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Everything posted by Leroy

  1. to those that have the sets, Does the reg Ironman come with the nose mask or is it just the variant?
  2. Cool toy review have pics up of the 1st set. Both masked and un masked. Im likin Daken and Iron Patriot. Sinister spidey and Cpt Marvel look ok. the addictions requires a purchase on this on for me
  3. I wonder if it was planned to have half the wave spidey the other
  4. He he he - don't get me started. There are DOZENS of X-Men enemies that i am dying to see made into 'Mates: Stryfe; Mr Sinister; Sebastian Shaw; Fitzroy with hiw crystal Armour; Holocaust; Blob; Toad; Hell Fire Goons; Phalanx; Avalanche; Destiny; Pyro; Black Tom; Nimrod; Bastian; Spiral; Omega Red; Sauron; Shadow King; etc ... etc ... blah blah. But if i harped about the villains i want as much as we heard requests for Spiderman Enemies, i think i'd be boo'ed out for requesting characters that are 'over-saturated'. But you have a point - I have Spiderman & Blackcat facing off against an army of about a dozen Spider-specific bad guys on my bookshelf, while i have about 15 X-Men with only 6 or so Villains to face off with. I gotta agree man I'd love some more X villains. Spideys Rogues have definatley had the spotlight since wave one so it only fair that the others get a shot. I rekon we'll get some more x villains when Xmen First class gets released in 2010
  5. A-freaking-men! Hell yes, thats a great idea
  6. Thanks AA you sooooo have taken my wallet this year.
  7. man AA are so much cooler than any other company for giving us this type of thing. I'm sure a few of the other guys could learn a lesson or 5
  8. so can we expect longet than 5 mins for Wade?
  9. I voted for Captain Marvel as well but only because i love Next Wave.
  10. yeeeeeah boy, Another solid wave. God i love this stuff
  11. I've got most of wave one and all of two and so far i think they look great. Marvel legends figures like the BAF galactus and sentinal as well as dragon man and even yellow jacket fit in nicely given their scale. Currently hunting series 3 and 4 looks awesome
  12. If it is Xforce I hope we get the whole team. This is a fantastic book
  13. Yo yo! or at least a MUCH lighter shade of grey. . . Hey Nessex, As I happen to be a fellow Aussie, if ya keen we can split the Postage when the time comes? always willing to help a brother out. keep me posted 'Mate*. Hehe will do *see it's funny, cause Aussies say 'Mate' a lot, and because we are talking ab . . . never mind
  14. Yo yo! or at least a MUCH lighter shade of grey. . . Hey Nessex, As I happen to be a fellow Aussie, if ya keen we can split the Postage when the time comes?
  15. Since we won't see any 5 mate box sets, I added your suggestion as a new box, Leroy. (I hesitantly replaced Elsa Bloodstone by Machine Man...) If Nextwave has to be a 4-pack, then I would say Machine Man would be the one who gets dropped. He makes a natural 2-pack with Jocasta - I can't think of any other character in Nextwave that would would as well as part of a 2-pack. Nice Idea Boyd, I never thought of that. Sunday works well Bob. and great job with the list of sets.
  16. Nextwave needs to be a 5 peice set, Machine Man needs to be in there. "Death to the fleshies"
  17. Awesome News, I hope someone out there on the Board of Boards will Help an Aussie out come release time
  18. Awesome....I can't wait for Cap
  19. Are Minimates still easily available in Australia? Not really, 2 hours from where i live is the closest i can get them so more often I buy them from BBTS or AFX. They are only available at comic shops over here. I wish TRU wou;d get thim casue i have one just down the street. I'm sorry that's the case but at least your comic shops have them. I love your country & can always relate to your 'distances'....never kilometres,never miles...always hours its only because theres very few of us who can actually count. heheheh My heart goes out to you buddy. I'm in Oz too, Canberra to be specific. We only have 2 Comic Specialty Stores here now & neither of them have carried Marvel MiniMates since The Spiderman 3 'Mates. Almost all of my MiniMates have come from eBay. I've still managed to find almost every X-Men 'Mate i've wanted with the exception of the movie figures. I was really keen on a Tarantula, but i'm a bit dissapointed that he doesn't come with little barbs on his toes. I'm not sure if i wanna go to the trouble of hunting him down & paying for a variant minimate on eBay if he's not just right. (Sorry if the no-barb issue has already been addressed - just having my rant) Thanks man, If i see any cheap i'll Pm you, always happy to help out. My local guy has many many spares of a lot of the older stuff but charges a wee bit to much for em (im up in Newcastle)
  20. Are Minimates still easily available in Australia? Not really, 2 hours from where i live is the closest i can get them so more often I buy them from BBTS or AFX. They are only available at comic shops over here. I wish TRU wou;d get thim casue i have one just down the street. I'm sorry that's the case but at least your comic shops have them. I love your country & can always relate to your 'distances'....never kilometres,never miles...always hours its only because theres very few of us who can actually count. heheheh
  21. Are Minimates still easily available in Australia? Not really, 2 hours from where i live is the closest i can get them so more often I buy them from BBTS or AFX. They are only available at comic shops over here. I wish TRU wou;d get thim casue i have one just down the street.
  22. Man i hope i can find a set...fell free to help an aussie out
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