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Everything posted by CortherX

  1. it was before Rictor and Boomer showed up on and i was getting anxious. i added Dani/Magma and King Pin/Dare Devil to my shopping cart just to see what the total for 2 would be. it came up to $20.change... if it woulda been the same price for shipping 2 packages as it was for 1 (it wasn't), i probably woulda held off. but i got the new mutants and x-force sets for 27 total on ebay. i was worried maybe Dani/Magma would sell out before Rictor/Boomer were available, or that maybe they'd NEVER show up on the website. and i don't live near a tru anymore, nor do i drive, so this just seemed the easiest route for me...
  2. ugh i caved and bought mine on Ebay... i only paid about $7 more than i would've on, but it's still frustrating... oh well.
  3. will someone either holler at me when these start showing up on the west coast, or if anyone has a spare set of magma/mirage and boomer/rictor pm me! it's way too difficult for me to get out to a toys r us now
  4. same at my tru =( i was really hoping they'd be there by today cuz i'm moving tomorrow =(
  5. my tru had amazing spider-man, but none of the others yet. the guy said they were getting another truck in tomorrow, so hopefully....... i wonder if we'll get a wave 15 announcement at sdcc?? that'd be exciting...
  6. as much as i want Banshee (he's my #1 out of everyone on this poll) i don't necessarily want him as the variant. not the blue/yellow costume, anyway. his green/yellow costume is the one i always wanted so that's perfect, but the only way i'd want a variant of him would be if it was AoA Banshee, or X-Factor Banshee in the way they did classic White Tiger and current White Tiger (2 different characters that are bro/sis) as the variant. as far as Songbird goes... i remember when Thunderbolts first came out years ago. i've been reading comics since before then, and i remember it was kind of a big deal. that said, i never actually read Thunderbolts until after the most recent reboot, so i know very little about her. THAT said, i own all the Thunderbolts and Dark Avengers minimates so i did vote for her. of all the characters, i'd probably pick Falcon to have the variant (unless by some slim chance my Banshee variants are an option) so that we can get his current look, and his classic. granted, i'd only get the modern Falcon, but i know a lot of people either want both, or really want classic.
  7. guess it just depends on what era they're doing for the Brotherhood. if it's 80s, i'd vote Destiny, Pyro, Blob and Avalanche... obviously they'd probably want Mystique in there as a semi well known character, but i didn't mention her because i wouldn't be surprised to see an eventual update since she's fairly popular and has been featured in all the movies and most, if not all, of the X-Men cartoons. if it's the original brotherhood than obviously Toad would be in there... and i'd also like to see Mastermind, Unus the Untouchable, and Magneto (only for a big name character)... with a classic green Quicksilver and an updated Scarlet Witch tru exclusive. but i think the first SW mate would fit well with the Brotherhood, and an updated mate will probably come around in an Avengers wave, since she's back in the comics again and is supposed to have a big role in AvsX... that said, i had no idea there was another poll coming out, or that another box set was being announced this week!
  8. even though i voted for Onslaught and Mojo, i am also surprised at how many people are NOT voting for Wrecker. this attitude of 'i want them all so i'm not voting for just Wrecker' is ridiculous. i'd buy a box set of the Wrecking Crew, but i'm not a huge Wrecking Crew fan. considering all the fuss that's been made about them, if you want the WC, you should vote for Wrecker now, not for Apocalypse because he 'kind of needs an update.' i agree ol Poccy Lips could stand to be beefed up, but i could wait onit. i grew up only reading X-Men and have only followed Avengers since Disassembled (and have pretty much dropped them over the last few months) so i'm not familiar with any of the other bad guys, that's why i voted for who i WANTED.
  9. i would LOVE a Generation X set, and with the recent releases of New Mutants and X-Force, Exaclibur, and i'm sure eventually 90s X-Factor, i can't help but hold out hope that eventually we would get them. for a LONG time i only read X-Men and Uncanny... Gen X was the first spin off i followed, and it was my favorite series for a long time. plus, it would be kind of easy to make them, since basically all the girls would have the same out fits... of course all the guys (except Synch) are fairly unique looking. but yeah this was a great series that i'm gonna have to reread one of these days...
  10. omg i hope i can find these before i move! the tru is right next to my work here but all the way across town in Portland
  11. with the possibility of Banshee, i wouldn't mind seeing his evil cousin - and Juggernaut's bff - Black Tom Cassidy in the villains poll!
  12. announcement, huh? instead of skimming through the pages of off-topic talk, has there been an update on when there WILL be an announcement? and what's all this talk about bananas?
  13. this poll has sparked an excitement in me over minimates that i haven't felt in a while. i've been buying them for probably about 5 years now and at first it was fun playing catch up, and then getting excited when almost every wave featured new and exciting characters, but it's been a while since i've felt that way... which is kind of sad. i don't really collect the movie mates, and i haven't felt the need to get a new Cap, Iron Man, Spider Man, Hulk or Thor in a while... so i've actually been saving a pretty penny on mates, which isn't a terrible thing, but... pretty sure the last pack i bought was a Mr. Sinister/Nimrod set (though i did buy both Sinisters!) that said, i'm really looking forward to Wave 13 and the Outback wave, and knowing how close i am to a Banshee is just driving me bonkers! hopefully i'll also be impressed by what's revealed at sdcc!
  14. i wish these were already out. i can't wait to get Dani, Magma, Rictor and Boomer! but i'm moving in a month and whereas right now Toys R Us is across the parking lot from where i work, the Toys R Us in Portland is completely across town! annnnd i don't drive.
  15. this awesome new assortment of possible mates has got me excited, so i walked up to Wal-Mart and bought a couple cans of spray pain to work on some new displays. i didn't like how crowded my original New Mutants display was, so i pulled them all off and put this lil diddy together... and here's a preview of the one i'll be working on tomorrow!
  16. i kind of took this to mean something more like 'yes there will be Brotherhood members, i just can't say so!' but maybe you're right. maybe we'll get a box set.
  17. with so many mates already offered in the polls, i'm hoping we'll either see an Alpha Flight box set with a Northstar and Aurora tru exclusive - oooh or maybe a Northstar and Kyle exclusive, considering all the hype their marriage is getting! - or possibly a X-Factor box set with Monet, Strong Guy, Layla and Rictor, with a Wolfsebane and Siryn exclusive... or something like that!
  18. I vote for Banshee (duh!) and Songbird. i'd like some of the others - Falcon, Winter Soldier, and even Gladiator - but i also have all the Thunderbolts and would like to complete the set with Songbird. i think of the other 3 i mention, Gladiator is has the weakest chance of being made...
  19. Banshee for sure! the rest i dunno... Wiccan and Hulkling would be nice. We have a serious shortage of gay (and red headed Irish) minimate characters... and after we get those 2, i'd love the rest of the Young Avengers... X-Factor! 90s or current! anyone from the Brotherhood of Mutants... Toad, Blob, Mastermind, Pyro, Avalanche, Destiny or an updated Mystique... Marror, Cecilia, Maggot... maybe Arcade, or Bastion, or Stryfe? i know those are more than top 3... but Banshee is really the only one i'm dying for... the rest are just hopeful thinking... hearing there are 'a lot of x-men' i'm hoping for new characters, and not re-issues... we'll see, i suppose...
  20. just Shaw for me. i don't buy the movie mates, though i woulda snatched up Banshee in a heartbeat if they'd made him. poor guy gets cut from the Giant Sized X-Men set AND is the First Class set. =(
  21. i'm also excited for this set, but maybe instead of another Havok that is very similar to the first, we coulda got Gateway with Storm... with the Outback set now complete, i fear we'll never see him. i'm hoping, however, that the new Havok will at least be a big larger compared to the old one. standing next to Polaris, he looks tiny!
  22. i'm really interested in seeing how these polls are gonna work, and who will be on them!
  23. these displays are so easy to put together at the salon i work at. they come flat in an envelope and we just pop em out and insert A in to B. Diamond should think about making something similar, cuz until i figured out i could use the polish displays i was always looking for a way to put my mates up.
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