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Everything posted by pawcanada

  1. I'm pretty new to making customs, but I wondered how you acomplished that. I recently got my hands on a dupe DB Superman for a different custom, and Superboy is a custom I'd hope to make one day. Anyway, great job on the various customs . I like The Ray and Cyborg Superman customs.
  2. Really? I can only speak for myself because i've not lived anyone elses experience - but i buy Minimates for the pleasure i get from seeing them on my shelf. I don't wanna sound like an altruistic git who hates capitalism or anything as extreme - but the 'investment' i put into these is only paying me back with gratification - not money. I don't ever plan to sell my collection (although who knows what the future holds), but if i did - i wouldn't expect to be making a profit on it. I open my toys and play with them and pose them on my bookshelf. If i were forced to sell, i'd be pleasantly surprised to make back what i had spent on them in the first place and completely unsurprised if it were significantly less. Well said . You pretty much captured my feelings in a nut shell.
  3. I wasn't initially interested in the MAX vehicles, but looking at the pictures here I might have to pick up both versions . I've seen the red one listed on Luke's site so I'll need help getting the grey/TRU exclusive .
  4. As I've said before and I'll say again, we need boxset of the Captain Universe costumes! Cap Universe 2099 looks AWESOME (having said that I have a second Cap Universe Spidey mate... Maybe I could custom him into CU 2099...). only down side is I have no idea which UK store, if any, will have them
  5. I saw another silhouette of Viewtiful Joe fighting Dormammu (can't remember where though) and some people have shown some strong evidence for Frank West from another silhouette. I know Frank is a popular character and one of the new faces of Capcom, but at the moment it seems like Capcom is focusing more on the newer characters rather than MvsC "staples", at least outside of franchises like SF and Darkstalkers. I'm really hoping we'll get a couple of people to represent the various Megaman franchises (though I'll admit I'd love to see X as so far he's the only incarnation of Mega who's yet to appear in a crossover game) and as mentioned above, characters like Cap Com and Strider. Regardless of whether or not they appear I am still getting the game, and I am aware of DLC. However with both being long time characters it'll be a shame if they don't appear, at least straight away.
  6. I actually made a similar article about this for a site I'm working on. As a UK based collector I've had to rely on eBay and other collectors to help me. Some like Ghostbusters I've been able to get at a half decent price but others like Bullseye/Moonstone and Union Jack (single and loose) I ended up in bidding wars that ended up with me spending $20 each minimate, not including shipping and handling. Sufficed to say my wallet shudders whenever a TRU exclusive I want is announced. TRU exclusives have allowed for some great mates that I like having in my collection, like Union Jack and the Silver Surfer update, and it's clear they'd never have been released without it. On the other hand, the hoops I've had to jump through and the money I've had to splash out at times have pretty much burned me. I try to hold off spending such high amounts of money and where possibly rely on the people here, but I'm also prone to think "That seems like a good price, buy it now!" out of the fear of never getting it, then Sod's law, I see it for a fraction of the price say three weeks later... So I can't really vote either way. While a larger portion of me wants to say Yes, the problems I've had etc. make me say No. I'm really hoping if TRU 8 is purely TRU exclusive I won't have any problems getting it.
  7. I'm hoping Strider and Captain Commando return. I really missed them in Tatsinoko vs Capcom. I'll admit I'm a bit dissapointed they're using Trish. With a wide variety of franchises, both new and old, having two from DMC seems a bit like a waste to me. As I mentioned before, I'm fond of some of the lesser known Capcom franchises, both fighting and not, so I really want to see them get represented. Obscure characters like Jin and Hayato were amoung my favourites in MvC2, despite the fact I've never played the games either character came from. It's also worth noting Viewtiful Joe has been nearly confirmed, much liek the Silver Surfer.
  8. That's what it looks like, which wouldn't be a bad thing in my opinion. If you look back at the previous waves, the ones that peg warm are the ones that were covered in the LCS waves as well. That's partly from scalpers nabbing all the exclusives and leaving the rest of the wave to rot, but I imagine the fact that the overlap also takes up most of the case, they aren't moving as many as they could if it was another unique figure, or at least a hard to find rerelease. That would be the best way to do it in my opinion. Less fuel for scalpers, more money for TRU and it allows DST to release more and more obscure characters in say the LCS wave and the generic Spidey variants in the TRU waves. If this is an experiment I hope it works well. QFT!
  9. Without a doubt the best Fantastic Four wave to date with everyone looking like they'll benefit from the upgrade. Namor and the Atlanian Army Builder also look great. I may need help from one of you lovely American collectors depending on how many are in Wave 38 and how many are definitly TRU exclusive
  10. It does look like Thor will find his humanity/redeam himself by having to face the trails of the film on his own (it looked to me like he's unworthy of picking up the hammer after finding it). It's certainly an interesting angle to take instead of the good Doctor, but I often loved the banter between the two during JMS' run, especally when people wondered if Don was talking to himself. Also I was pretty sure I saw a face that could have been Balder, though it could easily have been Fandral minus the beard.
  11. Missed the trailer first time around... Thanks to JMS I'm a HUGE fan of Thor so I'm really looking forward to this (I'm hoping he'll work his magic on Superman). As for the trailer, it looks good but I have this nagging feeling the back of my head that it's lacking something. I'm pretty sure I saw some of the Warriors Three and definitly Lady Sif but it also looks like they're ignoring the human/Don Blake side of Thor which I'm a bit dissapointed about. Sufficed to say it didn't have the jaw dropping level of "OMG I CAN'T WAIT!" that the Mark V and War Machine gave me when I saw the relevent IM2 trailers. Still...
  12. True, but we already have dark uniform Peter (granted he was an exclusive and therefore hard to come by). I wouldn't mind so much though as I like the dark uniform and I'm a completist. TBH I'd rather have two slightly different sets of the dark grey uniforms than "one and a half". I'm happy to have two complete sets of light uniform and dark uniform in my collection, even if the differences are minor.
  13. Sweet quick custom I have a spare DA Sentry lying around so I might have to borrow that recepie
  14. Great job on the Kyle revamp . Really like the re-done mask. Have you thought about doing generic, "army builder" style decals? I'd love to turn some of the minimates in my scrap box into members of the various corps.
  15. An update on/proper version of the 2099 costume is one of the few Spidey variants I still want and ever since Miguel was annoucned I've been demanding this boxset! Heck, why not do two and do one for the Captain Universe costumes. Who WOULDN'T want Cap Universe 2099 ?
  16. Quick question - has anyone else noticed that the Ray and Peter minimates from TRU wave 4 have the same face as the SDCC GB2 boxset Peter and Ray? Makes me wonder if we'll get Wave 5 with Dark Grey Slime Blower Winston and Dark Gray Egon...
  17. According to what I read, Scarlet, Negative Zone and Iron Spidey are just "early unlocks" and you can get them "naturally" during the course of the game. Also the Captain Universe costumes will be available as DLC. Which IMO is how this shop exclusive bollocks SHOULD BE! I like to buy a game where I can get the best deal on trade ins, promotional vouchers and/or if I have a loyalty card, not just because one shop happens to have my FAVOURITE Spidey costume of all time. And considering as how I live on the other side of the pond, I have no sodding clue which shop will be carrying any exclusive costumes that I might happen to want.
  18. Have you read All-Star Batman and Robin? I ask because while I haven't, I'm a big fan of Linkara who reviewed it on his show "Atop the Fourth Wall", which focuses primairly on very bad comics. I've been meaning to read All-Star Superman so I am interested, but I thought it was announced we'll get the storyline Emerald Knights?
  19. Wasn't there once a storyline where Loki created a seventh, gold gem called "Ego"? Perhaps there's some reference to that and/or Loki has played with the gauntlet a few times. However I will be honest when I say I'd rather they'd shown Herc's mace. The Incredible Hercules was, IMO, one of Mavel's best series and has given me a new found level of respect for the character. I'd love to see him on the silver screen and if you ask me, there's no better way then via a Thor film, perhaps starting off with them fighting then putting their differences aside and becoming the "Ryu/Ken" of Marvel. Not that the Infinity Gauntlet isn't awesome, but as a Herc fan I'm crossing my fingers he'll pop up in a future Thor movie.
  20. Looks like Thor may ahve to deal with some cosmic enemies in his movie... Fingers crossed for the Rocket Racoon
  21. I checked on the GB Wikia after the announcement but there wasn't a page for the ghost. [edit] Actually... Hard to tell from the shot to be honest.
  22. A nice review all round. Covered the key facts and took some nice pictures. I will add you missed the decal under the Statue of Liberty's dress (shows the four GBs) and you may want to know the four arms are a re-use from DC character Salaak. Also: * GB2 Egon was released in TRU wave 3 * The upcoming GB2 boxset has everyone in the tan coloured costume, not the dark grey. Hope to see more reviews soon
  23. Slight tangent/return to an old topic, but after seeing this - , I really wish DST would look at getting the RGB licence. I'm a big fan of variants (i.e. all the Spidey costumes that AREN'T classic) and think the RGB versions of the four plus Citizen Ghost versions would be awesome in minimate form.
  24. Awesome job on the various minimates and the decals. I really like Nova and Iron Fist How easy was it to make the decals? I'm working on a Mon-El custom that may or may not have the blue S-shirt (I liked it but it seems everyone else hated it), but need to look at making a decal. I've not done one before so I'm not sure how best to start.
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