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Everything posted by cdubya

  1. No doubt, that is a bit of a pisser and is completely backwards. But (and I can't believe I'm doing this) in their defense, I imagine that due to design and production taking place way before these were/are released that they may have been unaware of the "Red Stripes" and their importance at that point...or they're just dicks! At any rate, I suppose that we should just be grateful that we are getting them ( at all. Though, in the unlikely event that we get anything else from this line, I'd have saved "Red Stripe" for a special pairing with a Colonial Marine (I know I've said it a million times, but it would have been an awesome troop-builder...and necessary IMHO). Sure one could just custom paint a few for their collections, but it's just not the same as an actual release. Besides, I have fewer standard Cylons to spare for custom projects due to the odd pairings; now* gold Cylons I unfortunately have an abundance of (too bad they didn't exist...because they were an unnecessary command-level in the new story)! Kara is decent with the tampo, but (here I go dreaming again!) I'd have put the BD (aka:Kara corpse) in a "BD" MkII for show-accuracy. Of course I'd have done quite a few other things that would put the company out of business (Raptors, Cylon-War Vipers and Guardian Raiders for example)! :biggrin: *I'll gladly trade Gold Cylons for any loose standard Cylons anyone might have (though I doubt I'd have any takers).
  2. As much as I love all-things-BSG, I was a little disappointed. It's basically the story of two Cavils (as always a wonderful performance from Dean Stockwell), but didn't really give us too much that we didn't already know other than showing what had been alluded to. I did, however, really like how they fleshed-out characters like Simon in particular, whom we really never got to know that well. The "fives" (Doral) as incompentent bunglers was kind'a funny too ("the other five wore burgandy...this is teal"). All-in-all a decent companion piece, but completely unwatchable if you aren't familiar with the entire series. I feel like "Caprica" answered more of my questions than this did. *I'm sure the "nudity" (much like Caprica's) will only appear on the DVD. The unisex shower room scene was pretty hot though (even if a bit gratuitous)!
  3. I remember those! I tried to watch Tron on DVD not too long ago and found it to be unwatchable. I loved it as a kid but it just didn't hold up over the years. That being said Tron mates would rock. I don't think I'd buy them but they would look pretty cool I bet. That's exactly what inspired the Light Cycle pack concept...homage to the Tomy line! They would translate beautifully, and be a cost-cutter in the sense that the majority of accessories would be shared, paint app.s minimal on generic bases, and in the case of "Light-Cycles" rehashed from one mold. *sigh* Damn you Disney; besides importing Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli classics, you consistently break my heart. The ability to purchase Tron Minimates in one of your boutiques would have been worth the price of admission to one of your "Magical" Kingdoms. Such a wasted opportunity. End rant. *Wasn't there some talk awhile back about Disney possibly purchasing Marvel?
  4. Glad to see "Red-Stripe" (and confirmation of the PX releases), but a little disappointed that it got stuck with the unique Raider that most will only want one of. Had the timing been different, it would have been so much cooler to put the "Red-Stripes" with the standard TRU Raiders (for troop-building) and reserve the non-canon "Gold" for "Scar". While this is probably the last 'hurrah', I'd still like to believe that DST has a few more surprises *cough*MkII.
  5. They did sell well at all three of the TRUs in my zone that got them. It was just my nearest one that restocked more Minimates than I have ever seen at one time that have stagnated. Even BSG sells out here. The only thing that really lingers are the Wolverine 'mates.
  6. Yeah, that mallow-cap isn't very convincing (looks more like a blonde wig) and Peck better get him some whiskers before production because he's not looking very Peckish (especially with the blank expression...he could be anyone but Walter Peck. He should convey a more desperate, weaselly and conniving expression IMO). Janine, however, is perfect and worth the price for the set. The gooey-guys are a decent addition too. *Oh, I also finally saw the Stay-Puft banks at TRU last week. I've already got the "angry version", but it was cool to see in stores none-the-less.
  7. Well, it appears DST got my letter about classic Tron 'mates as it showed-up in the latest "ask DST". Unfortunately the idea seems to have been shot-down due to difficulties in dealing with Disney. While that doesn't seem too surprising, what never ceases to amaze me is the amount of "Disney-sanctioned-garbage" that I constantly see and am left to wonder "how did those fools get their foot in the door?" There was also mention that Kubricks might still have the license (again, no surprise), but I was hoping that since they had already done "classic" in the past that it would open the door for DST to give it a shot. They never out-right say never (in fact I believe the reply was that it won't be happening anytime soon), which leaves a glimmer of hope (if one cares to optimistically read into things), however I suppose that I might as well start working on those customs now. Pity, I think that this could have been a great opportunity for the Minimates brand.
  8. Me too. Although I knew their intention was to fill-out the T-Bolts (which is fine), I must admit that I got a bit excited when I saw this thread title thinking that perhaps a classic version had sneaked into the mix. I'm not too excited about this series, though I will like adding an updated Surfer to my collection. The rest I'll probably pass on as I'll be getting the ones I am interested in through the LCS releases. I was really hoping that we might see some Hydra army-builders (or Skrulls) in this next wave of TRU offerings (as we had with the A.I.M. agents), but noooooo...too bad.
  9. I came across those Watchmen Kubricks at my local TRU too and was like "WTF"?!? As much as I really wanted to add some mini-Watchmen to my collection (even at $40.00 for the lot), I just couldn't do it as Kubricks no longer do anything for me personally. As cool as they looked in their boxes, it just made me sad that we didn't get any Minimates for this.
  10. Same here (no "active-camo"), and I agree that he doesn't really stand-out from the rest. Perhaps they should have gone with something a bit more unique, or at least a bright color.
  11. Fantastic news! Congrats to you and the 'lil missus on your new addition!
  12. I don't want to be a thread-necromacer, but I just came across a campaign petitioning for this Canadian actor (James Preston Rogers) to play Thor. I tend to agree. Kirk's dad?!? C'mon, just look at this guy...he freak'in is Thor (and apparently he has a little bit of acting experience too). He's 6'6", built, and needs no wig. Check-out his demo reel:
  13. Yes, she's everything I'd hoped she'd be (though paired with "first date" Louis would have been cool!). I agree that Peck needs a bit of revision. Still, a wonderful set to compliment our others. I'm quite sure that we'll see the completion of GB2 eventually. While it isn't as appealing as the original, I sincerely doubt that they'd leave out the main villain(s) if they didn't have plans for expansion. Saving them for the end makes perfect sense to me.
  14. Me too! So much so, that it inspired me to track-down those "street series" sets (though I paid a bit more than you...lucky dog!). I absolutely love the Mega Bloks sets (been stock-piling bargain-finds for a couple of years now) for 'mate dio.s, but unfortunately mine are all packed-away in storage. Perhaps when we get moved into our new house I'll be able to finally sit down an play around with all of mine and build those City scene and Stark Lab (and Danger Room, Bat-Cave, Arkham Asylum, BSG hangar and bridge, Ghostbusters HQ...phew!) that I've been wanting to do. I had the same idea for the Doc Ock fix, but hadn't figured out how I'd execute it. After seeing yours, I know exactly how to go about it (perhaps even use two sets to make the arms even longer)...thanks for the inspiration! Great pic.s Arnim, thanks for sharing! *If you don't already have one, I highly recommend the Mega Bloks "Marvel City Towers" set as it also has the very cool (and perfectly scaled) Goblin-glider and very handy "flight-sticks" (which are also great for displaying flying characters).
  15. No kidding. It doesn't look like a bad custom in that picture. Face is still off though. I still wish that it were a sculpted chest piece (never thought I'd say that) for bulk, but it does look much better than the proto.
  16. I've never seen Tron & having seen your consternation I had to think why ? I would have been 27 & you would have been 12 when Tron was released . That was pretty relevant in 1982 when I would be asking the 'then' GF "Should we go see the new Disney movie or watch the ET,Blade-Runner,Diner,Ghandi,Poltergeist or Officer & a Gentleman movies?" Fair enough...and I'd say you made the better decision given the options. I remember feeling slightly disappointed after the first-time I viewed it (though it still was some nice eye-candy for a scifi/fantasy/comic-charged 12 yr. old). However, I do recall it provoking the most insanely-fun disc battle with frisbees between my best friend and me (the welts out-lasted the time it spent in theaters)! I'd still say it's worth seeing at least once. And you better believe that that 'lil beauty is partly what inspired my need for Tron Minimates (and the idea for 'translucents' as the exclusives packed with Light Cycles)!
  17. Yeah, I bought those sets a few years ago in the hopes that I could use the Lightcycle for Minimates, but it was a tad big as the Kubricks are 2.5"...and they've been buried ever since*. Kubricks just don't cut-it for me (but I do love their amazing accessories and vast libraries). I'd been planning some customs, buuuut figured I'd give DST a chance to make the real-deal first before I go to all of the trouble! You've really never seen Tron?!? Well, honestly despite the extensive work to create it's little more than a neat idea (at least for the time) that didn't quite hit the mark (all style/little substance). Still worth a look as it does boast some pretty impressive people's work (Syd Mead, Moebius, etc.) and would translate brilliantly into the 'lil blockniks we all adore. Not to mention that the time is ripe for media-hype. *perhaps I should throw'em back on ebay to recoup my loss (while the property is heating-up again).
  18. O.K., one of the big announcements at '09's SDCC was that Disney was finally going to do a sequel to the ground-breaking '80s movie Tron. The time seems right for DST/AA to strike with an homage classic line (or box sets) to coincide (Fall '10) with the new film "Tron:Legacy" (set to premiere 12/17/10). While there are many films I love more (BladeRunner, etc.), it was an incredibly important film that I feel really set the foundation for the CGI laden films of today, and when I think of cult-classic films that would translate well into the Minimate form I can think of none better than this film. The simplicity of the designs and reuse of accessories would be a production cost-saver IMHO. For starters, this line would essentially all be cast in the same color plastic (that milky-opaque generic base used for many 'mates would be perfect. See: Jigsaw's torso peg and joints for example) with the only paint app.s required being the "circuitry" (which are either red or blue). The new accessories that would need to be molded would be minimal and they would shared amongst the majority of the line (again, the paint app.s would be the only thing differentiating the core pieces). And lastly, given DST's renewed desire to dabble in "Mini-Vehicles", what would be cooler (or more cost-effective) than Tron's Lightcycles? One mold (that would work wonderfully with their super-deformed aesthetic) that could be reused numerous times (red, yellow, orange, and blue). Simple, effective, and timed perfectly for the media-hype! The only 'problem' would be that Disney owns the rights, and I'm not too sure how easy they would be to get the license. However, if it were to happen, these 'mates could also possibly be sold through the numerous Disney boutiques which would be another "minimate-retail" coup. So what do you all think? Here's my rough concept: Box sets of 4 or 2-packs Tron : helmet, guantlets, identity disc. Flynn : helmet, guantlets, disc, scoop-hand, "gladiator" tunic chest piece. Ram : helmet, guantlets, disc. Yori : shower-cap thing and/or helmet. Sark : helmet, guantlets, disc. Cro : helmet, guantlets, disc, scoop-hand , "gladiator" tunic chest piece. Guard : hooded (one piece) chest piece, gloves, stun-rod. Dumont : shower-cap thing, long coat chest piece. Lightcycles Yellow (with translucent Flynn) Orange (with translucent Tron) Red (with translucent Ram) Blue (with translucent Sark or one of his "troops") Get busy DST, you've got a year to make it happen!
  19. I think that has less to do with the BSG mates' popularity and more to do with all the credit card scam problems CSC has been dealing with in the last 6 (?) months... I don't see your logic. You both have valid points, however, regardless of my own personal leanings, I'm going to praise this line as (you may need to sit down) the single most successful line of Minimates outside of Marvel (and DC)!!! Six waves of 'mates (not including two classic sets, a "Razor" set, and the two counter-dumpers, 3 PX exclusives, numerous promotion 'mates...) plus vehicles...pure fact no matter how you care to spin it. By sheer numbers alone, it has no equal in the fair land of Minimatania or Minimatopia (again, outside of the comic realm)! It needed to be said. And as for "popularity" and "success" in regards to appearances in clearances, I can site a few movie-lines (that were no slouches in the box-office...Spiderman, Hulk, and Iron Man specifically) that are to-this-day residing at nearly give-away prices with little to no takers. Production numbers could be a factor, but this is neither here nor there. The bottom-line is...Mk II Mini-fliers FTW!! *Oh, and be sure to check-out "The Plan" and "Caprica" coming-soon.
  20. I'm kind'a torn on this news personally. While I absolutely love (we'll just call it 1:18 scale) figures, I'm not sure if I'm a Trekkie enough to start all over with this property at this stage in my life (or if Playmates will be able to pull-it-off. "T-crotches" in '09? No sale. My 2'' 'mates have better range of motion! ). I'd have been all over this several years ago (especially with nicely done TOS playsets and vehicles), but the (TOS) Trek 'mates satisfied that need (well, nearly...still needed more aliens though) and at a small enough scale as to not completely infringe on my living space. I was fairly impressed with the over-saturated movie stuff (especially the playsets), but thankfully didn't give in to the temptation. Depending on how nice the TOS stuff is, I could possibly be swayed, but it would take something amazing. I'd much rather have a few new additions to my 'mate collection...Romulans, Andorians, etc. (we've bantered about this enough). It does sound like they are going to dabble in the oh-so-trendy "heroes squad"-esque figurines which could inhibit a return of Trek 'mates, but I think there's room in the universe (license allowing) for both. I suppose we'll just have to play the wait-n-see game as to what this truly (or even TRUly) means for us.
  21. I was typing-tired and meant Series 2 specialty market (must've had "boxsets" on the mind for some reason*). Sorry for the confusion. *Though I must confess that I feel that this 'line' was better geared for boxsets (at least one per movie) than 2-packs. They actually sold well here (at the 2 of 3 TRUs that carried them) when they first came out. It was the outlandish "restock" (at least four cases!) at my nearest TRU that have stagnated and show no signs of moving. I counted 13 SWAT/T-800s (and at least half that many Endos) if you're interested (though I'm picking-up a few for Col. Marine customs in the event that the BSG line doesn't provide them). Until these go, I've little hope of ever seeing Series 2 (if/when they get resolicited).
  22. I wouldn't worry too much, I'm sure they'll show-up soon. The only one I'd really worry about is that Angel/Warpath set (if you were wanting that) as it's the dreaded 1 per case (see:Bullseye/Moonstone) scenario.
  23. I can confirm that case ratio as that's what I found yesterday at one (of three) TRUs. I bought just 1x Angel/Warpath and 1xSpiderwoman/Molecule Man and left the rest as I was also buying 4xBSG (still need 3 more Raiders) vehicles which killed my "toy-allowance" with a quickness.
  24. Yeah, I don't think that there's any doubt that the boxset will see production (it would be a travesty for the line to be lacking 2 of the main characters). I do think (just based on what I've personally seen locally) that they will need to move quite a bit of the over-saturated Series 1 (or redistribute) to make room for a Series 2. I do still really want that exclusive set though. Perhaps holiday shopping will clear some space. Timing is everything, and sometimes "media tie-ins" can be a kiss-of-death. The luke-warm response to "Salvation" may done quite the contrary and doomed interest in Terminator related product, which would be a shame as the first two films are classics IMO.
  25. I can't believe that I never noticed that peg-hole on the underside that could attach to a base-stand before. While looking at your photo, I had to go get mine just to see what the heck that was. That was kind of a cool surprise (if they had only supplied a stand).
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