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Everything posted by 3Dean

  1. Yep, same here. They plan to reorder though and will keep me in mind for the variant when they come in. These are really cool. I was on the fence about this wave, but I really like the Red Hulk and Barbarian Hulk. I am a DC fan, so I have no idea who Barbarian Hulk is, but he sure has some cool gear. I could see a potential Warlord custom using that loincloth piece. Also, I like that the Captain America set has a suit piece. Probably reuse from Iron Man movie Tony Stark, but still neat to have.
  2. Since we know these are what are replacing DC MiniMates, I can't judge them on their own. If they were just another crazy DC Direct product, I could just pass them up and move on with my life. But since these REPLACED DC MiniMates, I'm torn up. I can't believe Georg Brewer still has a job...
  3. That would explain why the boxed set is not on the Art Asylum shipping list: It just has the Previews Exclusive 2 pack as shipping this week. Odd that no other online store has them in stock yet...
  4. Looks like the Spirit Movie MiniMates won't be coming out next week either: The Diamond Select Toys website still has the 3/18 release data which came and went with no Spirit Movie MiniMates:;CategoryID=499 I guess they have a better shot at selling being timed with the release with the DVD and Bluray, but I don't think it would hurt to have them released earlier...
  5. From the look of it, the Spirit MiniMates aren't coming next week either. I don't typically use the Midtown Comics site, but the one I check hasn't been updated yet with next week's releases. Hopefully, they'll be coming the week of 3/25.
  6. Sorry about that... Should have known better, so I took out the 5th Cylon. I figure the other 4 are pretty common knowledge by now...
  7. Since AFX has done quite a few Marvel MiniMates exlusive sets, I asked them if they would be interested in offering a BSG Final Five Cylon set. They quickly responded that it sounded like a good idea and would talk with DST about it. It actually made me think that talks had already begun and as others here have suspected, plans are already under way for some of these Mates to eventually be released in some fashion. I was also hoping to see these at Toy Fair, but again as others have pointed out, store exclusives aren't typically shown at Toy Fair. FINAL FIVE SPOILERS BELOW>>> I most want to see Anders, Tory, and the 5th member, so it only makes sense to ask for a Final Five set including Tigh (one-eye) and Tyrol to round it out. I was also excited about the long haired Starbuck from New Caprica, but that hair piece is being used for Psylocke, so she should be an easy custom to make. <<<END OF FINAL FIVE SPOILERS It would have been nice to get all the humanoid Cylons, but I'd be OK if they just found a way to get the rest of the Final Five made and that could be done with a nice boxed set!
  8. I don't take the time to post here that often, but I just had to chime in how happy I am that this set does NOT include Spider-man, Wolverine, Captain America, Hulk, or Iron Man. I'm not a big Champions fan, but I will buy this set to support the lack of these five that have been done to death as MiniMates. I also love that the redos are still very different from the original MM releases: Ghost Rider and Angel. Black Widow and Hercules are welcome additions to my MM collection. Thank you AFX for offering these! I had e-mailed them about my wishes for a Battlestar Galactica Final Five Cylon set, and had to chime in how excited I was for the Champions set.
  9. Anyone know if these might show up at Toys R Us? So far TRU only carries the two pack MiniMates, correct?
  10. Well, I'm late to the party and just finding this out today. As you mention, interest for BSG is pretty high now, but by the time these were coming out the series probably would have been wrapped up. Still it would have been nice to get the New Caprica set when it was originally planned. That timing would have been good. I was really looking forward to these, but I can understand that orders were too low to justify production. I don't care for DST's lack of announcing these things though. They use their site to announce and show things off all the time, but cancellations are just swept under the rug or given to the retailers to distribute as they see fit. It would be nice if they would just change the assortments up so we could get boxed sets of a few of these. I'm sure there would still be disagreement on which are most essential, but the ones I'd like to see are: New Caprica Starbuck Sam Anders Tory Foster Natalie Athena Romo Hot Dog President Adama I'll have to ask about the feasibility of this in the next Q&A for MiniMates.
  11. Cool. Much thanks. That's where I've looked, but it was just before Christmas and the Superhero Squad section had pretty much been cleaned out. I was curious if they had sold out or if they hadn't gotten them in yet. Sounds like I still probably won't know, but I can't imagine that both stores would sell out. I'll keep looking...
  12. What aisle are these in at TRU? I have been to two different TRU's and haven't seen so much as a place for them. I figured they would be in the superhero action figure aisle, but I looked everywhere (including the Lego aisle) and don't even see a place for hang tags. Thanks in advance
  13. I really hope they happen too! I love MiniMates and after seeing the planned designs for Doctor Who, I really hope they happen and are easily available in the US.
  14. That's great! I hope ToyFare does publish the letter and has some connections to get an answer on the status. My e-mail to Underground Toys had no response...
  15. I preordered my Razor singles from youbuynow back in April, and they didn't ship them. Now that they are sold out, I wonder if I'll get any from them. They used to be a good store, but almost everything I've pre-ordered from them lately sells out and they don't fill their pre-orders. They never notify you that they've sold out of your pre-order. They should have put limits on their preorders based on what they actually ordered. I know the amount of each figure was unknown per case, but they should have used modest estimates for their preorder allotment.
  16. I suggest we contact Underground Toys directly: According to MMHQ: Those looking forward to the Doctor Who line of Minimates also got a bit of troubling news coming from the show when TBT (who else?) reported that Underground Toys was feeling hesitant about carrying out their plan of a Doctor Who Minimate line. Fans and collectors could do the line a service by drumming up support and letting Underground know that they want to see the line surface. As seen under the Past Licenses? under SDCC '08: Round Up
  17. As long as they are still planned on being release, I'm OK with waiting. They just look too cool. I do hope they are sold over here in the US, but if I have to buy them from a UK online store to get 'em, so be it!
  18. Since wave 8 is finally almost here, I just wanted to remind everyone to send in your UPCs. If you keep your sets MOC, I suggest making a photocopy of the back of the package. I like this idea, and I plan to send mine in. Also, I've been discussing with a few online retailers that I use about the "Buy DC MiniMates Day" this Wednesday, when the final Wave 8 is due. I asked around to see what folks thought and since I didn't get a lot of response I didn't go full tilt to get the word out. Now that the day is so close, I have had some response (especially from the good folks at Stukakid). Since we didn't know for sure that DC MiniMates Wave 8 would be in stores on June 11th (with DC Direct's shipping schedule not always accurate), I was hesitant to set a date for the "Buy DC MiniMates Day." Now that it has been confirmed they are shipping on Wednesday, we don't have a lot of time to organize. Would anyone be willing to create a "Buy DC MiniMates" logo or banner? I don't have Photoshop or any know-how when it comes to putting something like that together, but I know a few places that might use it if we create one. If anyone is interested in joining the cause, please PM me. Thanks 3Dean
  19. This is my first post. I do browse here a lot, but normally don't have anything to say. I am glad to hear that these are still coming out. You would have thought DST would have put a little more effort into the timing of their release, but at least they are coming before Christmas. But back to battlecat's question...The X3 minimates came out many months after the movie and a few months after the DVD. I thought they would not do very well even though I was excited about getting them. I think they did sell well enough and I think the Spider-Man 3 mates have a chance to sell well as well. Also, I'm sure they paid a lot for the license to make them.
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