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Everything posted by Cyc

  1. Perhaps, but new molding after the part reuse wave eases the pain...
  2. Torn, some of my fav characters are chases and they do tend to help sales by forcing people/stores to order more to cover demand.... but.... yeah, often to hard to get.
  3. Transformation Spidey looks good, and nice to see they aren't reusing Transformation Venom's chest piece, Sandman seems like a logical jump and that non-standard limbs (not just parts worn over the standard limbs) are possible. But Venom looks like he's been completely created in Photoshop, ugh...
  4. Whoah boy, in hindsight blockbuster movie means all part reuse style cost restraint gone, with full web patterns to transformation Venom. Evil Parker just sings but yeah, Transformation Venom. I wonder how much of that will transfer over to Transformation Spidey?
  5. Target GG's lack of glider is easy, he's just a repaint of Classic GG, so no glider to reuse. Of course that also raises the specter that unmasked Target GG will be crappy if it does reuse the existing Classic GG headpiece like the photos indicate, so it amounts to just a purple hat with green ears, no goblin face attached to it... Anyway, I don't mind Sandman being bulked up as, as movie shots seem to aim towards his human form being bigger than Spidey, and very happy with New Goblin, because he's tooled up AND includes his board, and has the alternate hairpiece I dared hoped he'd include, but unike the Classic GG I'm hoping against hope that they'll include a spare pumpkin free hand.
  6. Look at the shots of the Red Suit Spidey on the Preview pack box, similar photoshop knee kraziness. But while I agree that MJ has a stunned mullet look, Gwen stomping all over her, I actually quite like the halfmask, and certainly makes it stand out from the Wave 4 Masked/Grabline comic version.
  7. Now the turn of the Australians to start begging
  8. Well, everybody wants them PM and IF, but how well did they sell if Wizard had spare stock to ebay? I was kind hoping they'd consider another exclusive, but now not so sure based on that, not to mention how overloaded must all the factories be trying to fill existing stuff. 'course Toyfare were the first people to reveal the lab coat Baltar and it's exclusive home hasn't been revealed yet...
  9. Welll, they seem to be implying that the unrevealed are "big names" who are haven't been mated before, but if we are talking Defenders then the half the Big 4 have already been done...
  10. How can it not be? Two totally new characters, a powerhouse version of a Hulk would make sense, but how to do another Silver Surfer if it really is impossible to chrome him...
  11. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so, the Pyrates/Pirates of the Caribbean guys ooked fairly nifty if low grade, and very nice price wise...
  12. DST never seems to think generic civilians, or even generic goons/flunkies/minions would be big sellers, but thanks to the Ghost Rider and Spider-Man 3, we're about to get a big influx of specific civilians...
  13. 1. Avengers - She-Hulk = 100% total victory 2. Spidey 3 - Movie of the year, love of Spidey 3. Classic Spidey - Love of Spidey, exclusive Hydro-man 4. Ghost Rider - Movie was okay actually 5. X3 - X-men = 100% total fail, pure completism only
  14. I wonder how many will buy from the site, considering if I read that right that it's only available on the day of the con on the site as well... Definately interested if we're organizing for us poor international folk
  15. Only time I've ever come close was with the Indy 4-pack, and I had advance warning to be careful, so avoided actually snapping any
  16. I'm hoping that's a typo, otherwise it'd be suicide. Too many Marvel mates at once for retailers let alone buyers, many retailers would choose the "best" if that was the case, and that'd mean IMO picking Spidey 3 stuff over the rest... No offense, but if DST was that desperate to get Spidey 3 stuff out, post-pone the other waves. I know it'd screw up the Ghost Rider stuff, but that'll just mean it's like the X-Men last stand stuff, due months after the DVD release is all.
  17. Hasn't happened yet, but the fact things have been awful quiet and that Target were able to release the two new variations has lead most to believe it's a dead duck.
  18. Take your pick On this very forum you have the Marvel Definate List, which is lagging a little bit nowdays Marvel Minimates Definate List and there is also the Wikipedia entry on Minimates which covered every solicited mate of all lines Minimates at Wikipedia
  19. It would be horribly ironic if nobody from the biggest Minimate forum could attend...
  20. Welcome fellow Australian Sadly even then still rather large distance between us
  21. Normally lukewarm on Movie mates, but double-plus good on the annouced line-ups
  22. Sliding glass cabinet for my collection, but still got a little bit longer before I have to worry about a bub deciding to test the Minimate age limits. Apart from my wife playing with whoever is out sitting next to my monitor, generally a FCBD mate, everybody else that comes over doesn't touch them, perhaps scared of being made into immature toy collectors throwing money down a worthless sinkhole or so I've been told...
  23. Closest I've come to this (empty box from ebay) was a 4-pack that had a wrong mates (different 4-pack), and unfortunately ones I already. Offered to send them back, but seller was quite happy to open up another to make sure that had the right ones and let me keep the mistake one. But yeah, I shake my boxes to make sure they feel right before sending, which just leaves paranoia over the amount of tape on the boxes, making me question if they weren't already opened by someone else and swapped exclusvies/chases for others...
  24. Wife and I liked it. Cheesy, predictable, but fun. It's like Daredevil not Spider-man, good but not earthshaking. But just like the Matrix films also painfully so blatantly filmed in Australia, from Australian actors 2 seconds from being unable to maintain their accents through to roads and bush so clearly not texas but Victorian countryside...
  25. The PopBox Collectable site claims Second Quarter/May 2007 for: Minimate Figure Sets Minimate Android Transport Carrier Minimate Audi w/Exclusive Spooner No further details apart from what has already been covered in this thread, so no clue to cost/character breakdown.
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