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Everything posted by MinnesotaIceman

  1. Only $5? Where did you buy it? Was it new or used?
  2. Currently playing New Super Mario Bros., which I hadn't played in about three years. It's great fun. So, for that matter, is New Super Mario Bros. Wii, which I hope to get eventually. I'll probably by it during a month when no new Minimates are being released.
  3. The title says it all. For the purposes of this thread, you are limited to just one superpower. If I could have any one, I'd probably choose photographic reflexes, like Taskmaster or Echo. Also, if you did have the superpower of your choice, would you be a hero, a villain, or neither?
  4. Which Deadpool do you have? I have both of the X-Men Origins: Wolverine versions.
  5. (I'm not sure if this has been done already or not; if it has, feel free to delete this.) Of all the Minimates that you own, which one is your very favorite, and why? Mine is Taskmaster (who I got earlier this week), because of the armload of accessories he comes with.
  6. The kindness and selflessness shown by this community is indeed touching. I've visited lots of online forums, and I've never seen anything quite like it. We have some really good-hearted people here. On a semi-related note, if anybody ever finds a Molecule Man/Spider-Woman set and wants to work out a deal of some sort, feel free to PM me.
  7. My Toys Rn't Us only has two pegs for Marvel Minimates, and only carries a handful of them, all of which are from the X-Men Origins: Wolverine wave. And they only carry a few of the ones from that wave, I might add.
  8. Currently reading Loosing the Bonds by Robert Kinloch Massie.
  9. Yeah, you have a point. But still, why should I have to pay between $15 and $20 (what the Molecule Man + Spider-Woman set costs on, for example) for a set, when any other set I can get for about a third of that amount at, say, Luke's store?
  10. No, but sometimes it's nice to be able to vent a little.
  11. At the very least, DST should let us order these exclusives from their website, since Toys Rn't Us carries them, and doesn't even have most of them on their website! Seriously, they should stop making exclusives for those %@*&%@&&@.
  12. Welcome to the Multiverse! Refreshments are to your left, restrooms are to your right.
  13. Lobsterman, thank you, thank you. This thread could not have come at a better time! To Toys R Us, I say: "$^*$@&^$!*%$!^%E@^%&*^)*(P_!(@%&^@$&^$!&^$!&!*^%!$^$&(!" or something to that effect. :tongue:
  14. Agreed, Hasbro is extremely incompetent and/or sloppy when it comes to the paint quality. Do they even check these things before they're released? They are also overpriced. Even so, I do enjoy the MU figures a lot, notwithstanding these issues.
  15. Thanks, guys. Luke, will your store be carrying that set?
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