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Everything posted by Mirymate

  1. Well when they put a black wash on the first bulked up Thing, they used to much and it made the figure look muddy. And we all complained. So now we've swung too far in the other direction. >shrug< Or, we could be looking at the next level of recessionmates.
  2. Blame it on that passage from the Savage Land into South America. A somehow radioactive mutant pteranodon makes it's way through it and attacks an expedition in the Andes, which included a young Carl Lykos. Several members of the party, including Carl's father are killed and Carl himself is bitten. Somehow, the creature's bite passes it's radioactivity to Lykos, making him something of a life-force vampire needing to drain others to survive. Carl does his best to control his condition, becoming a phsycian and hypnotherapist that drains a little of his patients' energy with each visit. But when Carl takes Alex Summers as a patient and gets his first taste of mutant energy, he transforms into into a pteradactyle like monster with hypnotic powers while retaining his energy draining nature. Thus began Lykos' Jekyll and Hyde existence. The more mutant power the self dubbed Sauron drains, the longer he can remain in monster form. There is some evidence to suggest he copies certian abilities along with a mutant's energy, he has claimed to have absorbed Wolverine's healing power on a number of occassions. These days, a stint with Weapon X gave him the ability to project bio-energy force bolts from his hands and the ability to breathe fire, though the latter ability maybe have been a hypnotic illusion. There is a race of flying lizard men native to the Savage Land called Pterons that look exactly like Sauron, but without any exotic powers. No firm conection between the Pterons and Lykos has ever been established. It's possible the Reapers are members of that race and maybe they'll explain why Carl transforms into essentially one of them.
  3. Looks silly on a flying base, JMO. But maybe on the 48 Torch base it might look better.
  4. Radioactive were-pteranodon, HS, gotta remember that radiation. And at least one source claims his hypno-power is his latent mutant power now linked to his transformation. That's right gang, Lykos is a mutant (maybe) who was bitten by a radioactive pteranodon, which turned him into an energy draining were-creature with "wacky vision". Sauron: so much more complicated than you ever imagined.
  5. Yeah but IIRC Viper wasn't in the mini-series. Just trying to be at least semi-faithful to the material. But yeah, I'd rather have Viper too. Puck would be a guess. Or Blaquesmith (Cable's little telepathic buddy) Because, you know, that movie isn't crowded enough. (No I don't think even Singer can pull this off)
  6. Paaaatience, young grasshopper. It is not yet time to panic buy. There has not yet been even the sample case online. Mystery keeps watch. If it seels out online a second time... then you panic. (if this is the a case where for some bizare reason they don't turn up on the TRU website, which has happened at least once before, then we ALL panic, and you'll look like a genius)
  7. That's because the last Wolverine movie was less kid friendly than the previous X-films. Ditto X:FC. It's why, IMO, Dark Knight toys never seem to move as well as they "should" because despite it being Batman; the movies just aren't kids appropriate. (forget friendly, I have a decently mature 11 y/o that I won't let see Dark Knight. Too intense, there will be nightmares) Marvel self produced films somehow manage to be entertaining to adults, and mostly kid friendly, so their toys sell better. (at least from my limited observations) "The Wolverine" and X-4 are going to be dark, dark movies just from proper treatment of the subject matter. That limits the kids audience (at least it should from parents with sense), thus limits the toy sales. Or Disney is just being jerks and trying to pressure Fox into handing things over by limiting the licensing revenue. Wouldn't rule that out either. As far as minimates... Maybe a boxed set honoring the Wolverine miniseries with a black clad Wolverine, Silver Samurai, Yukio, and ninja could serve as a "oh what a coincidence" not-movie tie in.
  8. and Red Shift. and the Fallen. and possibly Tyrant. (wouldn't want to seem greedy, now would I?) Great pics, GH.
  9. Grim is an understatment, since I agree with Valo. Usually Zach pops on to drop torturously vague clues by now, but he's still in TF recovery mode.
  10. Okay. I can breath now. Dude, as a man locked in an ongoing battle with depression myself, that last post had me worrie all day, Rich. If you need to talk...
  11. What you are describing would put a strain on any marriage, and stress tends to bring out the worse in people, ourselves included. If you love her, do what you gotta do.
  12. Hey, leave Shatner alone. Sure he's been obnoxious for years untold but at 81 he's finally reached the age where when he makes an @$$ of himself everyone just writes it off as endearing old-wacky-say-anything guy. (which is a personal goal to try and live long enough to reach that point myself) But my, the threat of violence is almost tangible around here. People wanting to strike babys, the elderly, and anything in between. Deep breathes, boys, deep breathes.
  13. Well we could have Malice and Menace team up with other Malice (the Marauder) as the Malices of Menace.
  14. Am I right in assuming that the two Torches are the same color? Can TRU Torch use 48 Torch's firey hands? Many thanks for the pics, many appologies for the question blitz you're about to receive.
  15. "Yes, you're very smart.Now shut up." -Grandpa the Princess Bride
  16. What I fear is we'll get a sweet Power Loader vehicle... and a queen that is only a slightly built up 2" body. And then, I'll be forced to strangle Chuck for his strict 2" rule. Then BHM will be mad at me for disappearing again while I serve jail time for assault with intent to moiderize.
  17. Emma Frost = gray girl. Like Magneto, I think her goals and the X-Men's have matched up since Genosha. That and her love for Scott have kept her on the side of the angles. Now she feels betrayed by Scott, and with his team because she has no where else to go. What the future brings is unclear at best. I think she and Magnus are one big push away from villainy again. (as villainous as Emma ever was, she was always more greedy and aristocratic than hardcore evil) YMMV (and somehow I'm pretty sure Matticus' does) Of course, Scott really needs to go ahead and invite Marko onto his new team, just to round out the group.
  18. No I'm pretty sure Alaska got 14 before VA.
  19. No love in the triangle, no surprise to anybody.
  20. I guess i comes down to this simple philosophy for me- A hero does what's right, not what's easiest. Killing is what comes easiest for Wolverine, he and Vic are just built for it. That Wolverine was trying to be better than that was what made him different from Sabretooth who has clearly given into it. Lately the difference comes down to what cause they kill for. That's just not heroic to me. YMMV. Wolverine was put on the Avengers for sales reasons. No one denies that. I just don't think he "fits" storywise. Okay, I get that he was recruited to help them root out corruption in SHIELD, cause I guess for whatever reason they must have figured Tasha was too close to find it. But that whole conspiracy story sort of fizzled out, or written off as Skrull infiltration, cause to my memory it was never definitively resolved. Then I swear his in story reason for being there got lost in the shuffle of the whole Civil War/Dark Reign thing. Really thought he was done being an Avenger when Cap threw him off the plane last summer. Apparently not though. Always thought Storm, Colossus, and Havok were better "fits". Of course that was before Piotr's recent dark streak. Again, YMMV. But to be back on track for the thread... These were announced at TF, 3.75 poorly articulated Wolvie All-Stars featuring what I can only guess is movie Silver Samurai >shrug< Make of it what you will.
  21. I guess, if I have a complaint about TRU wave 16, and the Marvel Now line up in general is that there's only one villain. Sure, you can make an arguement about Spidey, Emma, or Piotr as depicted being "the bad guys" in their stories, but it's not going to stick. >sigh<
  22. How about just most of the ducks? To me continuity is a tool that can aid good story telling in a shared universe, not a straight-jacket. You also gotta be flexible, but on the other hand you have to be willing to play well with others. Let me clearer about Wolverine... I liked him better when he was trying harder to restrain his baser instincts, when killing somebody bummed him out because it represented him not trying to be a better man. Now he kills at whenever wherever, it makes him the Punisher with claws, and thus less interesting to me. (and totally unsuited for the Avengers as I like them best, but that's another issue) WatXM was the first glimmer of the character I liked with him trying to be respectable and head up the school. X-Force sits at the other end of that spectrum, and probably why I just skim that book to keep track of Warren and Betsy. Guess I'm just old that way.
  23. I love how ticked some of us still get whenever something else not minimates gets annouced from DC. It's like that old girlfriend who dumped you to date someone you consider dorkier than you. Sure she was hot, and the girl you're with now is much hotter and nicer, yet every new dork she dates ticks you off. I don't even want her back, but still stuff like this is just a little galling.
  24. Well, matticus, you are certainly going to be interesting to have around. And I mean that in the "always good to get the opposing view" kinda way.
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