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Everything posted by elhonez

  1. Ooh yeah, Echo is a good guess.
  2. I was thinking the same, sadly. Shang-Chi feels "now" enough to be a possibility, compounded by the fact that we didn't get any movie product. I'm just not sure to which other street characters he'd be loosely associated.
  3. I think, generally speaking, factory mess-ups are more of a curiosity than a value generator. Even in major lines with retail presence and broader interest, something like "so-and-so upside-down on card" is almost too rare to be valuable, if that makes sense. A variant or mistake would have to be widespread enough for there to be awareness about it to drive interest and create demand. (I also recognize that this is just academic, and "HooliganJae" with his single post was likely just probing around to see if he had inadvertently won the lottery)
  4. Y'all know from my signature I'd be a fan, especially if he were to be classic, or at least have parts to make him classic.
  5. Maybe with the second season (due next year I think?) we'll have another shot at MiniMates? The show really is quite good, and there are so many great designs.
  6. Hmm. We could use an update of classic Power Man and Iron Fist... Lots of street level villains yet to be done.
  7. I can already see I'll want more of those Wiccan capes... is that a reuse, or a net-new piece?
  8. Love the hi-res pics! The colors really pop. And congrats on the coverage! Article here.
  9. Zabu has typically been depicted as un-striped, so I may do a little further customization -- @Luke do you think an acetone solution would work on those? I'm unfamiliar with Lego decals.
  10. BTW, this is my current Neal Adams X-Men setup, less yellow Angel: Not a lot of modding. Just gave Polaris X-Factor effects, doubled up on Havok's effects, swapped Angel's legs and gave him blue feet to recreate that look, gave Beast a new belt and considered that X-Factor chest to be "close enough", and cobbled together a Bobby in the shorts & boots he wore when de-iced for that run.
  11. Ah, that's right! I wonder if there's a way to leech all of the color out of those. I could leave them out in the sun, but I suspect they'd stay yellow, even if they faded.
  12. I am curious about Novafan3 and whether he was able to start building his collection. And what he started with.
  13. I was very happy to see that shout-out as well. This week, if rumors are to be believed, they'll be announcing a Ghost Rider HasLab that may or may not feature Robbie Reyes' Hell Charger.
  14. Yeah those SC Kombat figures are beautiful but bank-breaking if you want to be a completist. And with the latest SDCC reveals, it really does look like they're committed to finishing the whole MKIII-era lineup. FINISH THEM! (ahem)
  15. Also forgot to ask - are there clear plastic/ translucent boots with cuffs out there? I think not. But I may be forgetting one
  16. Um... this is way better than my custom! So psyched! And a TIGER.
  17. Hot damn. That could work! But yeah the wings... I'll think on it
  18. Alright. I've made my Bobbies, thanks again for all of the suggestions. I've now got a bug to try to solve Neal Adams Angel 1.0. Yellow chest blocks, sure. Yellowjacket, AIM soldier -- any others? Bracelets are clearly Thor's. Red legs & black boots I'm sure I can find. I might have to delicately paint the most recent Cyclops' belt blue around his snazzy trapezoidal "X" buckle. But the parts advice request... 1) I'm really lazy and don't want to make a chest decal, so I'm looking for a chest overlay with parallel straps, but one that is lacking all the frippery that often finds in these pieces, like holsters or grenades. Anyone know of a relatively "clean" chest ornament/harness with parallel vertical elements? It can be in reverse, too. 2) The other thing that might be cool would be a circular "bib" piece, kinda like Kang, but preferably smaller. Does such an animal exist? I'm starting to talk myself into a decal now...
  19. I do not disagree. Sometimes the MiniMates form factor needs aggressive modding to adequately represent a license. I think about the awkwardness of some of the Muppet mates, for example.
  20. Muggs seemed to fade as quickly as they appeared. Anyone hang on to any of these, have any favorites to recommend?
  21. As always, I look back on things like this with custom lenses, e.g. "Keebler Elf With a Gun"
  22. I had a lot of the old Mego figures when I was a kid. I get why these wouldn't get mates -- the best designs were really just the robots, although the "humanoids" were creepy and cool.
  23. +1 I love the jets. I had really hoped the SWAT van would make it to market too, because I had visions of a Hulk rampage diorama dancing in my head.
  24. @bilbofett do you have any pictures? I'm inches away from aggressively bidding for one of these on eBay, but wasn't sure what you meant by "little big." Did you mean that Ham should be smaller overall, or did the Lego head look a little weird seated on the body?
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