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Everything posted by Cyc

  1. It does look like that, but then why the jump in price between...
  2. But given she came out over a year before Civil War even started, understandable. Not to mention that Spidey's choice of upcoming post Civil War/third movie tie-in costume is another chase that people would kill even more for than Julia... I guess the Giant X-Men box is/was still just a retailer exclusive (Diamond) and thus doesn't breach their rules about no chase re-releases, but it has given it a big old shake.
  3. Mind-controled killer clones, performing brain surgery upon said killer clones while their starring brainlessly ahead, hiring the bad guys due to a manpower shortage because your next batch of mind-controled killer clones isn't ready yet, gee ya think the Pro-Regs are the bad guys? Also recent official discussion about the last page in #4 is making me cry out. Let's make Avengers our big names = New Avengers, well, we need a similar group of only our big name drop baddies, so let's turn the Thunderbolts into that
  4. The production run/case numbers screams it's a specialty only line. 500 of each style is an insanely small number given that retailers have to buy by the case and may end up wanting one of each style, and that means Diamond can only supply either a)Preview orders or retailers like TRU, and the big boys would want large production runs. Given that this is a place-holder/gauge demand of license release, makes more sense to target the specialty market also, even if that backfired with the SF mates...
  5. I doubt that. I mean, if it was true, Spidey would grow his own web shooters or something..... *lets a long sob at how crappy modern Spidey has become because of things like that*
  6. Speaking of which, I was bored at the comic shop today and stumbled across good old #83 where they had their last really large Minimate article (due to the then upcoming release of C3) and Power Man/Iron Fist exclusive. Pity there doesn't seem to be any interest in another one. Too much overstock perhaps?
  7. Think about those of us overseas then, if it's a mail-away then it becomes much harder for us and leads a extreme level of abuse of friendship...
  8. Why they were removed from Wizard site a few months back, to allow them to sell us printed versions in ToyFare
  9. I seem to recall people asked why Wizard took them down, that's why.
  10. And blind packing army builders doesn't hurt so much
  11. All things considered, getting the 4-packs out makes more sense, as the direct market two packs have a chase to entice us to buy them.
  12. It's balanced out with things like detailed paint apps at the scale of Minimates is supposedly more complex/expensive than for larger figures. IMO the need AA seems to have for other licenses indicates they're probably hitting the backroom roadblocks with Marvel and DST with delays on the Marvel mates and the total re-ordering of the BSG mates.
  13. Congrats, and while you might lament your perceived lack of speed, nobody can knock dedication to simple but extensive quality of your reviews is a large part of showing me the value of Minimates back before the site's name change
  14. I think this two-pack is as close as we'll get to X-men: The Last Stand mates. But I do worry about how they'll sell if they're all the same in ever case...
  15. Resoliciting Series 1 is another not so great sign that the line is stalling
  16. ugh, you have to manually remember to force the inclusion of your signature with every post...
  17. For what ever reasons, given there was history with why they deep-sixed their original boards, once again has forums, complete with sub-forums relating to toys. Another location closer to trying to show there is still interest in Marvel Minimates...
  18. Because of the delays with Civil War, there are definately clues in future comic solicts, with the mention of Ares joining the mix (and turning up because Herc bought it would make sense) and the return of the original Hawkeye on a future team (which may require bumping off the present Hawkeye)
  19. Ah, much more custom creation friendly, hat and shirt don't have any distinctly frog stuff to be stripped off them
  20. Physical customs? I'd say slythe Opposed to this guy with alot of design images who I can't recall (warning, 200+ images)
  21. Also just looked it at again and realized he's also sporting the same feet that the Pengiun would seem to have as well. But amusing that poor Sam can't see straight ahead, some stuff doesn't work as well in 3D does it
  22. Hm.... unique arms. Not pieces attached to normal arms (like say Man-Bat) but appear to be literally unique arms.
  23. damn. damn..... I feel really guilty having only "paid" as much as I have for something like that, she looks great
  24. Well, people didn't go for resin, and Hasbro is really pushing die-cast... ^_^
  25. But we also don't have an official statement that there are issues with Series 2, so retailers probably have less information about this than we do.
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