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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Now watch....this thread will become page after page of "Look what I got stuck in my toilet".
  2. Has anyone played the board game High Noon Saloon? It's a great little beer and pretzels game (by that I mean it's not too complicated and plays fast- something you could do while eating pretzels and drinking beer) in which you are gunfighters in a saloon using cards from your hand to attack and placing guns in your holster for backup. You can also move freely around the bar and get bonuses per area like hiding behind the piano, attack bonus for jumping off the staircase and restoring your health with whiskey behind the bar. Combos can rack up quickly if you play your cards right. On one turn I jumped off the stairs and cracked my buddy in the head with a chair. He fought back by hitting me with a whip (causing me to drop my gun) and then proceeded to throw me out the window. I love this style of gameplay and think it'd be interesting to incorporate this into overpower. I'd replace the chair, whip, and whiskey with a mailbox, street lamp, and of course, wheatcakes. Thoughts? Ideas?
  3. I'll second the bone claw bandanna Wolvie. Let's throw in Marrow as well.
  4. Here's all my Spider-man customs along with the originals. Back row: Spider-Hulk, Spider-Thor, Black Costume, Man-Spider, Spider-Boy, Battle Ravaged Spider-man. Middle row: Iron Spider-Man, Spidey in FF costume, Ben Reily, Richochet, Spider-Lizard, Big Time Spider-Man, Cosmic Spider-Man. Lower row: Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Armor, Scarlet Spider, Peter Parker, Classic Spider-Man, Six armed Spider-Man. Front row: Amazing Bag-Man, House of M Spider-Man, 2211 Spider-Man, Cyborg Spider-Man. Platform from Young Justice line Hall of Justice Build a figure/set.
  5. I'm surprised Luke hasn't made one yet. (: Me? I'll settle for heroclix and see just how well the upcoming iPad app will do come October. Not looking forward to having to rebuy clix just to use on the screen though.
  6. I'm with you. I already replaced my meeples from Survive: Atlantis with Lego Minifigures. It's always fun to see who's the first to get eaten by sharks- the mime, cheerleader, or robot.
  7. I think the term deck building refers to the combining of two of the different factions into one team- like combining dinosaurs with ninjas. The decks are pre-built per character and included in the game- so no need for constantly buying boosters/expansions. Although I could easily see more races being added like Small World for example. Each game would essentially be a different game. Ninja Pirates one game, Warlock Aliens the next. Waiting on the rulebook pdf to show up before I make a purchase.....along with a review from if available. I had the Resident Evil card game (from a different publisher) and yeah, I agree deckbuilding games worked great in junior high when I had all the free time and money in the world. But now, being a 30 year old parent I find it tough to make the investment. The theme/art is what draws me in- and if it's something I can play on my lunch break, all the better.
  8. Spotted a new board/card game coming out this August from AEG called Smash Up. It combines deck building elements and merging two groups together to form your team each with their own abilities. Dinosaur Ninjas? Alien Pirates? Warlock Zombies? This game looks to have it all. Here's the box art: A link to the site: Excited to see more as it develops.
  9. Cool displays! I'm thinking of doing the same with my Imaginext Batcave and my Age of Apocalypse customs........some day.
  10. Slightly off topic but.... I recently saw pics of the new Young Justice Kid Flash figure with the speed effect and bent speed limit sign. Really neat concept and cool looking base. Have not seen it anywhere and even BBTS is sold out. I was able to find a DCUC Reverse Flash instead and along with my other Flash got to thinking how I could just made my own speed effect for those figures. Here's what I came up with using play foam sheets from Hobby Lobby and board game pawn feet stands: And yes, sadly those are the triscuit walls I'm surrounded by at work. Luckily, a office remodel is in the works. :biggrin:
  11. How about Spider-Man Fairy Tales? I'll post all my Spider-man customs within the week. Sadly, this isn't one of them.......yet.
  12. Where did you buy the blue foam? Great work!
  13. But he'd make for a great minimate just the same. The more unique the costume, the better the minimate in my opinion.
  14. I'm with you Nessex. He needs to come with a trenchcoat though. I was planning on buying several of the MU fig until I saw he didn't come with one. One of my favorite non X-Men, but x-related characters. IF he gets chosen, I'm buying at least six of him. Or more, depending on if I want to do his AOA version.
  15. Good to hear. (: Happy to report I found the flashpoint action league 2 pks. I was looking for. My legion of doom has almost has all it's members. Just need them to make a Luthor, Cheetah, Toyman, Giganta.....
  16. Does anyone remember the giant character cards offered thru Wizard for the first set? I picked mine up at a comic store a long time ago, they were four times the size of the regular card. I was going to frame them at one point, but held off. Ended up selling them a few years back after the IQ debacle. Oh well. So any thoughts on my first post? Making it into a dice game? How would you handle the super powers? Each character had about six or seven special cards. I ultimately want to elminate the need for any card at all other than to keep track of points. Just not sure now translate that into a dice and not end up with dice for every different character. TSR's ill received Marvel Super Hero Dice was also in my possession at one point, but never played as I found the rules confusing. A great concept, just not fleshed out. Was sad they never released the FF set or any other for that matter. My hope is that I can post my progress here and get your input on it, then offered it up as free print and play if all goes well. Maybe I should focus on just one team. Maybe just FF?
  17. No worries boyd. I was just happy that a Boogieman figure saw the light of day, let alone real ghostbuster minimates. They were my Kang.
  18. I'm the opposite. I loved the molded heads/bodys. Certain characters like the Boogie Man wouldn't have looked right otherwise (although he's the most extreme minimate I've seen). Yes, it would have been a Boogie Man minimate, but would have looked awful with a normal sized head and legs. Same goes for TMNT if ever made, would have to have molded heads and shells. Animal and robot characters can break the standard minimate body mold for me- but not humans. What would I like to see next? Build a figure would be neat or more sculpted chairs and wall displays. Luke's got it right with his new flight bases and capes. I swear he secretly works for DST. If not, they should hire him. When a fan can produce more creative product than the company itself, it's time to rethink the line. I love the selection of characters from DST but they really are limiting their potential, in my opinion.
  19. Maybe he'll be in wave 50....
  20. You wouldn't believe how hard it was to track down an image of wheatcakes online- they ended up just looking like pancakes. What's a wheat cake anyway? I was going to make one goal card that included Hypno-Hustler and Aunt May. The title of the card? GROOVY GRANNY. Impossible Man is the ungoal card.
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