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Everything posted by velvet

  1. In the write-up, DSTEsti mentioned "Lady Lori" as one of the favorites. Clearly a typo, but for some reason it got a few people worked up. I hope the "synergy" is with the FF. They are LOOOOOOOOOOOONG overdue for an update. And they have a slew of related villains and enemies to chose from that would look great in Minimate form. Mole Man and Moloids make sense. I would love to see Ronan the Accuser, Annihilus, or Dragon Man as well. shit, yeah! mole man is long overdue, in my humble opinion... and any sort of all fantastic four wave would be super-sweet. it would be very interesting to see how dst handles the unique sculpted parts for an annihulus 'mate in particular... my only real gripe is that it looks like storm is gonna have a drawn-on vest instead of a sculpted one. still, though: overall it's a great, great toysRus wave!
  2. it IS hard to swallow if ya think of these two lines as an "either/or" scenario, miry. absolutely. don't get me wrong, while i do think that some of these blammoid thingies are kinda nifty (cyborg, sinestro, wildcat, hawkman, and the demon in particular), in comparison to the dc 'mates these things are nothin'. hell, LESS than nothing. let me be on the record here, fo' sho: if i had to choose between a LEGION of blammoids and even just 2 or 3 waves more of the dc 'mates... i would go with the 'mates all the way. don't you at least like the hawkman blammoid just a teensy, teensy bit, though? when i recently saw the prototype pics of ol' carter hall i just had to admit that it was kinda cool...
  3. has anybody picked up any of those blammoid thingies today? i'm kind of curious to see what they look like up close. anybody have any comparison pics??? sinestro and firestorm are both cute as a button, i gotta say it.
  4. yeah, i really dislike those peg-hole 'mates. too. i would honestly rather display my hydra agents with their non-bulky "old school" uniforms, but those huge gaping peg-holes in their heads just bug me too much. it's sort of a bummer. i sure hope this peg-hole trend doesn't continue in the future... also, i hate to sound like a bad sport, but i wish the eyes on some of these recent masks matched better, too... the eyes on the dark avengers hawkeye and the black panther were especially mismatched and uneven.
  5. i'm away from my champions box set right now (it's in storage) so i can't check... but did the extra white arms and legs for angel's red cosume come in that set? or did you do a custom job yourself?
  6. lol. true dat! ol' miry is like havin' a marvel version of "the answer man" here at minimate multiverse. (and if you remember dc comic's "the answer man" then you are getting old like me )
  7. just got my silver surfer/swordsman 2-pack in the mail via a trade (thanks again, cramer ), and i just wanna say that it's definitely a super sweet couple of 'mates. they look even better up close--- the online pics barely do 'em justice. that base for the surfer's board is really kick-ass!
  8. That's my cue Angle started wearing that suit around the late 60's/early 70's. Or wore a suit very much like the 'variant' outfit. Originally the boots were blue as well and the whole suit was a darker shade. There's been some debate over wether or not Warren ever actually wore this outfit with white boots. During the early to mid 80's Angel was wearing the outfit from the Champs boxed set, but ditched the yellow gloves and boots for matching white. But then, Angel jumped from series to series a lot during this time as teams he'd join would go under and spent as much time guest-starring in other peoples books as anything else. I have an image in my head of Angel wearing the costume that this minimate shows, in a non-X book, but can't find it in my stuff. Anway, when Warren stopped wearing his blue/pink Apocolypse costume after becoming Archangel, he would alternate between the red and blue versions of this design sans cowl, and that blue suit definitly has the white boots. Oddly enough, officially this is the second time Warren, in that costume, has been called the variant. Officially anyway. The paint seems to be fine with me, I find the mask to be a little to loose for my taste. The same goes for Giant man's slip on mask. A loose slip on mask? Considering some of the tricks I've had to do in recent months to remove those I'm not sure I'd personally find that a problem. thanks for the info, bro. hot damn, you certainly have your marvel trivia down cold. right on, right on!
  9. hey, i apologize in advance if this question has already been asked during this thread, but could somebody tell me what era angel's blue "variant" uniform is from? when did it first show up in comics? ( i'm thinking the early to mid 80s, but i'm not sure...)
  10. got my series 31 and 32 'mates today, and all i can say is: WOW. hot damn, these waves were so freakin' NICE. as others have already mentioned, my only (very mild) complaint is the detailing on captain britain's mask. i also thought that maybe the goliath 'mate needed to include wrist bands to more fully capture the look of his costume from the comics, but i'm not sure. DID the comic version of his costume have wrist bands, gang? but, really: overall i was just blown away. that black bolt in particular was sheer PERFECTION.
  11. Yes. But that's only because it's a standard Kree Captain's uniform. The Kree are either blue, like the army builder, or "pink" like Mar-Vell. The blue skinned Kree were actually slightly the minority, represented "pure" Kree, and as such held most of the political power. The "pink" Kree were at least partially of mixed descent somewhere in their ancestory, and were at one point more numerous. The entire empire's been destroyed and rebuilt at least twice in the last dozen years, so I don't think even Marvel's decided what the current population numbers look like. Here's a link to website with some more Kree historical info, including what the different rank uniforms look like. thanks for the info, man! very cool site--- i didn't have a clue about the kree for the most part.
  12. hey, that's right, isn't it? the original captain marvel had the exact same costume as the army builder kree soldier... except he had regular flesh colored skin. right?
  13. i do kinda like the wildcat blammoid. sorry. (covering testicles with both hands and preparing myself for the incoming shit-storm... ) i really, really miss dc 'mates, though. damn, even if dc had just finished out the satellite era justice league and the golden age jsa in minimate form i would be so much less bummed out than i am now.
  14. lookin' forward to that new silver surfer. sho' nuff!
  15. the newest ship update on art asylum's site has 11/25/09 as the new date. let's hope this holds up. thanks for the info.
  16. forgive me if i overlooked the answer elsewhere, but has the actual shipping dates for series 29 and 30 been set yet? should these make it to the comic book stores in the next few weeks? (ah hopes, ah hopes)
  17. sorry if this question has already been asked, guys... but what's the deal with that little silver 'exclusive' sticker on BOTH the angel/warpath AND molecule man/spiderwoman sets ? i thought just the angel/warpath set was the short-packed set in this series? i had no prob finding the molecule man set yesterday... in fact there were 3 of 'em still on the shelves. what gives??? that facial expression on poor ol' angel cracked me the hell up, by the way.
  18. tell me about it! it's just plain cruel, i tell ya. cruel!!!
  19. yeah, congrats! this really is such an awesome (and very helpful) site.
  20. yay on molecule man... boo on spiderwoman. shit, i already have the black-suited variant spiderwoman. grrr. thanks for the info, though. now that you mentioned it i DO remember reading about that 2-pack here (around the time when the san diego con was going on, i think).
  21. the molecule man minimate i saw a pic of here (at least i think it was here)... is that one going to be included in a future TRU 2-pack, gang? and has there been any release date mentioned for that cool warpath/angel 2-pack yet? i KNOW i saw the prototype pics of THAT 2-pack here. oh, yeah: i finally scored a bullseye/moonstone 2-pack at the TRU in lexington, KY today! woo-hoo! i was THIS close to just breaking down and getting bum-raped on ebay for it, too...
  22. ahhhh! you lucky stiff. i have tried 6 different times at 3 different stores--- and still no luck. i'm glad our frustration and mortal anguish amuses you, kind sir....
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