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Everything posted by elhonez

  1. Tiamat would make a fine Vinimate. Said me, never before, but now fer realz.
  2. SDCC for the announcement?
  3. Yeah I can't think of six villains without him. I'd have guessed Venger, Kelek, Kareena, Shadow Demon, Warduke, Lolth, Beholder pack-in.
  4. Whaaaaat I'm so all over these. What a surprise.
  5. Yeah, what's wrestling's opposite? If it's between D&D, Magic and Jem, I might have to say Jem.
  6. I'm always down for great accessories, so that will be my wait-and-see for MMs.
  7. Does anyone have pictures of this set with MiniMates for size reference? I'm also wondering how/if the MM Captain's Chair would fit into that space.
  8. I also wanted to do him. I was going to use Mysterio's head and paint it to look like an eye, maybe use a decal for the cornea/iris. You could do the same and then drop the head/eye on a flight stand if you wanted to do the Empress. Not one of those "footie" flight stands, but the "stick" kind.
  9. I would love old school D&D mates from the animated series, but I'd also love LJN toy repros, and of course the R.A. Salvatore Forgotten Realms / Icewind Dale saga folks. But Drizzt is ebony colored! Stop making him purple-skinned like the book cover art! They always get it wrong! </nerd>
  10. Well this got weird. Moving on. Back to Hasbro, OK, that's promising from my admittedly narrow perspective -- basically, D&D, Magic, or Jem? I feel like the former two are more in the MM wheelhouse than the latter. And both D&D and Magic could produce some very interesting MiniMates. If it were Magic, what's it's polar opposite? (i.e. 180 degrees) Reality is the opposite of Magic. Reality TV... are they doing Survivor MiniMates? It's 42 seasons and counting... There could be lots of accessories...
  11. Whaaat...?!? I missed the second mystery license mention. Yeah I'd be all about D&D, though I fear MLP is more likely?
  12. I think the core hint is that it's currently on the air ("network TV") and not going anywhere anytime soon. Are there any D&D shows currently on?
  13. Maybe it's a kids' show we haven't guessed yet, like PAW Patrol, Peppa Pig, Blue's Clues, Cocomelon, or Thomas & Friends. But still, "lots of accessories" gets me back to Pro Wrestling or a major league sport of some kind. The salient clues seem to be: Accessories, Make sense as both Vinis and Minis, and Anticipated Disappointment. Yeah it's hard to get excited about these.
  14. Yeah, the version previously done is 90s, below is the true classic Shocker. There are some subtle but important differences: Hasbro recently did him as a Marvel Legend:
  15. I realized that I don't keep up with modern stuff enough to have a reasonable guess here. A cursory Google check reveals a metric s**t ton of new teams, books and configurations over the past decade. I will plug what I *want* for the next box, though: Chuck loves Spidey, I love Spidey. Sinister Syndicate: 80s Beetle, 80s Boomerang, Armored Rhino, Comic Speed Demon, Classic Shocker, Spider-Man. I swapped Hydro for Shocker since Hydro's been done twice, and we haven't had a classic (original costume) Shocker yet.
  16. Modern YA seems like a pretty solid guess, for many reasons. The character selection wouldn't be "for me," but I'm a sucker for great parts and would probably pick it up if this ends up being correct.
  17. Cyclops (kid) Hulk (Cho/"Brawn") Viv VIsion Ms. Marvel Nova (Sam) Spider-Man (Miles) ...but this team didn't have an almost-seventh member, AFAIK
  18. New Champions fits, with maybe Viv Vision being the miscount?
  19. Which one would be the "minor" one that wasn't included?
  20. (in case my profile picture was not enough indication that I might feel that way)
  21. If there were some way to get Conan in the line, I'd be all about that set.
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