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Everything posted by McDurg

  1. Dang, first place? Thanks everyone! Huge thanks go out to Punisher for hosting and Luke for supporting. Again, thanks everyone! This is a seriously great feeling.
  2. RotF pretty much came down to: Do you like Optimus Prime? Do you hate key plot information? If so, it was the movie for you. I gotta admit the one good thing about it was Optimus beating the shit out of the Decepticons in the forest, and then again in the desert. "Give me your face!" That line is an instant classic. There was also that scene at the end when Optimus puts Megatron through the wall, and when Megs calls out for Starscream it comes out "THARSCWEAMGHUR". It was like listening to Helen Keller greet the President.
  3. Thanks for all the kind words, guys. Tarman is going a bit worse than I thought, I completely messed up his head. :x I'm most likely going to repaint his head since a lot of paint ended up caking on giving it a thick and somewhat blob-ish look. I'll probably finish him up tonight with time to take a few pictures. On a brighter note, I've finished the head/gauntlets for Death's Head. It's looking pretty good thus far. I'm considering making two of him, one of his classic green costume from his first initial appearances and then his more well known blue/red one from when he got his own mini-series. I was also wondering if anybody had an extra pair of Norman Osborn/Gambit boots since I really need a pair for the classic costume. I'd be willing to trade something from my haves list for them.
  4. Alright, so after browsing through various threads here I just recently got into customizing 'mates. I already had a bit of painting experience from my brief dabble with Warhammer so I just dug out some spare 'mates and figured what the hell. And so, here they are: First up I'll respectively show the first Mate I customized. It's my take on what I had initially hoped a movie-esque Deadpool would've look like- I'm hoping to go back and redo his mask once I get better. Here is a more modernized look for the former Blade/Spidey foe Morbius- These last two took a bit more planning and time. My entry for the Amalgam contest, Steve Simmons- The villainous Red Violation- action shot- There are a lot of great customizers on here but my two personal favorites have to be Shamrock and brobotc. They are both incredibly innovative and creative, I looked at their figures as inspiration for my customs. Right now I'm nearly complete Tarman from Return of the Living Dead, and I've just begun working on Marvel/Transformers/Dr.Who villain Death's Head. Please feel free to leave any opinion you have and thanks for looking!
  5. Dang, thanks for all the positive feedback, guys. Personally I wouldn't mind having that Iron Lanter, GL Deadpool, Darkclaw, and Iron Bat. Kinda' surprised we didn't see more actual characters from the comics like Super Soldier and Spider Boy.
  6. Last minute entry, you say? I give you Hells Avenger: Steve Simmons! Fighting against his arch-nemesis, Red Violation! I'll be making a custom thread soon with their back story, a few more pictures of Steve, and a few of Red Violation.
  7. He's also especially good at expectorating. Nobody can kick Gastons ass, you'd have better luck dividing by zero. The actual only complaint I had about the video was the fact they gave Baraka hair, but it's no big deal. Did anybody manage to get a quick screen cap of Subzero when his appearance flashed across the screen?
  8. Holy shit man, holy shit. I reeeeeeally hope this becomes a feature film. Plus, that violence looks top notch brutal. Only thing it's missing is Gaston, he's roughly the size of a barge!
  9. Anybody else somewhat excited for this announcement? I'm sure after the whole Soundwave incident Bay and the others will end up ruining him just as well, but I'll remain hopeful. Oh yeah, and the new War For Cybertron Soundwave figure looks goddamn amazing.
  10. Yes, plenty of inferior villains. I would much rather have a normal sinister than AoA. The AoA Sinister looks like a Marilyn Manson/Rob Zombie hybrid.
  11. Don't be an ass. She'll cut you with her cheek bones, man.
  12. I bet you could take the bat head from that Glider, throw it on the current 'mate one and slap a shiny purple coating on it. I might get the figure just to try that.
  13. I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, the heads of 'mates without the slip-over masks do sometimes look a bit shrunken; on the other hand, the heads of those that do have slip-over masks sometimes look much too big in comparison to their overall body size, in my opinion. That's never bothered me too much, since I see them as somewhat of a super-deformed figure. Although recently Minimates have been getting a more complicated/action figure feel to them, which I'm not too keen of. I think DC generally had the right idea going. And the more I look at Domino the more mixed feelings I have. The design by Chazwinski really does look a whole lot better. I think I'll wait to see a review of the entire set before I actually decide on buying it.
  14. I half agree with you because I can partially understand what you're saying. But at the same time, those of us who actually like the masks are f*cked when it comes to characters like Anti-Venom, Scorpion, Klaw, people who most likely wont see another release. I just really crave the consistency of how it was back when Marvel mates started.
  15. I'd buy 20. But seriously, I think that's an issue that should be brought up to DST until they comment on it.
  16. This Deadpool looks pretty bad, hope he ends up looking a bit better(but it's Liefield's 98 Deadpool, so I can't expect too much). Cable is incredibly underwhelming and bland, but I'll certainly get it for Domino and Feral. Also, a MAJOR issues I've been seeing with Marvel Mates: Consistency! One moment the slip over masks are being used, the next moment they aren't, it either makes one mates' head look shrunken(another issue with paint-app masks is that even when near a mate' with a wig their head still looks small), or the other head too large. I'd personally have LOVED people like Scorpion, Anti-Venom, Gargan, and others to have had the mask so their heads didn't look dwarfed compared to Spideys, Captain America, Deadpool, etc. And this doesn't even just have to do with masks, it can also be the powerhouse bodies, the new sculpted ones, the IM2 roach-shell body, duck feet, all that. Now the main reason I bring this up now is because of this certain Deadpool. He could look so much better with the use of a mask, just so his head didn't look tiny as hell. Seriously, DST should get this issue resolved godspeed. And yes, for the record I realize how whiny I look, I'm just a bit anal about consistency. Rant over.
  17. People on the Eurobricks forums were being abnormally creepy about that Cheerleader... Went again today and I got: Cowboy Magician Scuba Diver Caveman Spaceman I absolutely love the Cowboy, and the Spaceman and Caveman are incredible. All three of them come with some great new accessories. I surprisingly still haven't got the Dummy, and he's supposed to be incredibly common.
  18. People at the lego Forums posted this, but I don't prefer it cause it seems partially douchey. Maybe if you're just looking to get ONE, but some people will most likely use it to grab a ton of the one figure they like. I just don't like that. I know I'd be incredibly pissed if someone took the time to grab all the Zombies and Forestmen.
  19. Anybody else seeing these at TRU lately? I went on Thursday to see an entire rack full of them, so I got 10. Went back yesterday, ALL OF THEM GONE. Went to another TRU, all sold out there too. I hadn't anticipated them being nearly that popular, but at $2 a Minifig I guess it's hard to beat. I got: 2 Ninjas 2 Clowns 2 Robots 2 Skaterboys 1 Magician 1 Diver I was seriously hoping for a Cowboy, the Forestmen and a few Zombies but I can't complain since they are all pretty neat and worthy of doubles. The overall quality on these guys is fantastic, it isn't anything like the cheap Keychain figs. I'm going back on Wednesday since one of them said they'd be getting in another truck. Also picked up the Lunar Limo and the Space Police Central. Easily the best Lego sets I've gotten in years, and Brick Daddy is my favorite Minifig. Ever.
  20. So yeah. Just got back from the movie, my eyes orgasm'd. Also
  21. And so the Gods have smiled upon you! Just wondering...but has ANYONE voted for Civil War Cap?? He's so petty. D:
  22. Why wasn't this an option to vote for? I heard that is scheduled to be the Breast Cancer Awareness Month promotional mate. This thread needs moar votes for Armored.
  23. Armored Cap for me. Suspended looks like the long lost friend of Emo Parker. Aside from the icecap in it, I see nothing desirable.
  24. Pass It's the laboratory "playset" all over again.
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