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Everything posted by karamazov80

  1. Damn, I hate that. Sorry. Maybe you'll forget about it if I remind you of the Evenflow knockoff WCW used.
  2. I actually don't think I ever got that figure. Probably should since he's a Final Fight guy, though.
  3. Nah. Maybe next to General Zod and "Mandarin," though.
  4. On a related note, apparently the Genysis Asian version of this guy is getting a figure, too:
  5. Looks about how I would expect. I would probably pay $100 for one if the opportunity arose. . . In other news, here's one company that does know how to do 1/6 right: Unfortunately, looks like Quicksilver is going the way of the Drax! Sorry, Marvel collectors.
  6. Hot Toys announced they are doing a Millenium Falcon cockpit diorama. Crazy stuff. I might have to go after a Land Speeder.
  7. Not there, but they showed him on Facebook. Jan. 2016 release apparently.
  8. I don't think any of those were in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. So, they really only had two chances at most (not sure if they were all in SF vs. Tekken or not).
  9. Based on the commercials and general feedback, my interest in this is pretty low. Certainly not high enough to justify getting a sitter and paying the money to see it at the theaters. Maybe on Redbox. I did get to see the first Terminator at the theaters a couple weeks back though, and it was glorious. One of my favorite films.
  10. Super Saiyan Vegeta re-release is also up there.
  11. You may have seen this, but Bandai is re-releasing their original Super Saiyan Vegeta in a slightly different color scheme soon. They're also re-releasing Super Saiyan Trunks in the same way.
  12. The legit one was a pretty mediocre toy in terms of quality IMO, so the KO doesn't seem like such a bad deal if you aren't able to pick up the original for a decent price. . .before the inevitable re-release, of course.
  13. From the other thread: So, 4 Chun Lis, 4 Ryus, 4 Akumas, 4 M. Bisons, and 4 Demitris, 3 Morrigans, and 1 Lillith per case.
  14. As for the first question, I can't read the full description on that box on Ivan's site. Does it say "14 different" figures, or just 14 figures? I can imagine Ryu getting 2 spots. Though there were other figures made, like the red and super evil Akuma that could have been included as well. --edit: I just found this, which may help some: Apparently 24 were packed in a case, and the box does seem to say there are 14 to collect. Mr. Excitable suspects there should be two of each character. However, Lilith didn't have a variant, and is included according to MMDB. So. . .could have been a mistake, or maybe there is another variant in there Ivan isn't accounting for. Though I would lean toward the former.
  15. I'll admit that I never paid very close attention to this, but looking at the other series 1 sets, the basic, regular color scheme is used for for all characters here, whether they are listed as "1P" or "2P" on the front of the package. If you look at the exclusives, in the two Chun-Li vs. Bison 2-packs, in both cases Chun-Li is listed as "1P" and Bison as "2P" despite the different color schemes and faces used in each respective pack. So, the "RARE Variant" likely refers to Lilith's inclusion in the set, not Demitri.
  16. This is the Demitri variant I'm aware of:
  17. I guess they're just trying to maximize their investment into this property, but a figure that is colored like a prototype doesn't do much for me personally.
  18. Damn you Squirrel Girl, for taking votes away from Nighthawk. You'll rue the day!
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