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Everything posted by luke314pi

  1. Fujis, he looks great! I look forward to more pictures.
  2. Nice work! I love Ord and movie Mystique! Also, those bases are very inspiring. I want to make a few for myself now!
  3. My most wanted upcoming games: Mario Galaxy (Wii) Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii) Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass (DS) Dementium: The Ward (DS) Unreal Tournament 3 (PC) Guitar Hero 3 (Wii) Rock Band (Wii hopefully) Crysis (PC)
  4. Ooooo I missed the Spider-Men before. I love the Scarlet Spider and Iron Spidey. The new Wolverines are awesome as well!
  5. Thanks for sharing Ivan, your pictures were a real treat!
  6. I am glad they are continuing the series. The art and story has been consistently unique and high quality.
  7. Congratulations!! My first one is 10 months old now. Cherish these first few months - they don't stay little for long!
  8. I am really addicted to making these robo-mates now, LOL. Here are two new ones: Ethernet, made from an old network card: Cache, made from an old motherboard: And I recently dismantled a cordless phone and a power supply, so more are on their way!
  9. Shane was just looking down to make sure that the trailer hitch was functioning properly. Thanks for sharing the pics BTW!
  10. Hi guys, As some of you might remember, the release date for this game was supposed to be today. However, the game has been put on hold temporarily while Marvel Entertainment decides whether they are ok with me creating this game or not. I have pushed the release date back a month, and hopefully this will be straightened out soon. Sorry for the delay! -Luke
  11. Its really nice to see your work improving with each new custom. This is very clean, professional work!
  12. Thanks Storm, that was very helpful!
  13. I love the facial expression! Very cool!
  14. I actually think I would prefer Clayface in the 2" size. But I will be happy with him either way!
  15. Originally I was planning on getting these for custom fodder, but now that we have gotten so many great new pieces from Marvel, DC, and BSG, I don't think I will even bother with these.
  16. I just noticed that Ultron has a translucent red head, with a silver helmet on, and there is an opening in the back. So any light shining behind him will make his eyes and mouth light up!
  17. Holy crap in a stocking hat this is too much goodness to take in all at once. I am definitely getting a case each of 19 and 20. They look amazing!!
  18. The glider is all lego: Dragon wings, a bat head, and two 1x4 pieces. I might have some kind of round piece in the back for the engine, but I can't remember right now, and I'm not at home to check. The stand is cut from thick clear plastic, with notches cut to hold the glider and allow it to be easily removed. These legos are at least eight years old, but I'm sure they still use some of these pieces in current sets.
  19. They are amazing by themselves, but when you put them together in a group it is jaw-dropping. This is a magnificent collection.
  20. In case anyone was wondering, the greatest video game system of all time is not the Wii, or the 360, or even the original NES. It is the Super Megason IV.
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