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Everything posted by Gillbob316

  1. Found them at my TRU today, kinda... All 8 of the the Daredevil & Spidey sets were there, but there was only one Meltdown & Rictor, and both the Magma/Mirage sets were gone, much to my dismay. I hate when that happens. When it's a full new case that merely has the exclusives picked clean I assume it's a scalper or a collector, since I can't see why a casual buyer would target those characters, and in either case, I'm not clear on why you'd take both of one exclusive, but only one of the other. It's not like a Warlock/Doug situation... where there are two characters to make... so what's the deal? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have gotten Rictor & Meltdown, but it's still irritating. >_< Anyway, bought one of each aside from the one that was missing. Now I have to go out tomorrow and check yet more TRUseses... lol...
  2. Weeeell... finally got my vote in. Thank you for the help/links btw. Normally I'm the type of person who favors X-Men, but I've never been one for overly-specific and specialized looks... so the three Phoenixes really aren't up my alley. Iron Man isn't so much either, same reason, but I generally give his armors a LITTLE more wiggle room, because even if they can't be displayed as a "Main" Tony, Hall of Armor still works... but conversely, not much appeal in a "Hall of Cyclops" display... lol... though strangely I do have enough of them for it, teehee... ANYWAY... based on that way my brain filters, Protector and Witch were really the only two options for me, and like others in this thread, I really don't know diddly-squat about Protector (He was still Captain Marvel last time I read comics regularly, and I didn't know much about him then either)... so I voted for Witch. I assume not voting for Protector won't hurt his chances too badly.
  3. Just assume that conception occurred before each member of the family was turned to their individual monster of choice. They were a regular human grandpa, daughter, son-in-law and grandson, who were all attacked by vampires, a werewolf, and somehow killed and resurrected... within a short enough time-frame that it didn't really effect their day to day lives. Or... we could just take the old people out of the equation since Eddie is really the root of the problem. Depending on what rules of monster conception and physiology are at play, we could just assume that Herman's parts still function normally. He's a formerly dead, now resurrected human... but for the sake of argument, he's still just a very large, abnormally strong, resurrected human. (At least biologically). SO... calling Herman's underpants army normal, we could hypothetically say Eddie was BORN human, since he was conceived of human sperm, and just turned by a werewolf at a young age. As to why he wasn't born a vampire like Lily (presumably) was, we have options. Could be that vampirism through birth requires two vampire parents, and since Herman isn't, it wasn't passed on. Might just be a genetic roll of the dice, like dwarfism. Two dwarf parents are perfectly capable of having tall kids, and tall parents can have a dwarf child, so long as they carry the genes for it. Just depends which get passed on. OR it could be that Eddie WAS born a Vampire, and Lycanthropy merely over-rides Vampirism... as is sometimes the case in some fantasy stories. (Not all. Really depends on the rules of each individual work.) Perhaps since Herman wasn't a Vampire, Eddie was only half-vampire (whatever that amounts to) which made it easier for the werewolf physiology to take the driver's seat. Why their Uncle is the Creature from the Black Lagoon, I have no idea, but that's distant family... so the rules are looser. PS. You can tell when people read comic books, because coming up with convoluted BS like this to cover plot holes and retcons becomes second nature. lolz...
  4. Every time I try to vote in this poll it doesn't work. I click, "Vote Now" and am taken to a broken page. And I've tried it on a couple different browsers and an iphone. Also can't view the the full art, just the headshots on the first page. Since yesterday.
  5. Supplementing the one and done boxed set/dragula idea... + = Uncle Gilbert Quick Custom... lolz...
  6. Ya'know what's nice about minimates... I've never read a single issue of the Walking Dead comic. It's on my to-do list, but thus far not scratched off. I've read and heard a few basic tidbits and spoilers about it, but not much else. That said, like so many, I watch and enjoy the show. THAT said, cool thing about minimates is... with the simplified designs, having not read the comic, I want these mates anyway, because as far as I can see they all make pretty passable versions of their show selves. Even if they are based on the comic. I mean Rick still looks like Rick. Shane looks like Shane. Dale Dale. Glen Glen. Even Tyrese, though I know nothing about him, makes a halfway passable T-Dog, perhaps with a touch of quick-customing to suit his clothing to taste. lol. (Though I think Tyrese is showing up in Season 3, so maybe I'll just have to hope T-Dog shows up in the comic eventually. Dunno.) But anywho... I want them all. It's kinda the same general idea as when people mix Marvel Movie Mates into their comic book lineups... but in reverse. So anyway, assuming we never get an accompanying TV Show line... I think it's cool that these still work for me. Furthermore, I like that the lineup chosen seems to be one that can also work for the TV Walking Dead crowd. And if I read and enjoy the comic book someday, so much the better. And if the Diamond gets the rights to branch out and do TV ones someday... also so much the better. But in the meantime, these still work for me. Though I will agree, that Daryl needs to be fast-tracked as soon as he makes his inevitable comic debut. lol... EDIT: I just went over the many pages of this thread I hadn't looked at before posting and HOLY jeeze, did I see alot of pissing and moaning about the TV show. Now in light of that combined with what I just posted, I just want to remind everyone, my post was coming from a place of positivity, and I was trying to say good things, so lets try to keep the positive ball rolling, and not just tell me all the reasons liking the TV show sucks, lolz... Reading the comic is on my to-do list, I swear.
  7. I like making lists of things, and your post just inspired me to do this for no good reason, lol... Series 1 - Black Elektra - Sensible variant. Liked it okay. Red is more iconic, but it works. Series 2 - Black Spider-Man - Makes perfect sense. Iconic. Had no problems. Series 3 - Visorless Ultimate Cyclops - The very definition of a useless variant. As if Cyke walks around visorless. Hated it. Series 4 - Unmasked Daredevil - Kinda useless. What then was a variant, today is just an alt-head pack-in. So kind-of a waste. Series 5 - Unmasked Doom - Starting to sense a theme of unmasked lame. Kinda neat, but still one I didn't really need, lol. Series 6 - Stealth Iron Man - I've never been a huge fan, but does seem a logical variant. And at least it's not "Unmasked Iron Man" Series 7 - Chameleon as JJJ - Look everyone, the same figure, with an accessory we neglected to give you in the main pack! Series 8 - Invisible Invisible Woman - FINALLY! Variants are getting useful & sensible again! lol... best since Spidey. Series 9 - Diamond Emma - Never really made sense that she's in the White Queen outfit while Diamond form, but I appreciate the effort. Series 10 - Spider-Woman - Probably the best variant so far imo. Gets us two characters for the price of one for the first time. Series 11 - Frosted Iceman - Arguably better than the main figure. Not a huge difference, but a neat one nonetheless. Series 12 - Raft Sentry - Kinda never liked that he represents a look we see him in for like 10 minutes. Series 13 - DOFP Wolverine - Not really a Wolverine we needed severely... there were better options given the lineup. Beast or Kitty. Series 14 - Dark Phoenix - Makes sense I suppose... wasn't nuts about the look on Jean, but that's not Diamond's fault. Series 15 - Transformation Johnny Blaze - I'll let you know when pigs fly and I get one, lolz... Series 16 - Bearded Thor - I never really felt I needed him. But at least he's fairly different looking from normal Thor. Series 17 - Transformation Venom - I never like figures like this... that are so specific as to represent ONE MOMENT. Hated it. Series 18 - Mary Jane - Decent. I liked that we got Gwen and MJ, though always thought Gwen would've made more sense as the variant. Series 19 - Archangel - One of my favorites. Good use of variant. One of his most well known non-death looks. Series 20 - Vision 2.0 - Okay I guess. Nice to have the double character, though I think we all wanted a non-phased Vision 1.0 too. Series 21 - Mark II Iron Man - Never got why he was a variant for Rhodey. But makes sense to be included so... alright. lol. Series 22 - General Ross - Makes sense. Ross & Ross. Gets us another character. No complaints. Series 23 - Mark II War Machine - We all know the glaring problem here. Rhodey never should have been the variant, sales or no sales. Series 24 - Tarantula - Don't see why he makes sense as a variant for Kraven, but gets us another character, so I'll take it. Series 25 - Bolt Face Iron Man - Always seemed kinda useless to me. Same figure, slightly different mask. Could have been packed in. Series 26 - Special Ops Sabretooth - Makes sense, but kinda boring. Series 27 - WW2 Ultimate Cap - Decent. You see the look alot, and it's fairly different from the main figure. Series 28 - 1st App. Sabretooth - It's Okay. Don't hate it. Classic Sabretooth look. Would have preferred Psylocke/Revanche Series 29 - WW2 Wolverine - Never really liked him, but he is much different from the main fig. Too similar to movie version though. Series 30 - Ultimate Spider-Woman - Seems kind-of out of left field. Don't see why we needed her. As good a choice as any I guess. Series 31 - 1st App. Angel - Makes perfect sense with the boxed set. Loved both Angels. Fiasco not-withstanding. Series 32 - Goliath - Makes sense, but I always felt he was done cheaply. Yellowjacket looked much better. Execution was meh. Series 33 - Hound Rachel - Makes sense and was done well. Great that we got classic Rachel and Modern, to suit both tastes. Series 34 - Selene - I know why she was the variant, but like Rhodey, I feel Jean should have been. Better than the main fig, imo. Series 35 - Happy Hogan - Nice they included him, but like most guys in suits... *Yawn* Series 36 - Classic Mandarin - I could have done without him, but I guess if you're an IM fan. Would have preferred modern Dynamo. Series 37 - Trenchcoat Thing - Decent. Iconic. Little lackluster, but no major complaints. Series 38 - Classic White Tiger - Great choice. Gets both White Tigers out there at once. Good Call. Series 39 - Jane Foster - Oh look, another ho-hum Civilian variant in a movie wave. I get it... but they're getting pretty boring. Series 40 - Peggy Carter - WHAT'D I JUST SAY!? Series 41 - AoA Sinister - I was happy to round out the AoA sets with him. Not like we needed another Spidey/Hulk variant anyway. Series 42 - Bearded Thor Redux - Makes sense as Thunderstrike's variant, but we were in a serious Thor overkill around then. Series 43 - Aunt May - Makes no sense as JJJ's variant, but I don't think anyone complained. They were both great figures. Thumbs up. Series 44 - Scott Lang Ant-Man - Great Choice. Though why did he not have shorty feet like the Pym Ant-Man? Series 45 - Maria Hill - I was surprised Hill was the variant, and not the spare Chitauri. Anyway, nice to have her. Series 46 - Movie Aunt May - Truthfully I don't like Sally Field's look for her, but I'd think Ben should have been the variant. Series 47 - Brood Wolverine - Not my cup of tea, but fits the wave and the army builder quite well. Summing up... High Points - New characters (Spider-Woman, Aunt May, White Tiger, Tarantula, Scott Lang) and very iconic alt looks for the same character (Archangel/Archangel, Angel/Angel, Spider-Man/Spider-Man, Marvel Girl/Phoenix Rachel) Low Points - Boring movie civilians & girlfriends, Slight differences that could have been pack-ins (Unmasked anything/Bolt Face), Variants that should have been the main figure but weren't for stupid corporate sales reasons (War Machine, Selene) When I put them all down in a list like that, I really do realize that alt characters are some of my favorite and most well-liked variants. (Provided they aren't the main character's girlfriend or civilian buddy in a Marvel Movie, lolz). I'd like to see more of the high points and less of the low. So I once again re-iterate that I think Siryn would be a great choice for Banshee.
  8. Screaming Mimi being Songbird was a plot point in the Super Hero Squad show. She started out as Mimi, playing the generic thug in a few episodes, not doing much. Then in the episode that featured Mystique as the "guest" villain, afterit was revealed that Mystique had infiltrated the Super Hero Squad and made all kinds of covert chaos, it was revealed that Iron Man also had an agent infiltrating Doom's camp on the Squad's behalf, and at that point Mimi revealed herself to be Songbird, they all beat up Doom and his goons. Hip Hip Hooray. And I think that was the first and last time we ever saw Songbird. Honestly she had more screen time as Mimi in that show. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure all of that was in Season 1, and didn't have anything to do with Season 2. Season 2 was pretty much all cosmic/alternate reality stories for the most part. First they were chasing Thanos and the infinity gems, then when they had finally all been collected, Surfer got his hands on the Infinity Gauntlet & Infinity Sword and became the corrupted Dark Surfer, he sent each member of the squad on various tours of different sub-dimensions of the Marvel Universe as a way of getting rid of them, that was like 10 episodes as all the various heroes recollected themselves back to the main dimension, then they all came back to defeat Dark Surfer. All the stuff with Doom and various smaller guest characters like Mystique/Songbird was Season 1. I just watched the whole series on The Hub over the last couple months.
  9. Yes and no. I think the general public is probably more predictable than some are imagining, frankly. Poll A - I don't know why so many people think Cap-Wolf will be a winner. Frankly I think him and Thing are the bottom two in the general public's eyes. I'd never even heard of Cap-Wolf before this poll, and he was one of the ones I had zero interest in even considering. I like Ghost Rider and Hulks chances. I think what Ghost Rider and Hulk have going for them is they're very prominent and iconic variant looks, which have had time in the spotlight, for those characters. Wheras the rest are all just weird and seldom-seen looks on otherwise big characters. I think Iron Man's big name notoriety might help him get some votes, though he splits his own vote, which may hurt him. Wolverine is kind-of a crapshoot, I see him landing somewhere in the middle ground. People remember that look from the toybiz line, but nobody really considers it his best. Spidey is Spidey, so he might get votes... but it's kind-of a weird ass look for him, so I'm really not sure on that one. Poll B - I don't think Gladiator or Songbird have a prayer in the general public. I don't want to debate to death how big the characters are or aren't, but they're definitely the two low men on that totem poll, in my eyes. After that it gets hazy. Falcon, Winter Soldier and Cpt. Steve all have good odds, but then they all play to kind-of the same crowd... so while I think they all have a shot, they could steal votes from one another and hurt themselves. I think Banshee has a huge chance, since he's basically a lightning rod absorbing the vote of every X-Men fan without much competition, save a little from Gladiator, but I don't think much. Black Knight and Luke, like Wolverine, are kind-of a crapshoot I see in the middle. They're definitely big enough to draw votes of Avengers fans... but there's alot of Avengers competition in this poll... and I don't see them beating out Falcon, Bucky or Steve. Then again Luke has kind-of a cult thing, so maybe. However, as said, I think Banshee will be one of two, for no other reason than an unsplit X-Fan vote. Poll C - Here the X-Fan vote gets split, lol. And hard. I honestly think Apocalypse and Abomination may take this one... much to the disappointment of everyone here. I don't WANT them to. I voted for neither of them. I wouldn't mind them, but I'd prefer new guys. But they're just a higher tier of villain than the rest of these guys. They're a couple of the X-Men and Hulk's top rivals, whereas all these other villains are more second string. These two are the type of villains that are usually released in the first waves of X-Men or Hulk toys (which is why they're both re-releases to this line, and none of the other choices are) I think Casual voters will put them on top. Zemo could arguably give them a run for their money... the rest of the choices I don't see beating them. Mojo and Onslaught will lose votes to Apocalypse, the other guys will lose votes to Abom or Zemo. In short: There's a REASON these two have been made already and the rest haven't. Hell they both have 2 mates already. Three in Abom's case if you count Blonsky (which I do). I believe Zach already offhandedly mentioned earlier he probably should have left them off the poll in favor of two more obscure choices, but what's done is done. Poll D - I feel like Madrox will take this one. People like to vote for real characters over nameless faceless ones. One could make that argument for a couple of these other ones, like the Cuckoos, but I think Madrox is the biggest name in the bunch. My final guesses for the wave... all that said... Hulk Ghost Rider Banshee Falcon (Or Bucky... or Steve... or Luke... lol) Abomination (Or Zemo... lol) Apocalypse Madrox And hopefully Siryn as the variant, lol... All and all not my 100% ideal wave, but one that I'm happy with. One of those names will obviously need to be cut, but I'm not sure who. It will probably come down to sheer total vote numbers, whichever villain or secondary hero gets the least total votes. I really wish an A-Lister could be cut, since those are frankly the figures I have the least use for as a collector, but we all know that's unlikely to happen. BUT! Again this all just speculation on my part, and should be taken as such. I don't know everything, and could very well be wrong.
  10. I love it when it's another character personally, because it gets one more character OUT there... instead of a potentially lame and useless costume variant (they're not all lame and useless, but some are). As much as I want Banshee to round out my X-Men, getting Banshee AND Siryn, would be 10x more awesome... That said, I'm a person who ALWAYS buys ALL the variants. So I have no trouble getting them, since I always buy the whole wave. I think what makes people complain about characters being variants is when it's a character they want... but they find themselves unable to acquire one due to shortpacking (or at least having to pay more to acquire one). HOWEVER... I don't think this phenomenon is exclusive to different characters. I mean yeah people complained about Spider-Woman/Spider-Woman. But they also complained about Black Spider-Man and 1st Appearance Angel being shortpacked, for instance, and those WERE costume variants... so people who had trouble getting them still complained up a storm. I don't think it's so much about whether it's the same character or not, I think it's just relative to the demand the variant generates. What one wants vs. what one is able to get. Not so much "is this character unique or not" I don't remember anyone complaining about White Tiger. Frankly. Because he's not as in-demand as Spider-Woman or Black Suit Spidey. If it's a variant someone wants, but can't get, they'll always complain. New character or no. So I don't see why it should be a determining factor one way or the other. All that said, I don't think any of the variants in this line are very hard to get, at least not upon their initial release. Maybe over time, but when a new wave hits you can always find a place to order the variant online (usually Luke), and I quite often find the variant in stock in comic book stores shortly after release. Granted, sometimes it costs more, but that's often to be expected with short packs. Kinda just one of those necessary evils of collecting. And if you want to pay less for it, that's your incentive for buying the whole wave as a set. But anyway, YEAH... all that said, I'd still love to get Siryn as a variant for Banshee. That would be awesome. While I wouldn't mind Black Tom either, I'd still prefer Siryn. And I think she makes more sense since she's used the Code-Name Banshee, has worn the same costume, and has ties to Madrox (should he end up being the army builder, which I think is very possible). Since the variant isn't set in stone yet... I really wonder how much influence we have or don't have over Zach in this discussion. lol... We really need to start a variant poll as soon as we know the final line up results. To exert our evil influence.
  11. I've seen the no plastic covering thing before. I want to say at least twice. On much older waves than this or Avengers. I think one was X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Frankly it's not all that noticeable until you notice it. I can totally see how one could occasionally make it out of the factory that way.
  12. I'd just like to throw in that I'd totally take Siryn Banshee as a variant for Banshee Banshee, and think it's a great idea. Gets one more, slightly more obscure X-Mutant out there, and makes a certain degree of sense. And yes, other characters have been done as variants: White Tiger/White Tiger, Spider-Woman/Spider-Woman, J. Jonah/Aunt May, Gwen Stacy/Mary Jane, Betty/General Ross, Black Queen Jean/Black Queen Selene the list goes on and on... as far as I'm concerned, if they shared a code-name, that's good enough. Plus if Madrox ends up being the Army Builder, that two-pack just downright makes sense. I mean he and Siryn had a baby together. I'd like a Blue & Yellow Banshee, but I'd like to get Siryn 10 times more. Best idea for a variant on one of these figs I've heard so far.
  13. As did I. You asked for mailing info in the thread, but Lurch did the PMing. Frankly I was half-confused about it, and wondered if I should bring it up soon, but was beaten to the punch, lol. Anyway, I just PMed it. Just incase.
  14. Someone answer this, because I want to know how hard I should be pulling on this thing, lol... (That's what she said)
  15. Well as long as we're linking a bunch of licensed Marvel published comics that will never really happen... Honest to god... I probably read this series more regularly than any other real comic book in my young teen years.
  16. I found the TRU sets today. Bought the exclusives, but held off on the other two, 'cause I figure I'll order the whole normal wave from Luke before too long. Stupid question, but does Vigilante Spider-Man's hat come off? Because mine won't. lol... I can't tell if it's actually glued on, or just hopelessly stuck to the paint. Oh PS. My store's case ratio had 3 Cpt. Stacey packs and 2 Gwen packs. The rest I didn't bother to count, as they were the common sets, lol. But there WERE 12 total, so it was only one case. I found that weird, because usually the exclusives are 2 and 2. They had a big new display up front for the Spidey Movie, replacing the Avengers display.
  17. PS. All that said, I still acknowledge the fact that it could perfectly easily be something else. I'm just saying I think Brotherhood has as good a chance as anything. Perhaps slightly better, given they were all completely snubbed in the villains poll. PS2. Also, I feel the need to remind everyone of the characters poll. Which Zach has acknowledged using as a guideline for the official polls. Top 10 villain votes were... 45 - Zemo 35 - Blob 32 - Toad 31 - Pyro 29 - Silver Samurai 28 - Mojo 26 - Enchantress 26 - Wrecker 26 - Bulldozer 25 - Thunderball Not only were the next 5 slots after Zemo X-Men villains, but Mojo made it to the real poll. And yet Blob, Pyro & Toad were all passed over, despite getting more votes, and also being X-Villains. Is this suspicious to NO ONE but me!? lol... Here are the top 10 heroes btw... for comparison's sake... 41 - Falcon 41 - Winter Soldier 32 - Banshee 31 - Mockingbird 30 - Morbius 29 - Black Knight 26 - Songbird 25 - Heimdall 25 - Volstagg 24 - Deathlok Five of them (including their top three) made it onto their poll.
  18. I'm gonna call bullcrap on both counts to that. First, there's more than an ample selection's worth of candidates. Toad, Blob, Avalanche, Pyro, Sauron, Mastermind, Destiny and updates on Mystique, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are all prime candidates. Not to mention several Magneto variants, since one is probably bound to make the poll, whether we want it or not. And there are lots of prime Magneto variant choices left frankly: Xorn, Joseph, Ultimate, Planet X, House of M. (And at least 3 of those are 616 canon. ) We have a few mainstream characters. We have a few obscure ones. We have some middle-ground. We have some diversity to appeal to Avengers fans in Witch and Quicksilver. There are tons of options. And don't give me, "They're all villains!" because so were the heralds. And half the heralds were also pretty obscure, come to think of it. ESPECIALLY if you don't read cosmic Marvel. (I don't have a friggin' clue who Morg is, for instance). As for the argument of no knowledge/mainstream appeal... They were the primary villains of the first and third X-Men films, and at least had a presence in the second. Magneto, Mystique, Toad & Pyro were all featured prominently. Blob was featured prominently in Wolverine. Say what you will about any of those films critically, but people still saw them, people still remember them, and yes... people know these characters. Furthermore... speaking small-screen... They were occasionally featured in the 90s X-Men Cartoon (The Freedom Force incarnation mostly) They were FREQUENTLY featured in X-Men: Evolution. They were practically main cast members. Probably more screen time than Magneto. They were prominently featured in Wolverine & The X-Men from the first episode. Not constant, but regular. And as said, Quicksilver & Witch bring Avengers appeal. Witch has also been in several Cartoon Avengers lineups, and has had huge exposure in the Marvel Universe ever since House of M. But what REALLY makes me suspicious is that NONE of them made the villain poll. I can think of VERY few X-Men fans that wouldn't prefer Blob, Pyro or Toad to Mojo or Onslaught. Yes, Mojo & Onslaught are "masterminds" ... but the unmade Brotherhood members (of which there are many) are classic X-Villains... with literally 40+ years of fan following in some cases, which more recent villains (relatively speaking) like Mojo & Onslaught can't really compete with. I didn't mean to go off on a rant on you. Sorry. I've just seen WAY more obscure things come out of this line, AND come out of TRU polls for that matter. IMO, There's nothing the Heralds have going for them that the Brotherhood doesn't either match, or better. One heavy lead villain and his well known flunkies. A few villains turned hero. Some obscure choices. It's basically the same setup... we've just gone from Cosmic Marvel to Mutant Marvel.
  19. Now somebody bring on that Toys R Us poll! lol... Edit: The poll appears to be up in this thread now, so here's the obligatory reminder to delete and re-cast your votes! lol...
  20. No-Brainer for me. Cuckoos and Multiple Man. Been my top two army-builder wants for a while. In that order. My only dilemma is that I'd rather have the Cuckoos... but I think Multiple Man will sway more votes... so I worry that I might be hurting my own vote here. BUT... they were the two I wanted. And the reasons to pick the two I want have already been pointed out to death in this thread... so I picked them. lol... Also... In B4 some folks complain that it's Classic Green Multiple Man and not 90s Blue Multiple Man. I'm cool either way, I just want a non-modern version w/ the cowl on his head. lol...
  21. Is Cyke's blast really as Orange as it looks in the pics? Or is that mostly just lighting? Not that I don't appreciate the piece, but it's a personal pet peeve of mine as an X-Men fan that in Cyclop's modern portrayls his blasts are becoming less and less laser-like and more and more magma-like. They're supposed to just be a beam of concussive force... but more and more they seem to be growing wild, and untamed, and setting things on fire... and it annoys me sometimes, because it's not really true to his powers. See X-Men Origins: Wolverine for a prime example of what I'm talking about. Where they seemed to burn through things with a notable heat scorching, and heated Wolvy's claws to a glowing orange, rather than just knocking him on his ass as they should have. They're supposed to work like a laser battering ram... not heat-vision. So anyway, I'm just hoping the actual piece is more of an undeniable red beam. And doesn't look like firey orangeness. This Yes: This No: This has been your comic-book geek nitpick for the day. lol...
  22. I'm just gonna point out... say what you will or won't about whether you do or don't care about Mojo as a character... But you have to admit he'd make for a hell of an interesting looking minimate. I'm just curious to see how that would be realized, lol. I presume like MODOK he would have standard minimate arms... but as for the rest of him, I'm really not sure... Would he even have a head? lol...
  23. The top of my list right now is Brotherhood/Freedom Force, but I feel they'll come eventually (hopefully soon) so they're not my "impossible dream"... I don't think Gen X is that far-fetched, in some ways. Though I do think getting them in Gen X uniforms is. We already have Jubilee and Emma. Banshee is... up in the air, but will likely come someday. I could see M, Husk and Chamber being peppered into the future. Husk and Chamber have both had fairly prominent main team runs since then, and M has been a constant presence in X-Factor, so if they come eventually, she may come with them. (I'm hoping X-Factor sees a dual 90s/Modern series of releases, just like X-Force did)... Skin, Mondo, Synch and Penance however... seem unlikely. As for impossible stuff... I'll always want more obscure X-Men. Marrow being #1 on my list. None of them are one solid team so much, as they are just lots of characters peppered throughout various decades of X, lol... I'll always want more Exiles. We have a few, through various other means. Blink, Morph, AoA Sabretooth, Spider-Man 2099, Psylocke, Longshot & Holocaust. Still, a few essential members are missing: Nocturne, Mimic, Sasquatch. Maybe a few of the other short-lived members. I'm REALLY hoping if Alpha Flight sees release we get a White Sasquatch variant somehow... then I just have to pray for Mimic and Nocturne. I'm gonna say... I liked X-Statix in some ways... but hated it in others. I think I'd like to see them as minimates, but only in small doses. I'd take Doop, Orphan, Anarchist, U-Go Girl, Dead Girl, Venus, Vivisector, Phat... and maaaaaybe Spike. Frankly I don't even need all of them, but they're about where I draw the line, lol. I absolutely don't need any of the other dozens of lame members whose lives mostly lasted less than one story arc. This picture here, this is more or less what I want, but ya'know... real... *Strokes Chin* Mutants really. Mutants are what I want. All the lame/obscure/alternate reality mutants to carry an X on their belt-buckles at one point or another... that Iron Man and Spidey fans typically don't really care about, lol. I'm sorry, that's hard to classify into just one team, hehehe... Nessex knows what I'm talkin' about.
  24. Just past a week and still nuthin' on my Ant-Man arm and Hulk hand. :/
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