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Everything posted by vbpanizzi

  1. The two packs are slightly different(Paint schemes), correct?
  2. Lady Death? I think Evil Ernie would have kicked Dp's arse for that.
  3. No it just has the big Cylon. Also does anybody watch CSI if not find the most recent episode aired 04-16-09 it has a couple of hot cylons in it and a bearded creator.
  4. Aapje basically has it. I am not sure where Spawn comes in but yeah Thanos had Dp cursed to never die so that Death could be with him.
  5. I'd say it has less to do with his healing factor and more to do with him being revived by lady Death??? close but not there yet I don't speak jive could you translate please
  6. hehe comicvine is my friend and, apparently miniespos pimp. Alright I got one for you. Why is Deadpool immortal?
  7. ... when at least four of the sites you frequent start with www.minimate... ...when on vacation you visit more locations in search of minimates than places you actually came to visit. ...when you slip in prayers to find mates amongst your other prayers, to your deity of choice. ...when every coat, vehicle, and bag you own has at least one mate in it at all times. ...when you buy a minimate you already have multiples of just because it is cheap.
  8. Okay I will through my hat and two cents in... Penance for top middle is a lock. The bulky one on the left could be Radioactive man or Headsman (He too, has a hood and something strapped to his back.) The Right most character could be Paladin, Swordsman, Nightwawk, or Atlas. The front middle could be Black WidowII(She is the current leader and we just got the other BW), or Green Goblin unmasked (the only "Target Exclusive" we have yet to get.)
  9. Basilisk (or the Kouga Ninja Scrolls) Raxephon Battle Royale ( Read the book, then the manga, then see the first movie, forget the second movie) and if you want something to make you laugh after you have tried several genres Excel Saga And as mentioned Fooly Cooly Neon Genesis Evangelion
  10. If you are indeed asking a question, I would have to say I have actually seen more of the Spocks than of the AA & DST. Not to mention I have two of the Spocks and one of the DST but no AA. I am hoping these will be given away through out the convention season.
  11. One more reason to lament over the death of DCD Mates. That Spyder is amazing. I love the books. Thanks for sharing.
  12. very disappointing that all covers aren't in the lists. Nearly every cover I would have chosen was missing.
  13. I have not seen the movie, but the book was incredibly good.
  14. And this is all I had a year and a half ago
  15. Crank is just an action movie with as little plot as possible so that you can add ten more minutes of action. I enjoyed the first, and I will see the second, on DVD. I like a mindless action movie some days. Classics like the governor's Commando totally mindless. He kills something like 87 people in that film. Shoot 'em Up with Clive Owen no real point just action. They are 90 minutes of pure testosterone. Sometimes you need something to balance out stuff like Twilight.
  16. Thanks guys! I picked up the white phoenix a couple of weeks ago but haven't opened her yet. The eva girls are on the bottom shelf I couldn't bring myself to put them with the other mates cause they would just get lost in there. I ordered both icons Phoenixes and I happened to see the red a few days ago and yeah I totally agree. Now I just have to find room. The three I am still missing are blue 03, toyfair 05, and (of course) ADV soapmate. Thanks again guys.
  17. Thanks Jeff, Funny enough I don't ever count the spideys, cause I really have no chance of getting them mostly due to the amount that they go for. And I just realized it was only 3 that I don't have, not including the spideys. I just recently acquired the green 03.
  18. I finally finished getting all my mates together and here they are... Top 2 Middle 2 Bottom 2 No prize to whoever figures out which 4 3(if you don't count gold and silver spidey) I am missing.
  19. Why do you refer to her as Hound?
  20. Or Wolfsbane has gotten a very sassy crotch. BHM was going to say it. It was just a matter of time. So I just googled the image and found a someone who had the names listed the kid in the hat is Talkback of the runaways.
  21. I believe that would go in the mighty mugg thread or the non-minimate ebay thread. Have you tried the search function? Stinking Noob ... Newb ... rascally varmit.
  22. Not a problem. If you find out who the guy in the hat and who the wookie are supposed to be I would love to know.
  23. Lets see if I can get most starting in the top left Puck, Don't know the guy in the hat, Sister Grimm, below the guy in the hat is Namorita, below her is Songbird, I believe Medusa is next to Blackbolt, and Gorgon is next to her.
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