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Everything posted by force2099

  1. Anyone spotted them in Illinois???
  2. The picture that says FF $9.99, does that mean each pack is now $9.99?
  3. This might have been answered already... But why are there barely any accessories(if any)and no stands????
  4. Are these available in the toysrus stores??? Because I just picked up the entire wave 14, but still no Street Fighter X Tekken.
  5. Squeeeeeeeeee! Is the Iron man the same one from Marvel vs. Capcom 3 line???
  6. If you live in Chicago, they are at the store
  7. SO.. does anyone know for sure if Grim Reaper's scythe is removable, because mine came with the blade reverse and it doesn't come off.
  8. There are a bunch of them in the downtown Disney store in Chicago, if anyone is close to it.
  9. Has anyone in Illinois spotted them?
  10. Went to the Schaumburg, IL toysrus on Friday and saw a whole mess of wave 10; surprised it wasn't pick clean.
  11. A happy family portrait..............
  12. So they no longer carry them?
  13. Does anybody know a good comic shop that sells mini-mates in Chicago or any suburb close to Chicago?????
  14. Hi I got an extra silver surfer and swordman to trade... I want to trade them for: Captain America (complete) from the good guy boxed set & Red Skull (complete) from bring on the bad guys boxset..... any takers???????????????? Here is the proof....................
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