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Everything posted by MisterMiracle

  1. I didn't even notice it's just the regular version of Jungle Predator again. That's a huge bummer UNLESS they finally throw in that Minimate skull and spinal cord accessory!
  2. I had both Stockman and Saki in my cart at Luke's at one point and then when I went to order them they were both out of stock. I can grab the TRU TMNT 5 sets at cost + shipping if you need help tracking them down.
  3. They were on there the first week they came out but there hasn't been any since. They are pretty much impossible to get unless you want to drop $80+ on a case.
  4. They're popping up in my area now so I can also help out whoever wants these at cost + shipping.
  5. Yeah, someone posted the list and pics for the new Alice stuff in the Alice thread.
  6. And they're out of stock now. I love the TMNT line but this is beyond frustrating at this point.
  7. It would give him the height but it would probably look too skinny
  8. I have no interest in the Space Turtles. Check your inbox.
  9. I don't think Colossus looks quite right bulked up. He's a big guy but not huge like Hulk or Juggernaut.
  10. Wow, that original set was released 12 years ago?! Now I feel old! Sunfire, Thunderbird and Banshee all look great. I've already got multiple versions of the other ones so I'm not quite as excited about those ones. I think the chrome look on the original Colossus has still been the best looking one so far.
  11. I think astronauts would make a good addition to the MAX line if it was revisited.
  12. Really?! I haven't seen any advertising at all for that. I'm looking forward to this new season now that they're out of space and back in NYC. Zach, any updates on a Series 6 line-up now that 5 is already out?
  13. I can get you the Mikey/Chrome Dome set. I was FINALLY able to track down blind bags series 4 (and blind bags series 5). I'd been to over 10 comic shops in the past month or so. Unfortunately, the order of the mates in the case were not right so they must've been mixed up before they put them out. I bought $52 worth of Minimates (4 bags of Series 4, 4 bags of Series 5) and only ended up getting 1 figure out of the 4 "rare" mates that I actually wanted. In conclusion, I'm still not too fond of blind bags. On a related note, does anyone need some Kraang (blue or silver)?
  14. Serisously?! I don't even think we've seen yay shots yet. That was fast.
  15. I picked up the red Alien. What movie was that one from?
  16. I fished my wish! More mousers!!! I'll take any mousers that anybody doesn't want! I'm hoping that means that we'll see them in the TRU wave as well. Do we know when those are supposed to hit? Are the chemical beakers the same ones from the Muppets Bunsen & Beaker? I know this is probably a long shot but I'll take any help I can get on Space April and Hamato Yoshi (still need Saki & Stockman from wave 4 )
  17. Dante from the Marvel vs. Capcom Box Set has a white coat.
  18. That's the one thing that's really annoying me about Minimates right now is that I simply can not buy the figures that I like. I've never seen anything past Series 1 at any of my local Walgreens.
  19. I saw it last night. I thought it was...okay. I thought Deadshot and Waller were great. Harley Quinn was pretty good. I didn't really care for The Joker. I thought the main villains were kind of lame.
  20. It looks like Spider-Man and Deadpool keep skipping leg day at the gym. The Armory Spider-Man minimate looks black so it's a good alternative for Amazing Fantasy #15 Spider-Man if you can't track that down.
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