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Everything posted by tookytoo5

  1. I just got here. Let me say I absolutely love your Arkham Origins Deathstroke. That's a design that in my opinion doesn't get enough love. I love all your other stuff as well!
  2. I'd love a full size Rocket if they included Dancing Groot as the accessory. Maybe a slimmer Drax to go with Dancing Groot. Or just a Dancing Groot as a full size figure a la Sandman from SM3.
  3. dude awesome customs! i loved the game and i think they really didn't do it it justice with giving it one box set, but it was a cool box set. But anyway thats a great Spider Queen and the containment unit looks exactly like the game. Keep it up man!
  4. Me and my brother love these things. Me and my brother (me being 13 and him being 7) kinda have a link that tells us what the other wants for a present. So he saw all the signs (I got the game, I probably watched the movies 13 times on AMC) and he got me the terror dog and Washington Square Ghost Packs. I love them (The Proton Packs are awesome), but I think he likes them more than I do.
  5. OOOOOOOOOH! So that's what it means! Thanks Butthead!
  6. Well Pete, the head behind the card is probably the other head for Black Panther, or it can be a different head for Moon Knight.
  7. PSYCH! they must make Psych minimates. I would instantly buy a shawn/gus 2 pak. I'd also like Burn Notice minis to. *cough*deadliestwarrior*cough*
  8. thanx man ihe should be up whenever i finish him (shouldn't be long beacause i just need to paint, but the details on him knocked my plans back because I didn't know he had THAT much detail) My second fig will probably be comic Weapon XI just need the new Mohawk Storm to come out XD.
  9. His i'm starting my own line of custom minimates starting with . I f anybody can provide me with a reference pic I already have his blades done.
  10. They should make Deadliest Warrior minimates. (for those not knowing, its a show on Spike). It would be loaded with the weapons that the people on the show tested. Here's how it would go: Apache vs. Gladiator Viking vs. Samurai Spartan vs. Ninja Pirate vs. Knight Mafia vs. Yakuza Shaolin Monk vs. Maori Warrior William Wallace vs. Shaka Zulu IRA vs. Taliban Green Beret vs. Spetznatz They'd also make good army builders.
  11. HAPPY BIRFDAY FROM ALL THE TOOKY 5'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I'd like to see a giant sandman like the one in SM3
  13. me and my friend are over each others house like every day, he has 360 and i have ps2. At his house i play Halo 3, Gears of War, and Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. At my house we play Rock Band. My friend pre-ordered Mercenaries 2 and hes gonna pick it up today. I pre-ordered Rock Band 2 earlier this week. Its gonna be awesome
  14. I have 2 questions. My first is 360 worth trading in my PS2 for? im 12 and my mom and dad are getting divorced so itd be a big hassle, but i think i move into my new house with my mom ill do it. And second would trading in PS2 and all the games be enough for a 360? sorry if this is pointless i just need help thanks for your help
  15. for those of you who dont know SvRits a wrestling game. Now ont the list #5-Mick Foley Cmon this guy is a hardcore legend and he deserves a spot, maybe with an extra unlockable for Cactus Jack and the rest. #4-Owen Hart I dont think this guy is in any SvR games so itd be cool to see him in this one, maybe a match with him vs. Bret? #3-Bubba Ray Duddly (dontt know if thats right) He is one of the masters of TLC, he had a good run in WWF, and is pretty cool. What would be oven cooler is a Summerslam match between him, D-Von, and the Hardy Boyz #2-Goldberg The guy ended Bret Harts career, i dont need to say anymore #1-Rob Van Dam He was my favorite wrestler and a hardcore legend, he is a definate hit for the game
  16. yay! i like this show! plus chainsaw!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I just bought 3 packs of dc mates in NYC each like, 9$. Will it helpDC mates?
  18. hmmmmmmm. I Wonder. If the minimate lines were so good then why did they cancel them. My guess is that dcd just made them and didnt liek them. My conclusion is that they just made htem to shut fanboys up about dc mates. Look where that got them
  19. ok sorry i woont. my bro was typing in all caps to his friend on AIM and forgot to turn it off. Thaks for all your help.ill post what i found out!
  21. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spymaster has a peg hole
  22. There will be a hulk 2. Because
  23. ok guys *grabs bullet proof vest, sandbags, grenades, helmet, machine gun, shotgun and umbrella* i actually like the hulk movie minis. They look awesomeeeee *Grabs Machine Gun and shotgun turns a nd shoots wildly behind while many other multiverse members fire*
  24. Wve 8 is out on the 11th? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! but also no cause NO MORE DC MINIS
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