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Everything posted by eclipse

  1. O.K. Fizzle so i'm a slacker :biggrin: Any plans for more you say this is the group i have been very excited to finnish and as of 2 days ago and alot of pics.I hope not to many I have my round two Here we have 1 Cover Girl-driver of the Wolverine tank 2 Keel-Haul-Admiral of the U.S.S. Flagg 3 LifeLine- G.I.Joe Field Medic and a little fun tidbit in the G.I.Joe universe he is from Seattle Wa my home area. 4 Fast Draw- I have always loved his shoulder missiles and his design.He is the Joe's mobile missile specialist 5 BeachHead- one of the top Rangers for G.I.joe. 6 Alley Viper- designated as the Cobra Urban Assault Trooper.Also one of my all time top 5 vipers 7Firefly- I rank firefly personally with Snake eyes and stormshadow as far as bad a$$ goes.He is Cobra's saboteur.To this day cabra dos't even know his name.He is also a ninja master and reqires Cobra to pay him in advance for services makes no guarantees, and gives NO a custom goes he was also one of my favorites to do!! 8 Lowlight- Staff Sergeant Lowlight is G.IJoe's night spotter.He is a self-taught expert on image intensification. 9 Cobra B.A.T-The Battle Android Trooper -B.A.Ts are the perfect Cobra trooper they never stop or question orders but there is one flaw they shoot everything so cobra troopers even stay awy from them. There arm attachments are just fantastic when i was growing up and these came out they were the figure to get ,every kid had to have as many as possible 10 Lady Jaye- Alison R. Hart-Burnett specializes in Covert Operations and Counterintelligenc and she She is Airborne and Ranger qualified .Lady Jaye has always been equiped with the best gear ,her spears with all kinds of different tips they have always intrigued me as much as Alison has. 11 Rocky Balboa Last but not least Rocky was specifically recruited by Hawk to train the Joes in pugilism and of course how to take a beating.In 1987 Rocky was going to be made into a toy figure by Hasbro but it fell through.Sculpts and prototypes were even made.Rocky did appear in the marvel G.I.Joe comic "Order of Battle #2".Lary Hama peronally wrote Rockys is my reference pic I used to put him together I hope everyone likes and of course comments are most welcome I hope tis isn't to many pics there are quite a bit this time. Posting this on Christmas Eve I want to wish everyone a magical Christmas Eve and lots of excellent food :yes:L.O.L.
  2. Found these in washington tonight.This has to be a record on how fast a new wave of anything showed up on the west coast :biggrin:
  3. love the Roger Rabbit customs.i have been looking foreword to your updates the last few days.excellent work!!
  4. And I missed out. Looks like i need to talk to Pete .lol
  5. I'm glad everything got to you safe and sound and you like everything.:biggrin: I remember how bad I wanted Kyle Reese and it just so happend I got him for Christmas as well, through our secret santa.He still stands on my desk today and is still one of my favorite minimates so when I looked at your list I knew he was the first one you were getting for Christmas! Merry Christmas to you and your family Dinobot I Also got my secret Santa gift last night as well and I have to say I was a little stumped at first on who my secret santa was.It took a little homework and cutting of my box that my gifts came in to see if there was a name hiding sure enough there was so that led me to my next adventure to visit one of my other favorite minimate sites for conformation of somebody's name and I got it :biggrin: .Thank You Boyd my gifts are Awesome I now have A Shane to fight Zombies with Rick.I almost tore him open before i got pictures of everything I got a little excited.And your Christmas Goblin is over the top he will reside on my Desk with my other 2 inch treasures. So here are some pics and again thank you Boyd.Merry Chrismas to you and your family
  6. Bob your Lobster Johnson is rockin im so glad to see some more hellboy characters minimated :biggrin: . I love the shade of grey you chose.Hopefully you will grace us with a group pic
  7. Congratulations!:biggrin: Beautiful name btw
  8. Happy Birthdays to both of you!I hope you both have a awesome day :biggrin:
  9. both great places. Vancouver Wa or Portland Or I know I would choose Portland if the choice was a option. Portland is a fun little city but both are full of good people
  10. Your in my prayers my friend and I gotta tell yeah Oregon is a beautiful state.Where in Oregon if you don't mind me asking?
  11. thank you guys for the awesome feedback!! Nervous your not alone I'm a huge Doc fan as well :biggrin: Rob the croc is from the 25th anniversary g.i.joe 3 3/4 figures
  12. Its been a while but I have been working on two huge projects.Today I aim ready to show my first round of one of those projects some G.I Joe. Today is Ice Viper Tunnel Rat Hawk Hit & Run Buzzer Alpine Croc Master Doc Years ago I had to get rid of my whole G.I. Joe collection and I told myself one day I would get my collection back.The best of boath worlds Minimates and G.I. Joe.Can't go wrong there so this is my way of getting them all back .I can only hope one day D.S.T. gets the green light to make this line So on to the pics i'll let them tell the words. I hope everyone likes them.
  13. Happy Birthday,I hope its a great one :biggrin:
  14. I got a email saying mine was being processed and i should recieve my order between the 13th and the fingers are crossed
  15. yes thank you for the tip about Glenn being in stock :biggrin: Glenn down Shane to go!!
  16. Thats a fantastic pic I love it. Add me to the list who can't seem to find Shane &Glenn either.I have been to 3 toys r us stores in the last week and no dice!! My search continues
  17. that is Tyreese :biggrin:
  18. sorry to hear that I hope she is O.K.
  19. Happy Birthday and i hope its been a good one :biggrin:
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