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Everything posted by groundhog7s

  1. I wouldn't buy a Hillarymate. No way.
  2. I'm really just saying it's strange that there's actually a line that isn't continually brought up over and over again. Nobody posts, nobody asks/begs Chuck, nobody works out a new way it would work. But I'm sure that can be fixed...
  3. After watching all of the series on DVD (always just enough behind to not catch it on SciFi), finishing season 4.0 this weekend and watching Friday's episode last night, I am all caught up and am really shocked at how the last episode played out. I have to say the weirdest thing about watching the last episode was seeing commercials for the first time since I've only seen it on DVD. This leads me to believe the final Cylon is really
  4. I agree a bit with karamazov and feel that no matter what he does, it will not live up to the standards and expectations many Americans have about him. I'm sure every in-coming president has expected to bring about the kind of change and vision they believe should happen, but have to deal with the reality that change is hard. I'm not sure all of President Obama's supporters are really ready to help bring about the change he offers. I think many just want him to change things and that's not possible for any one man, president or not, to do. I'm just waiting for the hype to die down. He's the president now and I'm tired of the celebrity status and following people have projected onto him. He's just a man, not a messiah. But having said that, I would buy an Obamamate.
  5. I really don't like my toys based on a cartoon to look real. It just doesn't translate well. I just think that Destro could have been done better in this style and I assume there will be more characters like him that will fit in this category. I've heard a lot of complaints about the Storm Shadow from Resolute, but I kind of like it (kind of). And I'm all for GI Joes dying, but only if it's lousy characters that I don't like. For me, I always wished one of the Joes had bullet between Chuckles eyes. No court would convict on that one. Speaking of which, did anyone see the Robot Chicken Dr. Fumbels skit recently? It wa classic. I don't even hear the shots...
  6. I just wanted to post here to bring LOTR discussion back. With all the talk of BSG and ST being on-hold, it made me wonder why everyone still talks about SFII, but not LOTR. So, here's a tribute to Lord of the RIngs Minimates, one of the only lines to stay dead.
  7. True about the 2 faces on one mate, but since the hair is different on TNG characters I'm not sure if that could work. And I agree that TNG needs to be marketed with the main characters. It might not prolong the line as DST might have wanted, but I think it would sell and make them some money.
  8. If it's supposed to be more real life, then why are some of the costumes so bad? The pilot Destro is hideous. I love the new trooper look, but that doesn't excuse Destro.
  9. Here's what I think would be a guarenteed sell. A TNG boxset with 4 figures: Riker Troi Data Worf That would give all of the generic bodies needed. If you throw in extra heads for Geordi and Crusher, you'd be able to get the whole crew, plus ensure multiple sales of the set. Maybe add a Wesley or even a Picard head in to go with the Riker body or a O'Brien or Barclay head for Data and your set. All it would take would be a few new sculpts for hair. You can't tell me this wouldn't sell well and that the cost to make would be too much. And with all of the extra stuff coming with Minimates lately (including alternate heads), this wouldn't be too hard to pull off.
  10. At least it has the words that the final version might look different. Maybe the uniforms will be made to look more like pasta noodles before the big debut.
  11. Would it work to try and start showing interest to retailers to carry exclusive sets of these? Maybe there's not enough interest spread out over several companies, but if one retailer carried the New Caprica set or a repackaged version of wave 5 & 6 they'd be more likely to sell better for them (since they'd be the only one offering them). Just a thought. If enough of us tried to contact someone like AFX maybe they'd take a chance. And yes, I do live in Fairytale Land.
  12. Well, and wave 5 sales is what DST mentioned and there's not much re-use parts in there. I could buy multiples if there were some good parts throughout, but there's just not much.
  13. Actually, they didn't get picked up in the peak of the final season, but in the middle of the break of the final season, not the peak. Preorders went away before it started back up. I think timing might have been a huge factor in all of this and hopefully resoliciting them at Toy Fair (close to when BSG is ending and the hype will be the biggest it will be for this series) will go better.
  14. 10. Aaron Doral 9. Simon the Cylon 8. Sam Anders 7. Brother Cavil 6. Captive Six 5. Racetrack 4. D'Anna 3. Athena 2. Natalie 1. Tory Foster You knew somebody would bring up Battlestar Galactica.
  15. As cool as they are (which they are cool), do you have any idea just how much you've put into your collection? I know it must be offset some by selling your customs, but can I guess you've got a few bucks in them?
  16. I think wave 2 is Destro & Baroness packed with SE & SS. I really don't get why, but that's what I've heard. Thanks for the pics ARE-JAY.
  17. That'd be my guess also. If there was a non-blown up torso, it would have been shown. We saw both torso's for Red Skull, so I think they wouldn't hold back if they were going to make it that way. I'm sure that a normal version would be in a series 2.
  18. He's one of the few characters that I think looks better as a MM than as a regular figure. It'll be nice to see whatever else they can come up with. I'm hoping for a Dr. Mindbender to go with him.
  19. I didn't know that was French... So, does getting a license like this pave the way for more sci-fi movies that usually get released from companies that do Terminator figures? Predator? Aliens? Robocop? These movies always seem to come out together.
  20. Speaking of BTTF, I think the John Connor mate could pass for the Marty McFly mate. Having said that, if they could combine Terminator and Back To The Future, that would be the coolest movie crossover ever. You know it could work.
  21. I totally agree. And even though they aren't as visually striking as some other mates, they'll fit in perfect with the other movie-based Minimates. I can't wait to see how these look together with the Punisher War Zone set.
  22. Yep, only at TRU. Because when you think of Toys R Us, you think of gun-totting vigilantes and the villians who's faces they've carved up (in cutsey, vinyl form).
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