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Everything posted by elhonez

  1. That's looks great! You really captured the MiniMate aesthetic.
  2. I just busted out my DD Minis this past weekend. Needless to say, I'm very excited to see how this set turns out. I really do overdo it on army builders.... my DD is presently besieged by a surfeit of Hand Ninjas. Have I mentioned that I miss army builders? I also have a stupid amount of SHIELD Agents, Dreadnoughts, Hydra, Ice Giants and MAX cops.
  3. Are you considering any forays into the 616? Like a comic Quinjet, or Punisher van?
  4. Thanks! And no problem. It came together over some time, so I may have forgotten a few bits, but here goes: Legs, boots, gloves, sword: Deathstroke Torso/pelvis/arms are likely all from modern X-Factor minis Cape: Hobgoblin Head: X-Factor Havok Harness: I forget, but it's clear from the back of it that I used an x-acto knife to cut something off and make it flush with the cape. Maybe a backpack piece?
  5. Here's a fun QC/WIP. Almost all stock parts, but I trimmed a harness piece and painted it orange: If I do anything else, it'll be to swap out the cape for a Classic Vision cape and paint it, since its shape is more comic-accurate for DS.
  6. I have been having a lot of fun with the excellent Son of Satan custom! I made some mods to create an alternate look:
  7. At some point I'll reveal the Q-ish C that I was working on, but it may be a bit. Another couple of sets have now jumped the line, and I'm excited by them. I have so little time to work on my customs these days that I tend to follow my whims, which just adds more and more time. 🤷‍♂️ Not that anyone could guess based on this, but before my next "wave" is done I need a Kingpin cigar hand, and I need to paint a couple fedoras.
  8. I would be concerned that this fellow with only 1 post may have shared an image file with a virus of some kind. No insult to you, izzywizzy22, just an abundance of caution.
  9. These are cool and a value, no doubt. At minimum nice display pieces, if only considering MiniMates compatibility. +1 to "great find" -- thanks for sharing!
  10. I checked out a video, and just eyeball-estimating it looks like these cockpits/seats would be too small for MiniMates. Even these 1.65" figures don't fit, on account of their little "surfboards."
  11. Yes. If there were only one set for army builders, these would be the Big Four. +1000. Please, Zach! Pass on to the design team that the carded format should continue! The mini-cards make these extra-awesome, and got me off the fence to invest in this new sub-line.
  12. My thought is that if they are committing to boxed sets of four individually-carded figures, then they'd all need to be army builders so we don't end up with like 16 Major Bludds. So if it were me making those big DST bucks as a bigshot product planner, I'd alternate army waves with character waves, like Mindbender + Croc Master + Raptor + Zartan.
  13. My dream Cobra army builder waves: Cobra Trooper + Crimson Guard + Eels + Tele-Vipers Cobra Officer + Python Patrol + Snow Serpent + Viper B.A.T.S. + Iron Grenadier + Alley Viper + Techno-Viper
  14. That packaging! So cool. Ya'll are really upping your box-and-card game.
  15. Well I'll be ding-danged... it was right there all along! Thanks Freaqualizer!
  16. I don't have them in hand, but they sure look close on MMDB. I also have a question: does anyone know of green legs with brown "boot tops?" I know there are the Platoon mates, and first appearance Blade, but those all have shoelaces/details in front. i want pure brown. Does such an animal exist?
  17. Thanks for the context! To be clear, I harbor only incredulity, not disdain for that set -- if it were up to me there'd probably be Murder She Wrote, Max Headroom, Glengarry Glen Ross, and/or 60 Minutes MiniMates. 'Mate em all, I say. Also I had no idea Ferris Bueller was ever on the docket. That is a tragic loss to be sure. But back to our regularly scheduled programming: D&D rules, I love how Warduke turned out. Any plans past these first two sets, or will it be wait-and-see?
  18. Siiiick. @Zach, are there design sheets like this for every MiniMate ever created? Does DST keep them all, or are some lost to the sands of time? Also, total tangent, but how in the actual hell did the "Desperately Seeking Susan" two-pack come about?
  19. OK, they're in hand now and WOW. These are amazing. I really love the blister card designs and execution. Sign me up for every Cobra wave from here to eternity.
  20. I was a bigtime Cobra collector when I was a kid. I thought they looked a lot cooler than the Joes did, even if CC was a big ham. I finally ordered my set from Luke and I'm pretty torn about whether I'll open them or not -- this packaging is just the best. Kudos to the design team.
  21. I don't have an order, but here are the ones I liked the most: Iron Man Thor: Ragnarok Captain America: Winter Soldier Captain America: Civil War Spider-Man: The Trilogy Avengers Avengers: Endgame Avengers: Infinity War
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