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Everything posted by fwoosheyman

  1. Well this wave should be much more colorful and eye catching then past Thor movie waves. If Hela has her headdress (probably only for a short time, if at all) movie Hela minimate would make for an acceptable comic Hela minimate stand in.
  2. I always thought the budget that needed to be met was the reason for so many human characters and spreading out the mutants. Did it make the waves less interesting..yes and that probably hurt sales. Also, the last two waves were released way too late and after the space episodes were almost done. That probably hurt sales as well. Shame cause the new season has been really good with some characters I'd really like to have and as others have said without Shredder's main team the line is incomplete.
  3. Awesome. KH II is better and that means we should get one or two Mickey minimates.
  4. So is Gotham done? Nothing was shown at Toy Fair. With no DC minimates I was hoping it would continue since the show is getting more "comic-like" with the character costumes.
  5. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. My only hope is that DST looks into the Young Justice license and it's available and minimates can be made. Most of the DC universe has been on the show.
  6. Kingdom hearts = Yay! Super excited for these DC as only vinimates. It is just like Batman 66 all over again.
  7. I sure hope that's Zach not wanting to give things away and this isn't Batman 66 all over again. ?
  8. Does anyone get excited for vinimates? Very little chatter here about them and they are collecting dust at local TRU's.
  9. I believe it's from the Arkham City game.
  10. Holy $&!@ DC comics, movies, games and movies!!
  11. There's been several versions of Mega Man that would be recognizable, also Proto Man/Zero/Rush/Roll/Dr Wily are all recognizable to gamers.
  12. Come on super fighting robot.....Mega Man!
  13. Please be Mega Man. I would buy so many cases just to keep the line going.
  14. Thought something had been announced when I saw this thread but it's just another hopes and wishes thread. Can we move this to another part of the forum?
  15. Sigh...still no comic Guardians minimates.
  16. MGS or God of War would be cool but please not Assassin's Creed. The McFarlane line has fizzled out, the Mega Bloks lined was cancelled and the movie was a bomb. The next game is now rumored to not even make it out in 2017. I gotta agree with others they would just warm the pegs.
  17. I've got a bad feeling about this. High profile but it's a series that is way past its prime and peaked years ago. There seems to be little buzz for the upcoming film and past toy lines haven't sold well. The minimates are well done (of course) but this seems like another dud like Alice, Muppets, NuGhostbusters.
  18. Darn... I really wanted the white rabbit for custom parts.
  19. I'm assuming it's something that store does on their own. I've never encountered it before.
  20. Saw the post by Suicidewatch and went looking. Found them in PA. I tried to buy a Squirrel Girl pack with them and the clerk wouldn't let me. She said they were limited to 4 per person. Not sure where that came from, but I guess I'll go back tomorrow and buy it.
  21. Ivy's got her crossbow on her arm in the picture and as long as Freeze comes with the ballerina snow globe I'll be happy.
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