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Everything posted by cdubya

  1. Exactly!! No offense to fans, but if "Marvel-Zombies" (as cool as they are) can warrant a "one-shot box-set" based on ONE current story-arc, I fail to see why "classic BSG" box-set(s) couldn't be worked-in between modern waves. The classic fan-base exists and I think that quite a few fans of the new BSG (not familiar with the original) may have a bit more curiousity now due to the current success of the show (might be a cool way to fill-in the lag-time between seasons seriously). I admittedly like the new BSG more, but I will always harbor a nostalgic-love for the original. It was an important part of Sci-Fi history that deserves representation. "Apples and oranges": both stand alone as cool and entertaining shows.
  2. My sentiments exactly! I personally wish that ALL MM lines would drop the superfluous-variant and adopt DCD's equally-packed ratio. My point is this: "very few variants are actually distinct/relevant enough to warrant production. The few that are, usually are desireable enough that they could be released separately in a future wave with a completely NEW figure or reserved for a situation: relevant variation+MORE MM characters released!". BSG is the rare exception to this formula, as they have (so far) released their variant with a Cylon Centurian, which (I'd imagine) no-one minds having multiples of: variant+army-builder="muy bien"! "Give-up the CHASE, and give us more 'mates!" Bravo DCD, bravo.
  3. I still don't understand why they even bothered releasing the "classic" Cylon Asst. if they were just going to "shelve" the line...very cruel. I'm still holding hopes that with the success of the "modern" line, DST will see fit to slip-out (at least) 1-2 "classic" box-sets (and vehicle asst. ...please?) along-side the "modern" waves if they don't think that there is enough interest to sustain a "classic"line by itself. With a new on-going "classic BSG" comic hitting shelves and a cult-legion of "classic" fans (with little merchandise), I would think that the time is right to strike. I LOVE the new BSG, but still desire their "classic-counterparts" to complete my collection. If it were my call, I'd try something like... COLONIAL WARRIORS box-set: *Adama *Apollo *Starbuck *Boomer ...and maybe a Daggit (if 5 were possible) CYLON EMPIRE box-set: *Imperious Leader *Baltar *Lucifer *Cylon Centurian ...and maybe "gold" Cylon Commander (if 5 were possible) MINI-FLYERS Asst.: *Colonial Viper w/ pilot *Cylon Raider w/ pilot P.S. Mystery Man, you might try: . I think that they may still have "singles" available. Good-Luck!!
  4. These just get better each day...awesome! I understand the concerns with Sandman, but personally think he is fantastic and couldn't really imagine him any other way (unless the arms could be made "bendy" for better posing). I LOVE the transformation Spidey, but I really hope that the entire chest piece is "flesh-tone" underneath the "Venom-bits" and not striped with black like previous other MMs with "add-ons" (for custom fodder). I'm kicking myself for not jumping at the opportunity to pre-order full sets (or cases!) of these, as I initially had little interest in "Movie Mates" until I saw these. Now, I MUST have them all (especially the variants)! Thank-You (and Damn-You!) DST/AA.
  5. Ah yes, the perils of dealing with Diamond Distribution (wholly unreliable) and yet another reason why I've resorted to pre-orders from Stuckakid. I very well may be another week before mine arrive, but "by God I will have them"! Nice review PL (try not to gloat so much...lucky bastard LOL!). Can't wait until mine arrive (hope Robin doesn't dwarf the Dark Knight).
  6. Sorry about your luck with the LCS Max. Did you pre-order these (with the Diamond Previews order-form) from your LCS? If so, that REALLY sucks! Don't they have a "pull-and-hold" service"? I truly loved my LCS (not so "local" as it's a 1/2 hour drive). They always pulled my items for me AND gave me a 10% discount on everything; great guys( Clint's Comics...if anyone is ever in the KC,MO. area). Sadly, due to hellish work schedule and recent marriage, I can't make it there like I used to. You may want to seriously consider ordering from on-line sites like Stuckakid^. Granted, you'd be paying for shipping but their service and communication have been top-notch (the current cost of gas has justified "shipping costs" to me lately). Give'm a try, you won't be disappointed again!
  7. I was thinking the exact same thing(very DeFoe). Still, these are looking pretty good. Looks like Chuck has some "s'plain'n" to do about the "glider/ no glider" situation...very inconsistent. Not so much a problem, as Mega Bloks provided my GG with the neccessary tools for mayhem, but confusing none-the-less.
  8. Congrats MiniMyte! I really miss my LCS(and the 10% discount and no shipping!). Due to terrible hours at my job, I never make it there anymore. Stuckakid has been my salvation though, and I should have mine in about a week.
  9. I'm sure that you're all sick of my whining, but the top of my "wish list" is STILL the Viper and Raider mini-flyers(and perhaps a deluxe Raptor if at all possible)! As far as characters, I'm quite sure that all are possible as the show continues to garner great reviews and is rich with characters and possible costume variations (casual, dress, and New Caprica versions of most characters).
  10. Nice pic. Minimyte, never seen that particular shot! I was kind'a hoping that Chief would come with Kalle and Helo with "Athena"; it just seems more logical to me. Oh well, I'm sure DST is splitting these characters up to ensure even sales (little do they know that I will more than likely be buying them all anyway!) Note:"don't get cocky DST, I'm still holding you to your previous promise of Viper and Raider mini-flyers!!!!!"
  11. I will be thoroughly disappointed if he doesn't at least include these. As excited as I am about a box-set(despite it's "small-roster" and likely "rehash syndrome"), I always dreamed of a Dr. Strange/Dormammu 2-pack with an "Astral-form" clear variant. Oh well, FINALLY a Dr. Strange(and hopefully Namor as well)!!
  12. I'm 99.9% sure that it's "The Defenders", and it's about damn time! Although, as excited as I am at the prospects of a "Defenders box-set" (never would have imagined this happening!), I'm a little disappointed that it seems to only include 4 figures. The most logical choices seem to be: Dr. Strange(known), Namor(all of the parts will exist by DC series 3; Robin's green trunks, Wonder Woman's guantlets, and Aquaman's trident), Hulk(cheap-ass rehash;hopefully at least some new paint app.s and "big chest" since there is NO WAY we'll get a 2.5" mate from Marvel), and Silver Surfer( yet another "cost-saving rehash" and obvious tie-in to FF2 movie). I personally would have preferred the inclusion of characters(since they're unlikely to ever get another opportunity) like: Valkyrie, Nighthawk, Hellcat, Son of Satan, Gargoyle, Devil-Slayer, and some villans like Dormammu, Mordo, etc. instead of another Hulk or Surfer, but DST seems to share the same thinking of other "retail-driven" companies in this respect (despite the fact that these will probably only sell in "specialty-markets"). Oh well, 2 outta 4 ain't so bad, and they will surely be worth the wait. DST, please prove me wrong and give us something as "stand-alone-cool" as the "Uncanny X-Men" box-set was(STILL the BEST thing to come out of Marvel Mates line IMO) rather than a "quasi-cool" 4 pack(with half rehash).
  13. I absolutely love Mega Bloks. They've been a great aid in outfitting my mates (I'm using the "camera shop" right now as a diorama for my new DC mates...and Green Goblin FINALLY has his glider), their price and scale is much better than LEGO's. I'm still a little sad that I didn't pick-up the other Spidey-building packs when everyone was clearancing them ($6-7 each!). I currently have all of the Pyrates and PotC stuff(another weakness of mine), and had always hoped that MB would carry the new scale over to the other licenses. I've seen the small asst.s (Lizard and Rhino...kind'a cool), but have yet to see the SM3 stuff yet. Hopefully we'll get some new "city-scenes" for our MMs to ravage...good-stuff.
  14. Do we have confirmation that these too will include vehicles like the first release, or will they be 2(-4)packs?
  15. Yeah, I like the metallic-sheen too;very effective. However, maybe this is what (besides the "baggie") will designate this as an exclusive, as I find it very hard to believe that this particular version will not make it into the "normal" line at some point. I guess we'll see very soon when series 1 hits. If it really IS different from the other flight -suits(in color), then I dub-thee: "Shiny-heiny Starbuck"! LOL
  16. Then "Thank-the-Gods" it's not! Just kiddingLOL. While I agree that it is the current series that is generating all of the hype, I have to disagree about the vehicles (especially if you're referring to retailer-incentives like Starbuck, which I'm sure you're not. LOL I think I know what you mean). I believe that "vehicle asst.s" would have served better to draw collectors (especially those not already collecting MMs) INTO the line of BSG mates. Example: you make one impulsive purchase because it's a "neat lil' viper/raider with a block-figure"; shortly after, you find out that there are individual fig.s as well (Wow, gotta have that Adama, Six, Baltar, etc.). Next thing you know, your're a raging "mini-holic"!! I could go for the "classic BSG box-set" idea, but it would need to include a MINIMUM of 8 figures (Adama, Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer, Baltar, Cylon Centurian, Imperious Leader, and Lucifer) or 2 sets of 4 (Colonial Warriors Set and a Cylon Empire Set). I'd buy at least 2-3 sets (depending on whether they are in one or two sets)to swap body-parts so I could have Apollo, Starbuck and Boomer in Colonial Warrior AND Celebration gear and extra parts for custom Col. Tigh, another "bridge member" (maybe Athena), and a "gold" Lucifer. Hell, I might even buy more to make Sheba, Cassiopea, Jolly, etc. (all you need is to draw some boobs and swap heads...yeah, this works for Jolly too LOL!). However, we're back to the problem of vehicles for the "classic"BSG mates...maaaaybe a retailer exclusive (except with Starbuck or other "right-handed" character since Apollo is a "lefty" and has his holster on the opposite side...not good for other customs IMO); I'd probably buy at least 3-6 of each (Viper and Raider). You could also have an "Exclusive 2-pack" of some sort with "Muffit and Boxey"("shrunken" like DC Penguin). Regardless, I just need some vehicles and "hopefully" some Classic BSG too!! C'mon DST, honor an aging-man's wish (I can't wait forever).
  17. Is this simply "on-hold", or are there ACTUAL limitations on this line (like Marvel's "no vehicles" nonsense) due to specific contract restrictions with DST? Has there ever been an official statement regarding the limitations of this particular license that I may have missed? Matt? Anyone? If it is restricted, I'm sad to say that I may have to seriously reconsider continuing with this particular line of "mates" as I find the 1:12 scale line more appealing(for "modern"BSG, that is). The greatest appeal (to me personally) of these particular mates was the small-scale and prospect of them being able to pilot funky little ships around my computer-desk! Without these, much like a "Speed Racer" line without cars, I have little interest. Besides, what-the-Hell is Chief supposed to do?! Or "flight-suit" Starbuck, Apollo, etc. for that matter? "All dressed-up with NOWHERE to go"!!! These really should have been the FIRST things released for this line IMO. P.S. And don't even get me STARTED on my disgust about the MIA "classic BSG" mates!!! LOL(and tears)
  18. I swore that I wasn't going to cave for this particular exclusive, as I have a strong feeling that this version will turn-up again (in some form) in the future. However, Time and Space Toys has her for sale for $25. It's more than I was really willing to spend, however I needed one more item in my cart to qualify for the "free-stuff" offer and they were also offering "free-shipping" with any orders containing an "in-stock" item. Anyways, you all might want to check out their site before they're gone (plus you can receive a FREE Modern Cylon MM with any purchase...and FREE shipping if you act before Feb. 23!). Not a bad deal really.
  19. Yeah, his forehead is kind'a big. But if they didn't print it so low then his "spit-curl" would be more like a "devil-lock" and extend past his eyes! LOL. Shame about his lantern though. It amazes me how something so obvious could go through production without being noticed or modified.
  20. Sorry, but besides Cage's performance (surprisingly good) and some incredible visuals, it was pretty weak. The storyline and pacing were a train-wreck. It felt like two separate (three, if you include Carter Slade) movies with potential spliced-together into one disorganized-mess of a film. I may be more forgiving when this is released on DVD, but I left the theater disappointed and unsatisfied. I found Cage's portrayal of J. Blaze interesting, but the villans were so two-dimensional and boring. The visuals were stunning, but not enough to sustain it. I do agree that the MM box-set would have been better if it included the "henchmen" despite how unimpressive they were in the actual film though!
  21. ...and simultaneously BAD news for BSG (classic, that is).
  22. Are you referring to the "modern vehicles" as well? That is what I meant by the "flight-suits mean jack without something to pilot" statement. It really is a damn shame about the "classic line" though. I fail to see the point of the "Classic Cylon Asst." if this line has been abandoned.
  23. Yeah, these all look really great! Bummer about the "incentive-Starbuck", but I'm 99.9% sure that she will find her way into the line-ups later. One thing that IS really bothering me, however, is that the "classic line" seems to have been pigeon-holed. Granted, the "new" BSG is all the rage and definitely needs to be merchandised, but considering that the classic series were the first announced and shown, I'm really worried that these will not be released for years(if ever). By the way, what the frak is the status of the vehicle asst.s? We've seen proto.s and "tentative line-ups" for the first 2-3 series now, but I don't recall anyone following-up on what(and when) was happening with the vipers and raiders. Flight-suits mean "jack" if there is nothing to pilot! Sorry for the quasi-rant, I'm just a bit "pissy" that I'm seeing control-art for "Desperately Seeking Susan"(WTF?!) minis and I have no definite idea of when I might actually have my classic BSG figures that were announced over a year ago! My Cylons are rusting..."By WHO'S command?".
  24. Those are stands to hold the cardboard-backdrops for each figure.
  25. I'd say early-spring is a safe-bet. My biggest question is "when will the vehicles and classic asst. be SOLICITED?"
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