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Everything posted by groundhog7s

  1. This weekend I just picked up the 2 Ultimate FF tpb's and Marvel Zombies hc to read the complete story. That is the most disturbing Marvel story I have ever read and people must be extremely twisted to consider it entertaining. :o Having said that, I thought it was awesome. I can't wait for more, regardless of who they involve. They could make a zombie Howard the Duck tie-in and I'd totally be there.
  2. Are you looking to adopt anyone before the next wave comes out?
  3. These should be Minimatizeds... Shaun of the Dead Monty Python and the Holy Grail Mystery Men (I second the mothion) Golden Girls (which would have to include a nude Bea Arthur variant) I still think a Movie Maniacs/Cult Classics line of main characters from various movies would be the best possible line of Minimates ever.
  4. I like all promos. Actually, I just got tired of seeing the Bombermate v.2 being the last thread replied to.
  5. Once I get some money at the beginning of next year, I'll be pre-ordering them all through you. And thanks for what you guys do for the mate community.
  6. If I found them in a dollar bin, I'd buy them Something that Stikfas has that works for them is Hasbro. Big name toy makers rule the world (well, at least most of the toy aisles). I don't think Minimates have that much exposure to carry a game successfully. I'd love it and buy it all, but I think there's too many big names out there to justify the kind of investment they'd have to make. I still think it's an awesome idea though.
  7. I want to know also, is there a chance of a discout for pre-ordering all 4?
  8. I'm sure this has been asked before, but where's a good link to download a good photoshop program? I've got an idea, but no way to make it happen (without using crayons).
  9. As thrilled as I am about new Minimates, I'll probably sit this wave out. A line with a flaming skull, a demon and Satan based on a film that looks pretty dark just isn't very kid friendly. It always bothers me when dark, adult oriented movies have toys made for them. Kids don't need that. I'm not saying these will be geared to kids, just that I hope they're not released later at retail. This seems like a wave geared to collectors and I don't see that spreading the Minimate cause much. I'm also not happy it's another movie line so close to another one. I used to think that any Minimates is better than no Minimates, but I think I've changed my mind. And for what it's worth, my bet for wave 16 is Spider-Man, either movie based or with characters from the movie.
  10. My favorite of current lines has to be Minimates-there's nothing cooler on the market. But, my favorite line that I've been the most passionate about was Palisades' Muppet figures. Those things remind me more of my childhood than any toy I actually had and I was fortunate to be involved with the line some. I got to work with them at WWC twice, including right when the line started, was big on the message board, won contests and even have my name on the box of the coolest playset ever (the Swedish Chef kitchen). I was sad when the line ended and even more so when the company was sold. I don't think I'll ever have a chance to be apart of a line like that again.
  11. Ah, the thrill of the hunt. The day after I found all of the variants, I went back into Wal-Mart and followed a guy from my town who I know collects right to the action figure aisle, straight to the ML pegs. He started looking through for variants and I didn't have the heart to tell him they were gone. Actually, I almost laughed and gloated because he's a big jerk who used to be rude to my best friend, but I stopped myself and just walked away.
  12. I found them this weekend at Wal-Mart including all of the variants (thank goodness Wal-Mart hasn't stopped layaway just yet). This wave looks so cool. The Genis Vell variant seems to be somewhat translucent. It's a nice wave to go out on.
  13. I agree about the GSXM at Target. Indiana Targets seem to suck compared to what is found at others. I've been to several around Indianapolis and have found one Storm/Cyclops pack (which was the only one I wasn't looking for). But if you could make a Minimate out of corn cobs & cow pies, this state would be setting the standard.
  14. A bunch of Elves For anyone who wants to do a little better on shipping (maybe). I don't understand how they can justify charging $13.05 to ship 48 Elves, but it costs $11.17 to ship one Elrond. And I'm sure they wonder why they can't get rid of all of it. I'd love to get a P2 Chun-Li vs. M. Bison, but I'm not paying that much for them. I'll just take my business else where for them. Oh wait, I can't.
  15. After picking these up, I think they're great. It looked like they've sold well at the TRU I was at. A few weeks ago they had 2-3 full pegs and they now have 2 of each pack left. I hope they're doing that well other places. A month or so ago they had Speed Racer and now they don't. If only the SFII mates weren't $11.99 where I got them, I would have been perfectly happy.
  16. For what it's worth, there is a Sculpey that dries flexible. It's got all of the drawbacks of Sculpey, but makes a good cape.
  17. The paint apps look very vibrant and clean. I wonder what they'll look like when they come out?
  18. I can handle not having anything to look foward to-I've gotten used to it going to my job everyday. Here's some pics with Minimates and Heroscape. Some of the pieces I've looked at don't look to the right scale, but these seem to work.
  19. I always thought it was set in stone that Minimates fans would never get everything they want.
  20. I think the only sweet spot is if you could pick them up. At $11.99 to ship one pack of Minimates, I don't know how they can just give these away at a penny.
  21. I've never wanted to buy Heroclix, but I think I would buy Marvel heroscape stuff. Do you have a link to what's coming out and when?
  22. If I had that to bribe you with, I'm not sure I'd be using that kinda pull to get toys.
  23. I'll be picking these up tomorrow night. Part of me wants to hold off in case there isn't a series 2, but I know that if people who think that way don't buy them now, any hope of series 2 is probably gone.
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