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Everything posted by elhonez

  1. elhonez

    TRU 19

    I am loving that Ronan... so cool.
  2. I would LOVE to see any control art for Shuma Gorath that might exist... Zach, if you're reading, are you able to confirm or deny that Shuma was ever on the table for MvC? And although it's a long shot, I think this Bowen bust of Eternity is amazing - it really shows the potential of the design in 3D:
  3. I was really hoping we'd get a Shuma Gorath with the MvC3 series, but it was one of the very few that didn't happen before the line ended unfortunately. It's one of those wacky "how will they do it?" scenarios, like MODOK from the same series. Could be very cool. Nightmare and Umar I've done QCs of in the past that are good enough for now, but of the two I'd really like to see an official Nightmare, because he's a cool character who has menaced many heroes through many appearances. The two I really "can't live without" are classic Baron Mordo and Dormammu, along with Mindless One ABs. ...oh and I forgot I had done Clea as well:
  4. Give that we've got Pumpernick Cumberbund finally cast as the Good Doctor, I thought it relevant to consider those characters that fall under "musts" or classic characters in relation to the series, that you think should be MiniMates. There have been no doubt all sorts of rarities and also-rans (I'm looking at you, Silver Dagger, Zom, etc.), but I'm trying to assess what the "duh" characters are for everyone. Off the top of my head: Dr. Strange variants: Astral, Masked version (from when he was called Stephen Sanders), Eye Patch Allies: Clea, Wong, the Ancient One Arch Enemies: Baron Mordo, Dormammu Other Key Enemies and Entities: Nightmare, Eternity, Umar, Shuma Gorath, Mindless Ones Shuma might seem an oddity to many, but he/it was instrumental in Dr. Strange graduating to become the "Sorceror Supreme" and taking the Ancient One's place, Shuma having possessed the latter & Dr. Strange needing to assert his magical badassery to turn the tide. Is there anyone else "obvious" I'm missing from his rogue's gallery, or allegiances? From this list one could bang out a wave: Strange (w/ parts for masked) vs. Mordo; Clea vs. Dormammu (classic); Wong and Ancient One both packed with Mindless Ones. And a box set: Astral Strange, Eternity, Nightmare, Shuma Gorath. That would be pretty sweet.
  5. I feel like the idea of other universes is a good way to bring in the other properties, if Disney ever wants to sign those checks. Even still, I'd be okay with them all being re-cast and re-developed. With the exception of maybe Spider-Man... I'm actually a big fan of Andrew Garfield, even if not Webb's execution otherwise. What do you think, has that world diverged so much as to not be possible to be concurrent with the MCU? Should Disney just decide to coordinate story with Sony, rather than buying the property back? - Sony already has some depth planned w/ Venom, Sinister 6, etc., so a buyback seems unlikely for years. The first movie could be in the same U. Lizard people in NYC, sure, but it was largely contained. Wouldn't need to have been necessarily addressed in the Marvel movies yet. It's also plausible they could not talk about Spidey - they hardly mention the Avengers in e.g. the SHIELD series as it is. Have the events in the Spider-U been "small" enough to be plausibly folded into Marvel should Disney pull a whammy and throw Garfield into the Infinity mix? Or is this a shitty idea?
  6. Hulk as the Apocalypse Horseman War, Hulk with white tatters left for a shirt, Buscema style, Byrne style with shorts instead of torn pants... yeah I guess there aren't a ton I'd want. Villains I'd want: Zzaxx, Bi-Beast, Wendigo, Dark-Crawler, Harpy, U-Foes, Tyrannus Associates: Jarella, Classic She-Hulk (Savage, torn dress) Army Builder: Leader's Humanoids, Hulkbuster troops
  7. In AOS it's not the scene-chewing Gregor Shapanka, but rather a young Donnie Gill. They've tried to really humanize the character, making him a tortured genius. Personally, I prefer this costume - its contrast really makes it pop: ...but now we're officially off-topic. OK, here goes: Netflix Defenders Daredevil: Wave Option: Vigilante Daredevil / Wilson Fisk Costumed Daredevil / The Owl Hand Ninja / Karen Page Hand Ninja / Foggy Nelson Box Option: DD Costumed, Kingpin, Owl, Vigilante DD one has mentioned Bullseye being cast, right?
  8. The Owl is already slated to show up in DD, which always gives me hope for a comic version coming out in MM form. You'd think media exposure would up a character's profile a bit. Although this hasn't been proven true in the past necessarily... e.g. Blizzard, Deathlok, Warriors 3... but hey, Ronan has a pretty sweet comic version coming. A complementary comic box set would have to have the obligatory DD, plus Kingpin or Bullseye, but I'd like the other two to be Owl and Melvin Potter-Gladiator. Should such a wonderful thing materialize, of course.
  9. That tears it. We need yellow slipper feet so we can put Power Pack in these costumes.
  10. I think it's time for a GOTG Origins box set: ...and since we already have Drax and Rocket's tiny:
  11. elhonez

    TRU 19

    They all look pretty swell. I'm happy with the updates, PSYCHED for comic Ronan, and appreciate dynamic variants of anchor characters to keep these waves flowin'
  12. All of this has happened before, and will happen again... (minus Talos and Corsair-Skrull)
  13. Wow! We guessed it... awesome! I am SO excited for the Brotherhood! They were easily the most major X-villains needing 'mates, and I love that we're getting a Destiny! Very, very exciting!
  14. Does Iron Fist come with a tunic for the classic look? Or just the alternate green torso?
  15. @Arnim - 2015 sounds pretty Avengers-heavy, I for one am psyched. Also psyched to see this Wave 60 on Thursday, I hope?
  16. Zach, can you confirm FF comic mates are off the table?
  17. Chuck was referring to the 7" Select line in the Q&A... maybe it doesn't carry over to MiniMates? The article referenced also read more like an opinion piece. They seemed to infer from the series cancellation alone that Marvel's 86-ing the four was gospel. It could just mean they're timing a new #1 with the movie's release, right? Or, maybe there's truth to all of it. It's got bad buzz, and if it has no support outside of Fox's promotional budget, perhaps it'll "help the movie fail," driving down the asking price of a potential buy-back by Marvel... Diabolical. [make Diablo please]
  18. We're sure about this? This would be a bummer... there are exactly 9 FF villain minimates I still want. One, Attuma, might still be on the table as he is not exclusively FF. The other 8: Mad Thinker, Awesome Android, Diablo, Dragon Man, Psycho-Man, Wizard, Trapster, Impossible Man.
  19. A week from Thursday... not too terrible.
  20. There was a lot of guessing before Zach stated (page 4) that "half" had been guessed... groups guessed prior to his post: Wrecking Crew, Mystique's Brotherhood, Enforcers, X-Force, various GSXM subsets (incl. Banshee & others), WCA, Defenders subset (incl. Nighthawk), various Avengers subsets (incl. Falcon, Black Knight, etc.), Power Pack, Runaways, Warriors 3 plus-one He also stated that 2015 would be Avengers-heavy, but I'm not sure if 60 falls under that spell yet. Very explicitly early on: four new classic villains. (no re-dos here at all?)
  21. Yeah I realized upon reflection that they'd already done that Wolverine... that wouldn't really meet the "unguessable" criteria. That's the one that really throws me. Cuckoos meet the criteria that would make the "female count" with our BoEM (Destiny) assumption work. But I don't know what team they'd logically fit into. "4 women" does pretty much obviate the Wrecking Crew as the villains though, unless one of the heroes is a Cuckoo, which makes no sense vs. TWC. All 4x heroes can't be women b/c of the link to W19. Assuming BoEM is correct, that leaves 3x females plus (presumably) Wolverine on the hero side, which seems highly unlikely. If I'm doing a wish-wave though, could be BoEM vs. Wolv, Rogue FA, Storm FA (re-do), Kitty FA (or Ariel or Sprite). But then none of those are new characters... (and it would make too much sense thematically and therefore be guessable) Wolv... Cuckoos... Multiple Man... Banshee. There. Done. Unguessable. But not a team... Hrm.
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