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Everything posted by funkguerilla

  1. Sorry to break the chain of woes guys, but guess who just found this wave? Well most of it anyway. Seems like there's a huge fanbase for Magick and Warlock in Burbank. Meanwhile, I'm SUPER stoked to have Cannonball and Shatterstar. I also checked the TRU in Glendale, CA to no avail. Just rows and rows of Mr Fantastics.
  2. Hey, thanks for the compliments everyone! two things: 1- Yeah that fireman's hook is a bitch. It's really just a prop for him to lean on, but not really hold on to. It works much better than anything else though. 2- I would absolutely do that if I had a HydroMan. He's one of the only minimates that have slipped past me.
  3. That is some fantastic work! I've never thought I'd be pining over a Sleepwalker minimate. Also: Woulda believe that I took a crack at this last week? I posted the results here:
  4. Normally, I'm not one for making customs. I either don't have the skill, patience, or motivation to make figures that are exclusively my own. Until this year, that is. I've been jamming on some Quick Customs recently, to varied success, which really whetted my appetite for something more. So I present to you, my very first truly custom figure: 8-Ball. For those not in the know, 8-Ball was a villain for Marvel's Sleepwalker in the early 1990s who has only made sporadic appearances since. You can read more on <a href="" target="_blank">my blog</a>, if you pardon the blatant plug. Hope you like it.
  5. That terror is amazing! Now you just need to make a darkhawk, sleepwalker, and nfl superpro to complete that 90s misfit set.
  6. Does it really bother you that much that they're trying to diversify the toy line? I get that you're just trying to crack a few jokes, but it seems way off base. If I were a Black, Asian, Native American, or even Indian kid, I would totally want the opportunity to make my toys look like me. I would like it more if they were easier to find, but hey, whatever. And that's not political correctness, that's just recognizing the fact that not everyone who collects toys, or does the jobs that are represented by these figures, are white guys. I'm just saying.
  7. Thanks guys! Yeah, that does seem to be the case. You know, until you mentioned I didn't notice at all. When did they start that trend?
  8. Also Also, I finally found something to do with all those Spidey's I had laying around. A quick switcharoo with the arms of the newest six-armed one, and a head swapped for the Spider-Carnage from wave seven and BOOM! Instant Doppleganger. It's pretty sweet, and WAY cooler than just a plain ol' six armed spidey. Hopes ya digs.
  9. I found the remenents of this wave in Burbank this morning. Of course all the good exclusives were picked over, but it's still cool to find a Lizard. BTW, they've started stocking them in both the 'adult collector' aisle as well as the Marvel Aisle, so keep your eyes open. Also Also, I check Atwater Village and they had nothing but tons and TONS of Dr. Doom/Mr Fantastic packs. I'm gonna try to check again later this week, maybe wednesday. I'll let you know what happens.
  10. Nothing yet. Although, I only tried one TRU on friday and have refused to go around there since. I'm waiting for the weekend crowd to dissapate a bit before I go looking again tomorrow morning. I'll let you know if I find anything.
  11. I had this one in my head from the first day I saw those minimate MAX figures. Say hello to Monstro. "Who? What?" You say. It's cool, he's fairly unknown. This guy first appeared in Amazing Fantasy 15 (vol 2) as a superpowered firefighter hiding out after he accidentally killed his family. He's super strong, super durable, and super haunted by his past. He's classic Marvel. Anyway, all I did was take the head from a Wonder Man figure and the hair from an unused Cable figure and presto! Passable Monstro. If you wanted to get really fancy, you could repaint a Venkman hairpiece to give a more accurate hairline. For me though, this totally works. I hopes ya digs.
  12. Man, I'm ridiculously excited for that Cannonball and Shatterstar. Like way more excited than anyone should ever be excited for Shatterstar, unless you're Rob Liefeld. Also, it looks like that Brown Wolvie and Magneto are part of the next TRU wave, along with the New Mutants and X-Force fillers. Good times! Here's hoping they reveal a few more.
  13. I recently ran into the same problem when I belatedly got this set. I opted for a combo approach. I took the chest piece off and jammed a toothpick in the holes to make them bigger. Not a lot bigger, but just enough. Next I put the chest piece back on (better stability that way), slobbered on the arm pegs, and jammed them in the holes. Wouldn't you know it, here I am a few weeks later and I haven't had a problem since. Crazy simple. Thanks to all of the unmentioned sources of this combo approach.
  14. The Monterey Bay Aquarium? They strike me as more West Coast than East.
  15. This is what happens when you buy Universal Monsters and the King of Atlantis at the same time. Poor Namor...
  16. Continuing my theme of recreating 90s era Fantastic Four characters, I made a Savage Sub Mariner today. If you too want your very own Jae Lee-inspired Namor, all you need is the Invader's Namor from a couple years back and an Atlantean solider. Just combine the long black hair, along with the sharp wrist thingies, with your speedo Namor and BAM! It's like it's the 90s all over again. Hopes ya dig!
  17. I found the last set I needed (Namor/Atlantean) in Burbank today. They had the rest of the set there too, so if you're in the LA area, you should jam on over. Also, Minimadman, great job with that animation.
  18. You guys are nuts. Those crazy moon boots on The Thing are awesome! It's a great way to add bulk and height to the character without resorting to those horrible duck feet. And really, if the choice was Duck Feet or Moon Boots, wouldn't you choose the boots?
  19. I call this one making lemons out of lemonade. Basically I had no immediate use for another Victor Von Doom, let alone his first appearance, but that doesn't mean I couldn't use a Kristoff Von Doom. For those not up on your mid-90s DeFalco Era Fantastic Four (and I don't blame you, it's terrible), Kristoff is the kid that was groomed as Vic's replacement, who after Vic disappeared decided to take up the Doom mantle for good. So for a span he joined the Fantastic Four where he played a dual role as a young Cassie Lang's love interest (he was 12) and a fill-in smart guy for the Four in place of the recently "deceased" Reed Richards. But I digress... It's a pretty simple part swap: I used the new TRU Doom for the base, swapped out his legs for some black ones (in this case, the crappy Friends and Foes Black Cat), and switched the arms with the Secret Wars Doom. Before you knew it, I had a pretty spiffy looking (and almost perfect) Kristoff. Now only if they'd release a 90's "Peek-A-Boo" Sue and a Lyra I'd be in business. Hope you dig it.
  20. Thanks for the tip Hellpop. Upon reading I ran out and lo and behold, I found almost the entire wave here in Sunny SoCal. Now I'm only looking for that Namor set, but that can wait for a while, methinks. Hooray for new minimate day!
  21. But what if the next Dr. Doom was Doom 2099? I'd be screaming with excitement if they announced that.
  22. Amen brother. I can understand the appeal, like I understand why people wanted the Silver Age X-Men set, but it just seems boring. Four figures that look almost exactly the same? Come on. Poor Cannonball is just gonna look like a blond dude, he might as well be Doug Ramsey at that point. I'm with you in hoping for a Liefeld New Mutants set, or at least something with more flair. I'd like to have a Cannonball who's more than just a generic looking drone.
  23. Like a lot of these stories, my name comes from my first experience online when I was 13. I think the convo went something like this: "Hey Dan, I need a cool name for my new Hotmail account?" "How about FunkGuerilla" And lo, the legend was born. Since then I've cultivated the name enough that I'd be sad to change it. Or I'm just lazy, either way. As for the Avatar, it's the funniest panel from The Goon ever. It's the perfect size and perfect randomness and I loves it. So there you go.
  24. There should be a total of five pistols in that set, three silver and two black. Sorry if you missing them. If it makes you feel any better, they kind of restrict poseability when the guns are in the holsters.
  25. Yeah we need some answers! haha And hopefully they announced wave 38!!! FF wave PLEASE!!! The front page of AFI so far lists.... Thor & Captain America Movie Mates coming. Daredevil as a Bad Guy Looking at doing The Real Ghostbusters Animated Possible Villians down the line in M.A.X. Man i hope thats not all that they announced...I mean we called all those i was hoping for a wave 38 announcement.. Unfortunately it was. Chuck was pushed to reveal more, but he wouldn't. In fact he mentioned that they haven't even planned the waves past 37. It was kinda underwhelming. but hey, Chuck seemed like a really cool guy and the line didn't sound like it was going to end anytime soon, so there's that.
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