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Everything posted by vbpanizzi

  1. I too, started reading GL shortly after Coast City bit it, technically I picked up Kyle's first issue. I am not reading BN because I have tired of the super crossovers from all of the companies. I read my one character and that is it. If DC did kill Kyle so frivolously I will be done with them forever. I would stop reading Marvel because of their Spider-man stunt but unfortunately they hold the one character I can not walk away from, Deadpool. If we do not invest ourselves in the things that we read then all we are doing is becoming robots. We can learn what is said but have no use for it. It is the same thing with TV characters. If you do not believe these people are real then there is no real reason to care about what is happening.
  2. Dollar menus are your friend. I lived off of them for a good year.
  3. About smurfin' time. Thanks DST.
  4. Choosing one is near impossible when you own nearly all of them, but I will attempt. I divide 2" minimates into two time periods Marvel Waves 1-16 and Marvel 17 forward, non-Marvel 'mates still fall into these time periods. I do this because from wave 17 on there were more sculpted pieces and more details in those sculpted pieces. So from 1-16 I would have to say my favorite mate is Wave 6 Iron Man. I bought him because I really dug the Ghost Rider, but after opening the pack Ghost Rider sat on a shelf, but Iron Man got reposed every day or two. He is a perfect simple interpretation, which is what drew me to 'mates in the first place. 17 onward, that is tough. I think I will have to go with the translucent blanks from SDCC '08. I love blanks mostly due to Ivan's amazing photos of the original '03 blanks and I figured this was as close as I would get to having al of those. If it was based purely on numbers, I would by default have Deadpool as my favorite as I own (we will call it the most) of him. Custom - Dr. Thodt 3" - Rob Zombie Accessory - the mohawk, I want a billion of these, I want to put one on every mate I have just like the skrull heads. Alright I am done.
  5. I am personally a little miffed at the fact that some of the teams that have had great seasons but aren't the Colts, Patriots, or Saints are getting little to no coverage. The Favre and Vikings are a team to be reckoned with and so are the Bengals, yet even if these teams beat the smurf out of a typically great team, it pretty much gets buried. I know we have never had 2 undefeated teams this far into the season, but there are other smurfing teams playing, and why in the hell was my second choice of game Chicago vs St. Louis rather than Cincinati vs Detroit or Saints vs Washington and why the hell would they jump to the next game rather than showing the end of the previous the last 2 minutes of a game mean something not the first 5 of a new game total bullsmurf. I hate FOX broadcasting not just cause of these things but because there are always issues with the broadcast too. [/soapbox]
  6. Funny that everyone else seemed to get a random assortment of parts yet yours is amazingly all Hulk!?
  7. Personally my only complaints are that spidey has a peg hole and much like most hairpieces that are supposed to be semetrical, Ms. Marvel's is higher on the rightside than the left and it is made more noticeable by the fact that the skin shows on that side. Doom has a tampo under his crotch piece and under his chest piece. A question for those of you more in the know was Doom's hood a different color than his chestpiece during this time period or is it just the mate? I found them while in Knoxville, TN.
  8. I love the way those look mounted like that. Nice customs also, I forgot how cool some of those were.
  9. WOW! Those look awesome. It looks like the only parts reuse are the boots and Sabretooth's claw hands. Thats a lot of newly tooled parts. 12 if I counted correctly.
  10. I just found a restock at one of the local Wal-marts so they may be coming back.
  11. But K80, they sometimes bump into each other. And what wonderful and right person doesn't hope to see a spectacular wreck where someone is bound to get injured. I hate holiday shoppers, not the holidays, not the reasoning, not the giving, not the seeing family, holiday shoppers. Holiday shoppers have ruined what used to be a fun holiday. The parents who literally steal stuff from other parents carts, the a$$ #@!& that is impatient in line, the forced fake happiness employees are made to wear, and the children who have been raised to believe that the love of a parent is dependent upon the number and price of gifts, these are the reasons mid-November until mid-January suck.
  12. He gave us an answer "SHUT UP ABOUT KANG" at least that is what I read.
  13. NR if you truly wish to enjoy Lovecraft you should read it in large chunks, while alone at night, preferably by candlelight. And do not look away from the page, you will not want to see anything but the words on the page. I personally prefer to read Lovecraft as I fall asleep. I feel the vague haze you have just before your eyes shut lends it self greatly to his imagination. I would also recommend looking up the dream cycle.
  14. hmmm... you think if this was dyed purple it could pass as a BAMF?
  15. I have purchased the Webstor and Teela for myself and my wife respectively and I purchased Scareglow and He-man today. I also have the subscription for next year. So far the announced figures are Adora, Trapjaw, Mossman, and the just announced Evil Lynn. I can honestly say that the pictures of the figures do no justice to the actual items. They are beautiful.
  16. The Steelers is a team I am suprised Indy does not have more of a rivalry with. Considering the Steelers have played Indy several times in playoff or at important times during the season.
  17. It is because of games like the Colts that I hate watching football. I get so pissed off I get heartburn and then I turn it off and then they turn it around.
  18. I am just happy the Bengals beat the Steelers(again) I really didn't know if it was going to happen this time. The Colts on the other hand... Why the SMURF can't they play 60 minutes like they do the last 15. I actually turned off the game after Manning through the second Interception. Then I looked at the score just to know for sure and lo and behold they came back seriously they must have bets on each quarter or something.
  19. somewhere between I don't know what comes after X and buttheadsmate's collection
  20. Can one count to infinity?
  21. I got a bunch of them from Wal-mart when they first came out. Funny since then I have not seen them again until recently when they showed up at TrU. The TrU have gold and silver versions, but I do not remember them being in the Wal-mart packs.
  22. Top Shelf Movies/TV-sorted by license then random within that space Middle Shelf DC/Promo/GB&T2(ran out of room on top) DC - By most associated title i.e. Batman, Superman, Teen Titans Promo - Prettiest in front then who cares they all look the same GB&T2 - Random by there assorted titles Bottom Shelf MARVEL A total cluster smurf. I put similar characters near each other but not exclusively. All the Iron Man movie mates are on the back row but then the other Iron Man mates are kinda all over. This repeats fairly commonly. Ms. Marvel is next to Simon who's next to Raft Sentry. Why? because I picked up the mate a placed it there. As has been discussed in the past I also purposely misaligned all my slip over masks and the eyes.
  23. Totally hate Wolverine. That statue is awesome. The maple leaf on the ground and the fact that he actually looks short are great.
  24. Absolutely Awesome! As far as suggestions... Bank Vault door Building ledge Grave Yard I was trying to think of ones that would work in what I am guessing is a 3 inch cubed area and would not require mass sculpting.
  25. Proof that Deadpool still has a ways to go before they can truly call it overkill.
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