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Monkey Lord 5000

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Everything posted by Monkey Lord 5000

  1. can someone close this thread and get me my god damn cheese! and i am a forum lurker because me no good at making forums unlike pizzas i make dem real nice
  2. Were we supposed to receive something like that? I didn't got it. Yet. I not even got a T42 movie question! Neither did I, on both counts I guess I can always oblige with a guess-this-random-movie-quote though: "So... we meet at last, whoever you are." Oh, and apologies for hijacking ML5000's thread I don't know of any Ben 10 customs yet, though I have heard of different people doing customs of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Danny Phantom and Avatar (The Last Airbender) at one point. Though I feel somehow unwelcome, I actually know this one! I think. My Answer: right? ok i take back the chat thing what the hell is spaceballs
  3. you guys crack me up and to be honest i dont know what i said its just that i like the whole raffle idea and would be good for me if i happened to get picked because not only is it hard for me to find minimates in wales, but my mother does not approve of them
  4. feel free to chat and bob no we werent supose to receive gifts its just an excuse to not pay
  5. ok dont worry wouldnt want to keep you up you area brilliant customizer so please somebody i have the picture in my head please?
  6. Good eye. i may not be as retarded as i look-er uh sound-er uh read yeah and are you thbe one who runs mmhq if so good tio speak to you
  7. So will you do it free of charge i cant pay you but it would be good o and in july it is my birthday so it could be a welcome to the forums birthday present! i will be gone as off june 7th so please anyone please!
  8. Sorry to be a bother but do you remember the good old days when they would choose a random person and give them something i really want to start this again and as i was the one to propose we start it again i say that i choose or recommend a person or just give it to me :biggrin: so whoever has the job that allows them to start theese things please restart it! So if anyone agrees say pleaserestartitpleaserestartitpleaserestartit!
  9. There are 3 reasons why i cant make them: 1)I lack customizing ability the closest thing is sticking bluetack on a minimate (wich didnt go well!) 2)my mother does not aprove of me buying minimates let aalone customise them! 3)a reason i cant explain.... (okay i couldnt think of a third one!)
  10. sorry if its been pre-posted but shouldnt venom scorpion spiderman watever he is have 4 legs on the spider symbol it only has 3 on the da minimates
  11. Just want to see if anyone has made any ben 10 minimates opr planning to? I would really want to see some please somebody make them!
  12. shouldnt batzarro have chains on his belt? and great work on customs please do riddler and joker please
  13. if iim not mistaken daken or the "other wolverine dude with funny claws and a mohawk" as i like to call him does have three claws in the correct places also the hair will probably be reused for the secret wars storm
  14. Just want to say if that is a after hulk banner shouldnt it have riped trousers but if its pre hulk shouldnt it have a shirt or something? just saying i mean your still awesome
  15. awesome you remain the best customiser i have ever seen! If there is a god of minimates you would be it! p.s wouldnt that be a cool custom a 3 inch god with 2 inch jesus!
  16. Did you say jugsment? Actually jugsment would make sence as its a female minimate and they are usually depicted with big how you adults say "jugs"
  17. ALL absolutely awesome! And im pretty sure that the background is white with maybe a slight hint of pink
  18. That was totaly awesome!!!!!! And for the man batt going with magneto helmaet or sculpy or both!!!! But what i liked about the original was that it had claws it needs claws!!!! Na just kiding (claws) awesome as always keep it up!!!
  19. Okay yeah great!!! p.s is juilliet crying if so the effect is good!
  20. I absolutely love this wave i am a big spuidey fan!!! they all look great and the only one i dont know is spiderwoman and vault guy but they still look cool!! so could people stop dissing this wave please!!!
  21. Does anyone else see a venom comng?
  22. nice!! You know comparing theese to your old customs you are much improved!!!!!
  23. just checked AA and there is now 7 codes so whats the 7th? or has it already been posted, could it be the variant?
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