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Everything posted by highassroller

  1. A while back, I saw you were selling 2.5 Hulks. Can I please purchase one from you? I have not had the chance to PM you to get one yet or in any post.
  2. Wow, what horrific monsters. How dare they tempt us with a big chest thing on the outside packaging art. I really want one. False Advertising cretins.
  3. I've always stood by Mini-Mytes custom quality and work. I think that an asthetically and functionally well made custom that can survive some light playing are well worht $40-$100 I mean, where else are you gonna get an Etrigan and Cyborg minimate? Its not everyday a new character can be added to the minimates ranks.
  4. Pals are very brittle and their hands suck. I had a few but I just use their accessories as custom parts.
  5. IRONMAN.... PLEASE I want a classic avengers lineup but would take an IRONMAN wave... T. I think the Ironman Movie is really far off from finished, so I think we'll be safe till wave 17 or 18. Dude, If they don't make a Thor soon (Wave 16) I'm going to quit collecting these things.
  6. Nope I bet these will be '15' after all X3 is '14'. There are 6 figs plus on chase... sounds like the regular wave to me! T. TBT is a very clever man....
  7. Not to mess with your great question Luke314 my friend, but: How many custom Minimates has Mini-Myte made and can you list them?
  8. I believe these will not be considered an actual wave. It's a limited release like the I-robot ones.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion TBT. I also have to thank a member on this board that actually told me to use Pocket Superhero Parts for the Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Thanks for the tip, it works great.
  10. Man, too bad they did do a more versitile environment. Like: Alley way between buildings Bank/Jewelry Store Top portion of a generic skyscraper/building But I guess a sewer/toxic waste stage will have to do. I'll put a Resin Maximate statue on it and call it a day.
  11. I have all the chase figures from the Marvel Minimates line up to the current waves. My favorite customes are the 10 that I recieved from Mini-Myte off ebay. They kick butt in detail and accuracy! Out of the 10 custom minimates, it's a tie between Cyborg, DeathStroke, and Black Widow I might sell all ten in a lot for $1100.00 on ebay. It's worth every penny!!
  12. Good point. I-Robot can be filed away right under Cereal mates next to Rocky mates. J/K I say go for it as well. I just think it will flop in sales.
  13. My favorite line: MArvel Minimates Second tie: Batman/Superman/JLU animated figures vs. Guyver Max Factory figures.
  14. Wow. This series will be included in the great ideas vault of Art Asylum Minimates. Filed along with unposeable resin Maximates, Minimates Resin Displays, and Cereal Mates. Keep up the good work! You've almost completely killed off my desire and memory of a Thor minimate.
  15. A chase expands the collection, and makes a complete collection a challenge and more satisfying when complete. If the new DC nwave has no chases, it shortens the possible wave by one figure. We have had GREAT logical chases, that were eqivalant to new minimates. Example: Maskless Doom, Invisible Woman, Spiderwoman, Black Spiderman, Diamond Emma Of course, if Superman and Batman only recieved chases, it would suck. There have been poor chases: Visorless Cyclops, DOFP Wolverine, but it still grows the collection.
  16. Wow! I can't believe you have to do all that bull shit just to get the joint moving! Damn, I hope the future waves don't continue this tread. Just an idea, have you folks tried freezing your minimates? That might be a good way to get the legs loose. Plastic shouldn't become brittle if you put it in the freezer for 15 minutes, but the pegs and limbs should loosen up a bit.
  17. I would never go all the way to China to only get minimates. I have family there, and will literally only get 1 or 2 days to go to the free market. I'm also going to get some name brand clothes at the free market. The figures in China, may be just retail from China, rather than boot legs, due to the high quality. Either way, they are very inexpensive there. It's like getting Polo or Ralph Lauren Clothes from the free Market. Many believe they are just stolen or overstock rather than bootlegs. Either way they are inexpensive. Why is everyone thinking that I'm going to get 20 Martian Manhunters? Like I said before, the only minimates I saw last time were Street fighter ones.
  18. I think most people couldnt care less, except for you've clearly stated that they would be bootlegs and they'd be costing you $1 a bag. Ady, Once again, let me go over why I need to charge these prices.... in detail Round trip Tickets to China: $1,100+ Limited room to lug around suitcases Danger and leg work of going to the free market Hotel Stay and Food for 1 week: $1,000.00+ Also, I don't just buy "bags" of them. It's not like they are in nap sacks to buy. I meant there are alot to buy. They go for about $1.00-$2.00 USD each minimate. Sometimes they are on cards and they cost about $4.00 USD. Not for the bag of them! Sigh... Do you have any idea how many I need to sell to break even on the trip? I only have enough room for a dozen or two of these. You make it sound like this is a cash crop waiting to blow for me. That is not the case. I'm really going looking for rares and uncommon mates. Honestly, I'll probably be stuck looking at dozens of Street Fighter figures, and they will no doubt be in blind boxes.
  19. I can't believe they think this line up would sell better than a classic avengers lineup. Thor, Abomination, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Wasp, anything?? The only new character is Beast.... sign... I supposed the cereal mates can battle the X3 team while driving in speed racer's car...
  20. Can you imagine if Target mass released the Javelin Set too? I think that might help collectors and sellers appreciate more limited character runs. If you are a hardcore collector, there is a certain thrill and satisfaction knowing you have something others do not. Regardless, I don't think I need to defend myself as I mad clear points and those who are collectors and sellers understand where I come from. I think if I hooked up people on this site with Manhunters for $20.00, those who buy them will be happy to complete their DC set, others who don't buy them (already have them) will of course view me as a scalper.
  21. Careful, if you ask for Megaman Minimates, they will not come. Don't jinx it. If you don't ask, they will come, unrelenting crap after crap. (Cereal Mates, Speed Racer, Dark Stalkers, Giant MAX Minimates, Firestar)
  22. Thanks J, To Other Haters: I am insulted to say the least. How can anyone question my fan status or love of minimates? I painstakingly spend days making customs. I collected everything, and for my collection I opened them all. I bought like 4 extra Blade & Punisher packs just for the guns. I buy multiples so I can have an Xavier with mask and without on display simultaniously. As for the trip to China, I am Chinese and I have relatives who still live there. The cost of travel, pain in getting suitcases through customs (Heavy), and the danger of the free market is reason for the mark up. Plus I know that I would pay $20.00 for a M. Manhunter if I didn't have one. It's common sense, buy toys for low price, sell for profit, buy more toys for low price. Don't condemn me for something alot of people do for a living. I'm a toy fan/collector and seller in my free time. Yes, you can be both. Art asylum wishes all their fans were spending and collecting like myself. I buy alot of toys, I have lot of Max Factory Guyver Japanese figures, Justice League Unlimited, Minimates, and Dragon Ball Z figures. I also collect alittle legos, Starwars, X-men, Marvel Select. But when toy lines start pumping out repetative crap, and insult their customers (No Thor). I go hiatus on my collecting.
  23. Ady you sound so bitter. It's called a joke. I bet you my collection of mates is as large as yours (minus your super skulls), but I probably paid twice as much. I'm not happy at how much I spent either, thus my hiatus from collecting minimates in general. Especially since there is no incentive for paying high prices if you just collect loose minimates, which I do. The only thing that makes me better than anyone, is my mastery of paint applications on my customs. j/k
  24. For the record. I have spent THOUSANDS on minimates. Not hundreds thousands. Think for a moment... I have over 10 of Minimytes customs - range from $40-$100 EACH I have 5 Giant Size boxes - range from $40.00-60.00 EACH I have all the Marvel/DC variants and rare I have all Marvel and DC minimates period. I have all Bruce Lee Minimates - range $20.00-25.00 Each I have multiple series sets for custom fodder. I have all LOTR minmates period. I also both multiples (3x or more): Indie Mates, Star Trek Mates, Dark tide, Ultimate Avengers I am the High Ass Roller, folks. As for the chinese bootlegs, I am going to China Oct. 20th. Last time all we saw were street fighter ones, but I will do some checking on the black market, and post pics. If I can get a bag of Martian Manhunters, please understand I will still be charging $20.00 each as they are identical to the original. They don't have wierd paint apps or wierd dates on their legs. This leads me to believe they are made from stolen or rplica master molds.
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