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storm 1:08

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Everything posted by storm 1:08

  1. It really is nice to see a completed team, especially of the Young Avengers. I still wish for YA minimates, but I'm thinking I'd be disappointed if DST makes them when compared to your customs. Great job and thanks for sharing!
  2. inventory update. Who would have thunk Dante-pool is the pegwarmer of the entire series? Hulk-ggar isn't too far behind, which isn't that surprising to me. And it seems like Arthur-Man is doing pretty okay. But Magne-Zero is the clear hot pack. Is Deadpool just not popular anymore?
  3. Aunt May has nothing. Well, I guess she can have a rolled up newspaper from JJJ to spank people with. The accessories are really making this wave more interesting now. And I like DD's sunglasses.
  4. That hole in Zero's cannon makes it seem like there were plans for an energy blast accessory. Would have been cool to have something like this:
  5. I'm surprised there's still 200+ packs on the website. Even packing does make a difference?
  6. Saw a Stark Racing Armor at Target. Never saw it before but it looked fantastic so I grabbed it! Curiously, everything else was just the old pegwarmers. And saw a Steve Rogers for the first time at a TRU. Looked great and almost grabbed it, but in the end I decided against it.
  7. Called last night. None came in. Went this morning. Full case there, minus the 3 Deadpools. Yeah, I'm sure a scalper didn't get those 3 and just a lover of Dante has them. But I don't mind that much. Deadpool will be easier to get in the specialty wave.
  8. So MODOK and Tron Bonne pairing makes sense, right? Both use a vehicle to get around.
  9. So... nobody here wants Beavis and Butthead minimates? I guess I'll keep my mouth shut on this for now. *hears heavy knocks on door* Uh oh.
  10. I can't say I'm surprised by the quality of the minimates based on the images shown. But on the upside, they will be out before the game comes out. That's a big plus. They should have these in the video game section too to help boost sales. And I don't think the receipts ever had the SKU number. I always check via a price scanner. You know, if I remember and not run out the store in my giddiness of finding exclusives.
  11. Saw a BW Drac stolen last night. But Frankenstein was left inside. The curious thing was the package was ripped open and then taped back up. Like an employee saw it, got some packaging tape to tape it together, and then put it on the shelf. Unless the thief kindly packaged it up in case someone wanted to buy Frankenstein. Weird. But I guess this matches the MAX series that are stapled or taped shut due to the window falling off. Can't tell if people are discouraged by the tape/staples or just don't care about MAX minimates.
  12. For all you who want one, I hope DST Pucks you all.
  13. I'm expecting wave 44 to be Fantastic Four related. FOURty FOUR! Moloid army builders! It makes perfect sense! Yeah, I'm going to be disappointed when it's going to be something else. Speculating is still fun.
  14. Alive. Dead. Resurrected. Mini. Ongoing. Cancelled. Might as well be zombies. I'm kinda in the same boat with TTF in that I have no preference in Alpha Flight but I always liked the look of Vindicator/Guardian. So if only he gets made, I'm perfectly happy. Rhino.
  15. I never knew her name but I knew of her. But if they can do a firefighter Spidey with a MAX firefighter, then why not Lenore with a Maximum Zombie?
  16. I'm not concerned that DST hasn't shown much yet. Like Universal Monsters and M.A.X., this will probably be a 1 wave a year thing. But I'd be slightly concerned if they don't show something at Toyfair, though.
  17. Does the Holocaust minimate count as bulked up? If so, I desperately want an Onslaught! The phase 1 armor look and not the skull look. He's my personal Kang. I kinda got shot down a few years ago when I asked if he was ever considered but hopefully things can change...
  18. Even though I like the previous two incarnations just fine, I don't think I'd mind a bulky Apocalypse.
  19. Just curious. Anyone who got the promo at NYCC, does the MAX single baggies have the SDCC logo?
  20. Phoenix? I thought it was Human Torch that was coming back.
  21. Well, it spins out of the Dark Angel Saga. So if you are liking X-Force right now, you might like it. Creative team is David Lapham and Roborto De La Torre. And teaser image below. Ummm... is that Basilisk from Age of X in bottom left? I don't know anyone other than Sabretooth, Wolverine, and, I think, Phoenix?
  22. So Age of Apocalypse has a new ongoing series announced in the X-Men panel. Anyone think there's a good chance of getting some more AoA 'mates? Colossus and Nightcrawler, please!
  23. Thanks everyone! You're the bestest! Hopefully the others celebrating their birthday had a great day too! And I just found out yesterday was Steve Jobs day.
  24. It's Super Skrull! You're so silly. :tongue: Now someone tell me what the paper on the left and the third from the left says in that pic. No something... No car battery? Edit: 1000th post and I didn't realize it. On my birthday too! Yay!
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