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Everything posted by luke314pi

  1. If it was a situation like our Multiple Man sets, where since Diamond was already making an army builder, they were able to let us order a lower quantity (500) of an exclusive set, provided that it was produced at the same time as another release, then yes we definitely would. However if we had to meet their usual order requirements for an exclusive set (3000) we would have to pass, as I am not confident we could sell that many sets.
  2. I can chime in on the sales question - this set sold out at the retailer level before the factory even produced it. The last time that happened with a non-SDCC exclusive solicited through Diamond was the Spider-Man Friends and Foes 4-pack from 2010. It might be related to the quantities that Diamond chooses to produce certain sets at, but I would say it is a good indication of this line's popularity.
  3. Yeah I was on vacation when they were made available for retailers, and they were all sold before I could place an order.
  4. I shot a quick video showing all sides of the packaging. We started shipping these yesterday, and we have a small amount left in stock.
  5. He is now sold out - thanks everyone! Next I will turn my attention back to Marvel and WWE.
  6. I have a special custom release for you before my next Marvel customs begin again. This is a custom I have been planning on releasing for 3 years now - Jason Voorhees! He is based on his appearance in Friday the 13th Part 4 (he doesn't even get the hockey mask until Part 3!) and he includes a machete, axe, bloody knife, and gravestone. I only have parts to make 15 of him, so he is more limited than usual. My apologies in advance if you miss out - I wish I could make more! He will ship the 1st week of December, and the preorder link is here:
  7. Our site is back up and they are ready for preorder.
  8. I need to create 60 of the Luke Crate custom first, which is an alternate look for a classic Spidey villain from the 70s. As of this writing I only have 3 crates left for preorder. Then I will either create the non-Marvel custom that I was planning, or move right into the next run of Marvel customs. I haven't decided yet.
  9. From what I understand, yes, you are correct. I am excited to see the new packaging for these, even though it will probably be several months until the packaging itself is revealed.
  10. I thought of you as soon as the Joe mates were announced.
  11. Now that these are official, I am moving this topic out of possible future licenses, and into TV, Movie, & Video Game Minimates ?
  12. I'm sorry but I don't do commissions anymore. I am attaching a template here that you can use if you design your own. And here are 2 tutorials you can use: Designing Minimate Decals in Illustrator Designing Minimate Decals in Photoshop
  13. I'm SO excited to see Blaster! When I was a kid he was my 2nd favorite Autobot after Optimus.
  14. Yes in that case we would hold these and ship them together. If you would prefer them to ship separately just shoot me an email - sometimes a bit more shipping fees are needed.
  15. One person on Instagram said it was the original head that the G1 figure came with, and someone on Facebook said it was Bumblebee in battle mode. I love Transformers, but I am not a super fan, so I'm not sure which is correct. I love how you can see the Matrix of Leadership in Optimus's chest!
  16. 5 out of the 12 are from the X-Men side of Marvel, although not necessarily from the main Uncanny X-Men / X-Men titles. I would say that among those 5 there is a healthy mix of different X-titles and years represented.
  17. I have my next 24 customs planned out. I also keep a spreadsheet for what parts from each set I am able to use, and then I know what parts are available for future customs. For example, at one point I had 35 sets of Patch/Lady Deathstrike. So with my spreadsheet I knew that I could use Patch's upper body for Arcade, lower body for Black Tom, and Lady Deathstrike's hip piece for Jack of Hearts, one arm for In-Betweener, hands for Black Tom, and an upcoming use for her legs. Here are some fun numbers: My customs have used parts from 90 different Minimate base figures so far, and let's assume each Minimate has 8 usable parts (hair, head, torso, set of arms, set of hands, hips/legs, set of feet, one accessory). That is 720 different usable parts available to me. I probably average 30 customs per release, so I am drawing upon a pool of over 21,000 Minimate parts to create these customs.
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