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Everything posted by MisterPL

  1. According to this report, the first question asked at the DCC panel at 2012 SDCC was about DC Minimates. Looks like the campaign is working.
  2. My LCS has the first Walking Dead wave shipping October 3. That's going to be a fun month.
  3. Everyone knows that when a super-hero goes evil, his costume's hues become muted. It's a thing.
  4. So long as there isn't some kind of licensing reason why they can't sell them outside of conventions (which is a niche market of a niche market), I expect these to show up at DC Collectibles' online shop at the very least.
  5. Here you go. That Iron Man looks goofy as hell. I hope he makes the cut.
  6. According to the Facebook page, "Second blonde woman is an alternate hairpiece and solid arms and legs for Invisible Woman."
  7. First of all, Your Entire Post Reads Like a Ridiculously Protracted Film Title. :tongue: Second, nice find! I'm a little envious. Finally, and I know this is gonna sound really redundant but, what about altering the paint apps and switching the accessories to make Hawkmen from Flash Gordon?
  8. Just got mine today finally. Very nice sets. I don't mind the duplicate 'mates at all. I'll just hang 'em from the Christmas tree in a few months. :biggrin:
  9. Yeah, I kinda jinxed myself a bit there. No dogshit but my 'mates arrived today in a bubblepack and the blister was a little crushed on one side. Fortunately I'm an opener. Hopefully everything's intact.
  10. I so rarely read the words "complete team" in a positive way in an action figure forum. Do we really have all of the New Mutants? How many other complete teams do we have?
  11. I think Adam posted something in a thread ONCE about the moderators in general. I honestly don't recall what I got through the mail but I'm sure it was Trek related. (Tribbles Kirk?) I came to the board because I was a Trek collector frustrated that, while every other manufacturer was offering figures in 3 3/4" and 6" scales, AA was making figures in an arbitrary 7" scale that didn't fit in with ANY of my other figures. Digger's ego was through the roof. I distinctly remember the only way to get him to answer questions was to lace your posts with F-bombs and random vulgarities. I tried being polite but that's how he posted so I thought, "When in Rome..." And it worked every time. I gave him all kinds of grief about the rubber pants they were putting on ENT figures. They hid the articulation but even AA didn't recommend posing them seated for long. Remember; these were DELUXE figures that came with chairs! Many consumers didn't even know the figures had articulation below the waist because AA never called it out on the packaging. All you saw was a well-sculpted figure in an odd scale that apparently couldn't sit in the chair it came with. It was ridiculous. Not to mention the concerns about how the rubber would hold up. (Anyone remember Furbie Yoda?) So glad I slid over to Minimates. Good times.
  12. According to Variety, Rocksteady's follow-up to Arkham City will be a prequel of Arkham Asylum depicting Batman's first encounter with The Joker and featuring the Justice League inspired by 1950's Silver Age comics. So... yeah. Total nergasm here. (Edited to update game title.)
  13. This thread's gonna get seriously derailed until we know more about that Super Powers Batman. What the hell is that?
  14. I think we have a winner. Nice pitch, Doctor. You've sold me.
  15. I can confirm that first-hand. They had to be coerced into publicly thanking us and that was long after the fact. Then again I did give Digger a shitload of grief when I first came to his board. Kinda surprised they made me a moderator after all that but I'm pretty sure he tuned the noise on the forums out at that point. The Collectors Club was a fiasco but it wasn't for lack of trying. Those were the days.
  16. Agreed. I'm wondering if we could get away with some 2" parts on a 1.5" body. I do like the slipper feet for slightly shorter characters like teenage sidekicks and certain Canadian mutants but there are some characters who really need to be significantly shorter than current methods allow.
  17. These actually look TOO small. I was thinking a 1.5" 'mate would be fine. These look like 1" 'mates. Why would you want to put Bane's mask on Carl?
  18. When DC Minimates return, I expect some discord. I recall some pretty heated arguments in AA's Trek forum and a lot of it stemmed from the fact that the fandom was fractured. Endless TOS vs. TAS vs. TNG vs. DS9 vs. VOY vs. ENT debates. Lots of "MY Trek is better than YOUR Trek!" It got pretty petty. The most heated discussions I see here, for some reason, have to do with DC Minimates. And it doesn't even seem to be within the DC fanbase (Batman vs. Green Lantern vs. Superman...) but between folks who REALLY want to see DC Minimates and those who REALLY don't. Anyway, if the Minimatriarchy fractures, I'm afraid it'll be along that line, too.
  19. I care more about getting an entertaining film. I grew up reading self-contained one-shots in comics. Creative teams might have changed from issue to issue but if the story was fun and the art was good, I was entertained enough to buy next month's issue. I'm the same with movies. I wish studios would concentrate more on making good, individual films rather than obsessing over creating the next blockbuster franchise. I think Christopher Nolan has proven that if you make your solo films as good as you can, the franchise will take care of itself. I'm all for planning ahead but not at the expense of rushing a film to meet a tight schedule. Another thing to remember is that we've got a studio that specializes exclusively in comic book movies. Marvel Studios doesn't do musicals or comedies or any other genre but super-hero flicks. Combine that with all the other studios jumping on the comic book bandwagon – WB, Sony, Fox, et al – and you've got a market that's pretty saturated with men in tights.
  20. Your already hear! (That was your first test. Go!)
  21. I remember going to a place called "SERVICE UNAVAILABLE" a lot but it was pretty fucking dull.
  22. I recall being impressed that Art Asylum was able to make a 2" body for the Marvel line with as much articulation as the original 3" body. I'd be pretty damned impressed if they could make 'mates any smaller with no sacrifices.
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