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Everything posted by undeadpool

  1. uhhh well thats to bad well cant wait to see more of your bl customs since i just started reading rebirth
  2. i love all your blackestnight stuff but did you ever get around to this cause your prime,megatron and jazz are awsome and your sound wave is freaken amazing(sucks that he only got like 10 mins in the movie) but id really like to know if you had any plans for these
  3. my tinmans almost done i just need to finish up the detailing and get some new blue paint ps lobsterman that sinbad is awsome
  4. once again im amazed and once again little blue ellephant people ruleeeeeeeeeeeee
  5. im pretty sure(but could be wrong) but i think la means los angelos because one of the nositings was at my local tru(and i live in losangelos)
  6. yay little blue elephant men that blue lantern is awsome and once again more more more moe more mooooreeeee
  7. i voted minimyte shamrock clayface
  8. mines almost done and by the way it comes with tons of accesories
  9. my idea for slushh was to use a pull over mask just to make his head round and for the hands just some sculpted dococ tentacles with no claws
  10. that is the greatest larfaleez ever(no offense to anyone else)more more more more more more just some ideas for more black night ------------------------------------------- bl manhunter bl superman yl cyborg superman yl karu sil blgl hal jordan yl slushh yl lyssa drak yl arkillo yl tekik ----------------------------- these are just some ideas all of your customs are great
  11. Are you priming the surface first? That has solved most of my yellow paint woes. what prime do you use for your minimates
  12. actullay her costumes like that in the comics to
  13. those are awsome i do have a request but its not bsg if you can make an ironpatriot one if so thanks if you only do bsg ones i completly understand
  14. WHAT? I'm not even sure how we got from BSG to Harry Potter... perhaps someone should put away the model glue before posting wait so are they making harrypotter minimates
  15. i think juggernaught and rhino need a powerhouse upgrade. the newer greengoblin was way more detailed but lacked some of the originals qualities like the pumpkin bomb and the clown boots. the first ghostrider was kinda flimsy and the paint looked like a sticker the second one was better but i think the new champion one looks like the best. the first venom was pretty good but to skinny i think the wave 24 one was the absolute best eddie venom. these are some of my thougthts on the matter
  16. i dont know if you need any gls since they already have jordan,stewart,kilowog,gardner and sallak but if yoou can you should deffinatly make some blackhand minions(martian manhunter is the coolest) and maybe some yellow or red lantern corps people
  17. thats an wasome custom and i hope we see more blackest night minimates from you
  18. these are all great entries when dos this contst end?
  19. thats a great sandman head and poses did you have to widen the eye hole on his head
  20. this is freaken awsomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee THIS THE BEST THING EVER ROSEWOOD RULESZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ these look great and the eddie murphy likeness is great
  21. these is an awsome set(i know i said this already) but bravo dst this also gives me hope for more random boxsets in the future(like so many of you have pointed out) but it would be awsome to see a gla set or a marveluniverse set(this would include manthing,howard the duck,and maybe impossible man or some other lesser known character like nighthawk) so thank you dst and thank you marvel(and of course artasylum)
  22. thanks for the heads up karamavoz and these are freaken awsome i think adam warlock is super awsome thanos looks impressive mephisto=awsomeness and drax looks pretty cool but i wonder whats under that ironman helmet
  23. has a picture of an infinity gauntlet set and its awsome
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