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Everything posted by luke314pi

  1. I found a supplier with tanks that are in-scale with Transformers Minimates AND in the same deformed style as other Minimate vehicles AND are in the colors of the two Decepticon tanks Brawl and Blitzwing. They will be available separately this Saturday at Minimate Showcase Day. ?
  2. Public preorder is live:
  3. The preorder link for Chamber was just emailed to previous subscribers! After their 24 hour preorder window is up, I will post the link here for public preorder. Chamber is a limited edition of 40 and includes a scorched wall accessory.
  4. I would actually appreciate this as a figure - I would find it very meaningful as that was such a shocking moment for me as a kid. And it would give DST an excuse to use that mold again. ? These are my next 2 biggest wants by far - I'm really hoping we get them in Series 4. I think the Minimate body will suit Hot Rod very well.
  5. I guess this hint was too easy ? - yep it's Chamber!
  6. Ah, I only saw his first appearance, which was labeled as a guest appearance. That is really cool - I will have to check out the other episodes.
  7. I am nearly finished with Doppelganger Captain America / Mr. Fantastic. I expect my next Marvel custom to be up for preorder in the next 2 weeks. Here is a hint for my next character: This mutant has been a member of the X-Men, Generation-X, New Warriors, and New Mutants.
  8. I know some of you already knew this, but for those who didn't, Goldberg was a guest star on an episode of The Goldbergs! Goldberg comes with an alternate head and a set of two head stickers featuring his older appearances. There is an extra option on the preorder page if you would like 2 of him, with the 2nd one having the older stickers applied. Preorders are here:
  9. Did any of these wrestlers actually guest star on those shows? ?
  10. Here is a hint for my next WWE custom: This wrestler was a guest star on a TV show that shares the same name as him. X-Pac will ship tomorrow!
  11. Good ideas! I supposed you could also include Kang with his energy backback connected to his gun - the proper comic Kang is quite rare these days.
  12. True - and actually you could easily have 2 versions of Drax in the Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity War box sets - the slightly smaller, smarter Drax in the former, and the Hulk-sized dumber Drax in the latter. ?
  13. I love these lists, and I would be happy with any of them. I would also love to see: Infinity War (This set assumes we get AFMcGill's excellent Infinity Gauntlet suggestion above) Thanos, Adam Warlock, The Magus, Quasar, Gamora (classic costume), Doppelganger Iron Man Wrecking Crew Battle damaged classic Thor, Bulldozer, Piledriver, Thunderball, Wrecker, Titania
  14. Thanks guys! Here is the preorder link:
  15. Emails just went out. This release is Doppelganger Captain America and Reed Richards! They were created by The Magus (Adam Warlock's evil side) during the original Infinity War event to replace or kill their real versions (Doppelganger Spider-Man from Marvel Minimates Series 76 was created at the same time). Reed's base is made up of orange tentacles because that is how these creatures form (see Iron Man pic below). This custom set is a limited edition of 40. Public preorder link will be posted tomorrow.
  16. It has not been guessed yet, but I didn't really expect this one to be guessed. Sometimes I go a bit more obscure, and this release is definitely a passion project for me, as the characters are from my favorite comic storyline when I was a kid.
  17. I am changing things up this time. These last 2 years have taught me how unpredictable everything can be, and I don't want to commit to a subscription just in case I am not able to finish all of the customs, or drag it out over multiple years if I get behind. But I do want to still give my previous subscribers first dibs on new customs to make sure they can reserve the ones they want before they sell out. So starting with this custom I will be emailing my past subscribers and anyone else who bought the majority of my Marvel customs with the opportunity to reserve it 24 hours before it goes up for public preorder. If anyone would like me to use a different email address than the one I have on file for you, send me a message wherever we usually chat.
  18. Good question - they are from a comic that an MCU Marvel movie is named after.
  19. New Marvel custom going up for preorder this Saturday! Actually it's really 2 customs, although the 2nd figure has a unique base instead of legs. I always try to make new characters that have not been made in Minimate form, so while these characters kind of look like existing characters in a way, they are not. They are from a comic that a Marvel movie is named after.
  20. Typically the minimum production number is 3000 sets, but it may be higher if they need special tooling. I do agree that these could do well for us, but not 3000 sets well. We just don't have that kind of reach.
  21. I meant to get this up for preorder yesterday, but the day got away from me. X-Pac is my next WWE custom, and he is up for preorder! He comes with an alternate torso block with an NWO logo. He is a limited edition of 25, and he will ship in 6-8 weeks. You can preorder him here: For those of you who ordered The Rock, he is now shipping for anyone who selected individual shipping. After X-Pac there is only one WWE custom left in this set. That cracked me up ?
  22. I almost always use Adobe Illustrator, but I have designed some in Photoshop as well. Here are 2 tutorials you can use: Designing Minimate Decals in Illustrator Designing Minimate Decals in Photoshop
  23. The Rock is now shipping, and on Sunday I will be putting a new WWE custom up for preorder. Here is a hint: This wrestler the only person to have been an active member of both the DX and the nWo in the 90s.
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