bet at least one of us here (raises hand) might be willing to pay a quarter of the price of a boxset for your Ultron Drone.
  20. Dee Este Valo sounds like a front runner for the Iron Throne
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