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Everything posted by maxcarnage

  1. my LCS has this set and variant rachel on hold for me. i was hoping for some pictures...
  2. just got back from my LCS bought a lot of mates! will post pictures shortly
  3. my LCS is getting only the army builders this week! not the wave which is kind of weird but what ever.
  4. just got the word from LCS this set comes out this week! woot!
  5. woot wave 33 comes out this week! for all those who did not order it online or pick up the thor pack at TRU.
  6. it is not horrible, i mean at least i can still connect with my fellow nerds. but it just does not look good
  7. Yep, same here. Usually get these from local comic shop and they do not have them on this week's shipping list. I had on order through BBTS, so I should get them tomorrow if UPS doesn't reschedule delivery (as they often do for me). not getting them in tucson either. looks like we will have to wait and look at the pictures a little longer
  8. ok here you go: thor and loki thor and thor
  9. i used to do them because i thought when they first came out that DST was sending back free minimates! needless to say i have not gotten in minimates in the mail I would recomend everyone to say that they find out about minimates on this site or minimates headquaters!
  10. thank you i was wondering when someone was going to post about thor! i almost forgot he was in the mix. he is really cool and has an extender part too. but i think he looks better with out it. female loki is cool too. but like mst3k said the faces are a little low something to look for when you are at the store or in a few weeks. hey as for storm any jacket will double as a vest.
  11. I found only egon and capt and vego today no brothers oh well still cool!
  12. None in Tucson, yet. There is a shipment coming tomorrow and we usally get new mates on thruseday. Keeping figures crossed!
  13. OY! if only there was someplace where members of this forum could get together and trade unwanted mates for wanted mates??? try either the "wants/haves" "want/buy" sorry for the sarcasm
  14. the same thing happened at my tru but still no minimates.
  15. after looking through all the pictures i have come to one conclusion: i am so F@#$ed for cash. these minimates all look super cool hope they really get made and we can find them
  16. Topless Robot post a list of what they believe to be the 21 best kubricks. while reading through i kept thinking "would have been cooler as a minimate" oh well enjoy.
  17. DVR? Who needs a DVR when you have a VCR? Amen Although my VCR does not work so well now that my DTV converter box died my ipod still works and i am making my way through he-man and the masters of the universe. the new one NOT the original, i figure if it can inspire a group of loyal action figure collectors it can't be that bad and it has not been!
  18. I was under the impression that both waves were coming out this week, and after calling my LCS they both are! at least in Tucson (west Coast).
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