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Everything posted by cdubya

  1. That would be a childhood-dream-come-true for me personally(especially with 1:18 scale vipers, raiders,and landrams!). However, do you honestly believe that Hasbro sees a lucrative line with the classic series beyond limited "collector items"? It seems that the highly successful(and rightly so)new BSG would be the more logical choice, but A) Hasbro makes no mention of this particular license and I'm not sure how Hasbro(a "kiddie-friendly" toy company)would go about producing a line of "toys" based on a series that caters more to a "mature audience"; it just seems so out-of-character for them. For the emmence number of characters and costume variations, 4" would be the way to go, however, the collector market seems to favor 6"(or 12"). I personally long for the 1:18 scale revival and pray that Hasbro or some other ambitious company could prove me wrong, but until I see an actual press-release(or better yet: product) I have to remain skeptical(I'm still languishing over the demise of Palisade's supposed 4" Terminator 2, Planet of the Apes, Alien, and Predator lines!). My heart can only take so much breaking LOL!! On a side note, what I find really shocking is that no one has announced any type of specialty-market line for the new series (ala: Stargate SG-1, Star Trek TOS, Serenity,etc.). Besides Majestic Studios' 1:6(12")line and the "urban myth" that is Minimates LOL it seems that companies would be clawing to make it happen. If AA and DST could just convince me that this is the REAL reason for the delays on all the minimate lines, then I could ALMOST forgive them! ;P
  2. Target is where I found mine(about a month ago). In fact, Target has pretty much been where I've found everything lately(SMC, ML 14, XMC3, minimates...)since TRU and Wal-Marts in my area (Missouri/Kansas)have been pretty pathetic this Summer(OK, out of fairness, I did find SF2/Darkstalker and Speed Racer minis at TRU!). Mad Jack and Shocker are definitely worth picking-up!
  3. Adam(from AA)questioned if "anybody had spotted the new 4-packs at retail yet" as they supposedly have been shipped-out. As far as the "specialty market" series 12 &13? Your guess is as good as any. Nobody seems to have any concrete information on ANYTHING being released through DST. Maybe next year? Looks like you'll be getting socks this year!
  4. Actually, if you look closely at the "deluxe", Speed does come with a helmet(at his feet). I just chalk-it-up to "cutting-corners" to compensate the cost of producing the vehicles. That, and AA being notorious for re-using parts, probably didn't see a future re-use for the helmet mold(although customizers might have been able to use it for a "riot-police" custom). Oh well, they're OK, but sincerely doubt that they will "save the line" like DC mates could.
  5. Hopefully this doesn't transfer to the multi-packs: two-packs=$10, four-packs=$20. Or worse still, the entire line being blind-boxed! I have to agree with Ady that the costs of producing these multi-accessorized+being a specialty market "limited-release"item contribute greatly to the inflated price. I'll bite just this once to "grease the wheels" only because its one(two actually)figure/s that collectors can always use multiples of. I just pray that they don't get the idea that this was a great success and go this route with all of the up-coming lines!
  6. Ah, that makes more sense. I really liked the Powerman/IronFist (one of my favorites). I'd actually like to see another, it was one of the best exclusives that they've ever done. C'mon ToyFare, "exclusive DC Alfred/Dick Grayson" for getting our hopes-up with "non-information" about DC's release!
  7. Heck yeah, the "missing Alfred" was one of the most disappointing aspects of the Bat-pile. Although I would have swapped-out the Stealth BM in favor of Alfred, as I get quite alot of use of Bruce's Tux. Thanks again Lurch for refreshing our memories on the "mystery piece".
  8. Yikes, you're right! What the Hell am I gonna do with a Thor mini then?! I must have been really tired when I wrote that. Perhaps I'll be awaken from a cryogenic-slumber to find that the post-apocalyptic world is only inhabited by Supermodels and Minimates. I'll probably need to pack some beer too(I'm not that attractive), but the kiddies will have some cool toys to play with after I re-populate the planet! C'mon DST/AA, how can you deny a dying-man's request?
  9. Maybe by then(3000) I could get a Thor/Loki? Of course, by then I'd be pushing 130 years and would DESERVE it by-Gawd(nice B-day present)!!
  10. Why? Because of costs, or Booster's "crooked-goggles"? Or "Why they appeared in ToyFare"? It's very early and I'm a bit confused.
  11. That's STILL a good question. I vaguely remember someone explaining what it was supposed to be at one time, but can't seem to remember now. I thought, originally, that it was some sort of "prop" for the bat-wing or glider, but it doesn't really seem to fit that purpose does it? There are some really cool pieces though, despite the fact that the finished product is...ill-conceived? I've been compiling bits-and-pieces of LEGOs and MegaBloks myself in the hopes of someday constructing a den worthy enough for the Dark Knight! Good-Luck with yours and don't let that spinney-shield-thing get to you...worry about the floor plates popping-apart!LOL
  12. I finally found these today(along with the Speed Racer minis)in Kansas despite the fact that my local TRU(Missouri)still has nada. It's amazing how stores can be close yet receive their shipments so far apart; lucky I live near the border! The Streetfighter/Darkstalkers are really nice(although I'm not a fan) and have some great accessories. Speed, who I was originally more excited about is a bit of a let-down(as many have already stated); just kind'a...meh. Perhaps if they put out a few more characters(villans)to round the line-out(although probably unlikely based on most people's reaction to this first asst.). I actually thought about putting the SRs back and buying another set of the SF/DS for custom fodder, but just got one of everything to support both lines. I'll probably go back for some more SFs eventually(hopefully series 2!), but I've gotta start saving for some Cylon legions at the moment!!
  13. Didn't we already live this nightmare on the (ex)Palisades PotA forum? I've still got an ass-load of 1:18 scale horses with NO gorilla soldiers(LOL...whimper)! Hope that this fares differently. I'm not gonna start building those LEGO bridges or Land Rams 'til I've actually got these in hand this time; don't want to jinx myself y'know?
  14. Yeah, the case ratio is my biggest question. That's gonna be a bit steep for a case of each regardless. Even worse if you buy these already opened; I'd imagine $5 reg. , $10 uncommon, and $15-up for the limited depending on how these are divided. Yikes! Good and sad news all rolled in one(or rather...two).
  15. And if these are indeed solicited next month in Previews, then maybe we can expect these by Christmas? Not to get anyone's hopes up, but this would at least be a good start and hopefully usher-in a better year for "mini-acs" everywhere. I'm kind'a anxious for '07 now!
  16. If this is all legit, then this is great news! What better way to whet our appetites for some BSGoodness than with a little army-building? I'm not thrilled with all of the variations, however, if these can be purchased by the case (a "sure thing"), then I won't feel as bad about the "hunt for chases". One thing though, the mass-released neo-Cylons had better come with BOTH hand and gun attachments or there will be mini-riots in the streets! I personally will be setting mini-fires and flipping mini-coopers if this variation-scheme trickles outside of this one "preview" release! Anyway, good-news as far hearing that these are still on the way; I can't wait(much longer)!
  17. God knows how they are being distributed, looks like Mid Westerners got them first this time. Except for Missouri and Kansas. We don't even have the die-cast yet. Maybe in a week or so. I still can't believe that these are hitting all around me, but not here. TRU has been pretty pathetic this summer (better luck with my collections at Target lately); hopefully they get their "stuff" together by Fall/Winter(especially when BSG starts hitting). I'd personally prefer for Target to "exclusively" carry MMs in the future as there are more of them and they are far-more reliable than TRU(aka:Toy Releases Uncertain or Totally Ridiculous and Unorganized). That, and they actually seem to be selling well in Target lately (at least in my area).
  18. *Thor *Loki *Namor *Dr. Strange *Scarlet Witch *Vision *Hawkeye *Angel(classic blue/white with red/white chase) *Beast(classic blue) *Moon Knight Spiderman/Wolverine variants? Meh. No preference or interest.
  19. Awesome! I'll have to start looking for these. Does anyone have any idea when/how the others(Trixie, etc.)will be released?
  20. Heck yeah! I've been saying this for a few years in "desired license" polls. With the international success of the new series, now is the ideal time for this to happen(the market has ALWAYS been hot in the UK). Throw in some "regeneration" sets compiling Doctors through the ages and some "history of Dalek"sets as-well. Although, AA might need to redefine their formula and design a new base for the Daleks, however, if it were in three parts(dome, center, and base)they could make infinite variations including Davros. Just imagine,"Tardis-shaped blind-boxes with siren j-hooks"...too cool! Although I'm not personally a fan of blind-boxes (I like to know what I'm buying), I think most would buy these by the case anyway and trading could be fun in forums like this. The fan-base exists(more-so than many other acquired licenses), and the subject matter would translate perfectly into MMs.
  21. I think it's more like, "who's gonna pony-up?" and PAY for this to happen!
  22. Yeah, I don't think that the design was ever really in question; these "look" good. AA (despite minor quality control issues) have always put out great products with impressive design. The real deciding factor will be how these are marketed. as cereal pack-ins/premiums=plausible idea to reach masses and garner interest. as specialty/retail boxsets="kiss-of-death". Context and timing are CRUCIAL!! AA, pleeease don't lose your audience by delaying production on your "solid lines"(Star Trek, Marvel,DC, BSG, etc.)by chasing pipe-dreams or expanding on a market that you haven't even mastered yet. The consumers are there, but they will not wait forever.
  23. Yeah, I gotta agree with the majority; this idea is riddled with flaws. As cereal "pack-ins", it's a fantastic idea, however, with the cost of production and inflated petroleum prices I sincerely doubt that these will actually be part of the cereal (except pehaps as a mail-away). If these are to be marketed in any other way(sold through specialty markets or retail), I don't think that the response will be very positive. It's so frustrating to see such a talented (design) company constantly fall on it's face as a result of half-assed, ill-conceived ideas and poor marketing. Each time that a line flounders, it makes it that much more difficult for retailers to commit to carrying their products in the future.
  24. Yeah, I'm a bit bummed that it looks like we won't be receiving these by Fall as originally announced. As much as I LOVE the new BSG, I was really looking more forward to the "Classic" BSG mini's which will be an even L-O-N-G-E-R wait. Don't get me wrong, I'll be getting ALL of these minimates, but I was hoping for something a little more "realistic"(like Star Trek TOS 6") to represent the new BSG and the blockiness of minimates to capture the campy-fun of the original series. Either way, I will surely be amassing squadrons of BOTH of these series (hopefully by the end of 2006)!!
  25. Interesting... rather than shorter legs it looks like he has modifed feet! Look at the feet in the pic and the legs seem to go lower than the curved part of the foot..... He might be 'slightly' shorter after all. T. Yeah, I had noticed the difference when the first control-art images were released, but now it DOES appear that this was achieved with a "shallower" foot-piece rather than a new scaled body. Damn, I was hoping that AA was expanding their body scales and could apply this in the future to smaller characters (Classic Robin, Guardians, etc.). I still may do a little "modification/stumpification" with mine to exaggerate the scale. Oh well, at least we're getting bigger-scaled characters in 2.5" to break-up the monotiny. I'd still like to see Darkseid re-released down the line in a more impressive scale (2.5" or Hell, 3" would absolutely rule if possible) as a two-pack with Orion!
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