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storm 1:08

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Everything posted by storm 1:08

  1. Well, I guess I should get around to preordering multiples of these through LTS soon. :biggrin: Edit: I guess the Torment Spidey was used as a mock-up. Kind of wished they would have kept it, but oh well.
  2. Yeah, the textures really make the figure pop out. And I loved the dark crimson red colors on the figure. Amazing!
  3. I loved how you translated Rhino to the bulky body. Especially those ridiculous squiggles on his legs. I'd buy several of those.
  4. I guess I'm going to end up a sad bass turd then. Thanks for the life lessons, though. And I have seen instances of the loose bubble on the MAX sets too. But someone stapled them back onto the packaging. Wasn't sure if it was done at the factory or at TRU (I'm guessing TRU). I took pictures and planned to send them to DST customer service so they know there is some issue. Just lazy in doing it and kinda hoping someone at DST is reading this.
  5. Hmm. Not sure how toy karma works, but you using your 5-finger discount and sending it to me as a gift doesn't affect my karma, right? I mean, you have lots of karma to spare and it's a gift. I don't know the details of you obtaining the MAX sets. :tongue:
  6. Don't do it! You'll be subjected to bad toy karma for the rest of your collecting life!
  7. Sadly, I've seen it off and on over the years but only on the Marvel boxes. Never saw it on the blister card packs like the MAX stuff, though. It sucks, but I thankfully haven't seen any stolen figures in a while. Whenever I see it happen, I just go to customer service and hand it over to them. I'd rather not leave it there in the aisles and give other people the idea that they are easy to steal. Heck, I got a perfectly good empty Bullseye/Moonstone box out of it. I don't know what to do with it (anybody want it?), but they let me have it . Which is kind of sad because it kind of seems that they don't have a log for stolen stuff.
  8. There is none. What is said in the chat stays in the chat. It was fun finally joining in on a MMMV chat. Thanks Luke for setting it up! And thanks Ady for babysitting us longer than you needed!
  9. Hopefully these get a 2-pack TRU release. I just want the skeleton and British Naval officer. And I like that the skeleton pirate can just be stripped into just a regular skeleton dude.
  10. I'll save you the trouble. She was drawn in the exact same costume that she is currently wearing in the flashback sequences. I don't know if that helps or just the artist just drawing her that way. Or Wanda just doesn't like change. Also, if you can explain how this fits in current continuity with Iron Man wearing his Extremis armor and Steve Rogers in his Captain America uniform, that would be grrrrrreeeeaaattt! All I know is this seems to take place before or around the latest Avengers #1 as Wonder Man is alongside the Avengers and doesn't seem bitter yet. And Cyclops is being a big jerk too.
  11. After seeing Luke's creepy minimate head of himself, I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually does another head of himself but in the 1/6th scale. ::shudders:: Luke, does your skill know any bounds? Always impressive stuff from you.
  12. Nah, stealing it right in front of Pat at AFX AND living to tell the tale would be Deadpoolish. I hope Pat doesn't hurt me for even saying that... But seriously, does anybody really buy at those presale prices? Now I'm wondering how the Spidey packaging pics would look like. The MAX blister card or Marvel boxes? Will there be a Spidey in a firefighter suit at the top too? I hope so!
  13. Continuity cause head hurt... But your explanation makes it seem like this was the plan all along, huh? Man I love this book. Better than most books I pick up, including the select DC #1s I've read. And can't everyone else's odd behavior be explained by Scarlet Witch, or is that the cheap deus ex machina?
  14. Well, I'm going off the top of my head so my exact details might be off. Spoilers on. And if anyone else read it, please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just wondering, how long has she been crazy? Since the one page and, I think, 4 panels of explanation made it seem like it went quick from the twins to disassembled meltdown.
  15. So Miry, have you read Avenger's Children's Crusade #7 yet? I was wondering if that explanation of Wanda and her reality-altering powers fit Miry-pedia nicely. Or rewrote it. Anyway, I loved the entire series. Though that page of Wanda's explanation took a few reads to swallow.
  16. Don't forget that last 15 minutes drags on with special episodes! 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3. I'd prefer it be Fear Itself Aftermath: Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor, but hey, if it sells more copies, kudos to the marketing dude. But sorry, I wasn't impressed even with "act 1". Hopefully the final battle with the Mighty (is that their team name?) appearing will be fun. So far, Fear Itself has been kind of meh to me.
  17. I'm going to write that out on a post-it note and stick it on the box set so it doesn't go to waste. The bios are going to get better now because Zach's going to want to prove Miry wrong and Miry is going to try to prove Zach wrong. And Zach is probably going to do something like every other word in the bio spelling out "suck it Miry". :biggrin:
  18. I'm not into social media, but the only good thing to come out of this for me was the free storage on Picasa (with size limitations).
  19. Haha. I was blinded by the sheer awesomeness of Tapeworm that I didn't recognize that he's DC. But I don't know about that successor Kangaroo. He kinda scares me...
  20. How can you not want a Tapeworm?
  21. I imagine you saying that like Kitty Pryde saying Prof. X is a jerk. Finger pointing and all. Heck, why not make a minimate of that Kitty? The new FA Iron Man has a finger pointer so its not like without precedence.
  22. Me! And, uh, Chuck! That's at least two! Ummm... Can I join the party? Pleeeeez?
  23. I don't want slip ons for Spidey. Period. And redo Iron Spidey without slip on, please. Weird timing on this announcement as will any casual buyer remember to buy it ~9 months from now? But it is to catch the Ultimate Spider-Man hype, I guess. So TRU exclusive meaning short pack? Or TRU exclusive non-short pack like Wolverine/Omega Red? Probably latter, though they weren't ever really called an exclusive, right? Classic Spidey Villain? Ultimate Green Goblin. Now with pants!
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