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Everything posted by MinnesotaIceman

  1. This is it for sure. But what other choices are there for "The Worthy and Mighty"? Would the Bag Man have a Spidey head or Peter Parker head? At the very least, I hope we get 'mates of the rest of the Worthy.
  2. Regardless, don't retire any of your customs. They are awesome.
  3. To any Minnesotans who may be reading this: The TRU exclusive MvC3 wave is now available at the Blaine Toys-R-Us. I picked up Thor/Amaterasu and MODOK/Akuma yesterday, and they had at least 3 more of each of them.
  4. I'm always late to these things, aren't I... Anyhoo, happy belated b-day, everybody!
  5. I enjoyed the Ben Affleck Daredevil film. Sure, it had its flaws, but I thought it was fun.
  6. Copperhead. Thanks! I think I have an old action figure of him.
  7. I second this (both the "I love you guys" part and the "thanks for not discussing politics or religion" part).
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