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Everything posted by MisterPL

  1. Seems if they ordered the Cylons and Speed Racer Minimates, they'd order these.
  2. And the only two properties on that list that DON'T interest me are both licensed by Art Asylum. Otherwise this is going to be an expensive year for plastic crack.
  3. I have fond memories of going to see the first Trek movie when it opened in December of 1979. My grandfather took me to the local theatre (not movieplex) and together we watched Kirk & Crew breathe fresh air within a new, grander medium; the feature film. I have high hopes for the next movie. I miss seeing Kirk, Spock, and all the other characters I grew up with in new adventures. Although I feel it was a mistake to send Trek into the movie medium (to me, Trek belongs on TV), I'm still looking forward to seeing new takes on venerable characters. I never felt these roles should be interred with their performers. Too many good stories yet to be told. That said, I have to say I'm disappointed JJ Abrams seems to be offering up the same old stereotypes. I always found it ironic that Gene Roddenberry railed against the establishment of the time by crewing his bridge with a clichéd cast of characters; a Japanese guy named Sulu, a Russian guy named Chekov, an African chick named Uhura, a southern redneck named McCoy, and a Scot actually named Scotty. (Maybe "Frenchie" was taken.) Seems that if the Great Bird really wanted to preach about racial integration in the future then Sulu would have been the black woman. Rumors are swirling that Scotty will be played by, what else, a Scot. And not just any Scot but the dude who starred in "The Last King of Scotland" James McAvoy. (No small irony that the movie is about African dictator Idi Amin and not Scotland, but I digress...) I guess three years of Sci Fi's Battlestar Galactica had deluded me into thinking that this project could be a reimagining of the Trek mythos rather than a prequel. It's hard to say at the moment with very few details known but either way I'll probably be buying a ticket that weekend. Just wondering what other people's opinions on this project are thus far.
  4. I had considered Leoben as well but dismissed him for reasons you mentioned. That would be right up there with Leia kissing Luke.
  5. Great episode, as usual. This show is consistently good. I don't recall a single misstep. At first I thought Starbuck couldn't be a Cylon because she has memories of being a child. Those memories could be implants or she could be the very first human/Cylon hybrid. The latter would explain why her mother pushed her so hard and kept insisting she was special. I'm thinking Mommie Dearest was treating her more like a toaster than a kid for a reason. If that's true, and Starbuck is the first hybrid, who's her father?
  6. My LCS did not order them. I guess I'm the only BSG fan in the area. I'll be haunting Suncoast for the next couple weeks. They should be getting them in, right? Sure wish there was an official website that listed retailers who ordered these things.
  7. I won't miss my avatar. And I've got my settings to ignore sigs. (Hate wading through cornea gumbo just to read posts.)
  8. Holy "Service Unavailable!" And here I thought Shanester broke the internet abusing his Admin powers.
  9. One more GL nitpick; the shoulder points on his costume are gone. It's more like a t-shirt. Should be V-shaped. Still one of my favorite 'mates, though.
  10. If it were up to me, the core line would focus on the modern, ongoing series. I'd offer vehicles to retailers as exclusives. Classic BSG would be offered as a boxed set, maybe two depending on sales.
  11. Sorry. My bad. I was of course referring to the Incredible MILF.
  12. You mean the pornbots? Yeah, I'm sure these two are all OVER internet porn. I'm gettin' my belt sander.
  13. It's not too late. If I were starting from scratch right now, I'd make a list of specific Marvel characters I wanted in my collection and start there. I probably wouldn't lament over every Spidey and Wolvie variation, I'd just look for what I consider to be definitive versions. Gimme a classic, vanilla Spidey, Daredevil, Iron Man, Mulk, etc. and I'd be happy.
  14. Normally I'd offer my condolences but this is already one of the best boards out there. I haven't seen a fraction of the problems here that seem rampant elsewhere. Have fun, kids.
  15. Just the one and we've been married for almost 16 years now. (110? Jebus. How can you afford this collection with that much alimony?)
  16. Could we not call these "action figures?" It's insulting to toys that are more than little plastic statues. :tongue: Yes, the hatch base is wonderful but I don't think the scale is right for 2-inch mates. I tend to pick up McFarlane-esque stuff on clearance, toss the figures and substitute others. Instant dioramas are cool.
  17. Natural or not it's just plain WRONG. There was a time when AA had a Trekkie on staff knowledgable enough to catch shit like this. It should have been caught by CBS but considering how high Trek is on the Paramount totem pole these days, I can't say I'm shocked their own licensing people didn't pick up on this. This is embarrassing. Clearly DST needs to hire me as their Creative Director for Licensed Product Development. Where the hell is Maryland? I'll bring my belt sander.
  18. Just noticed my GL figure has two right hands. Either that or he's borrowing someone else's power ring.
  19. Thanks to the over-priced, under-valued Pocket Superheroes, DC Minimates haven't been feeling the love among most DCD collectors. Consequently I'm over at the DCD board singing their praises. Long story short, I paid $6.99 per 2-pack and feel like I'm getting a good deal. Can't wait for Series 2.
  20. I have love for Laura Roslin. And desk. And lamp.
  21. Change "monkey" to "unicorn" and that's pretty much how I'd have read into it.
  22. Damn, you're pretty serious about this. Vying for the title of "Minimate Emperor" are we?
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