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Mystery Man

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Everything posted by Mystery Man

  1. I appreicate everyone's advice. I'd really like to get that variant Sentry, but I just can't spend the extra money just to say I can get it. Instead I'm going to pick up the full set from Antacost for $20 bucks and pick up the sets with Nick Fury for extra SHIELD agents from storm 1:08. If anybody comes across a Sentry variant, lemme know, I guess. Instead of spending all that extra dough for one figure, my local comic shop is gonna get me a case of the DC Series 1 and split the cost of how much they buy 'em for and how much they sell 'em for, so I can have lotsa Green Lanterns and sell the others up at the shop to make some of my money back. -Matt
  2. They don't need to go overboard with the variants. A clear example is the number of Spider-Men and Wolverines that have been put out by Marvel... yet only now are we getting Thor, Quicksilver and those characters. New characters before variants. Some variants are okay. But I wouldn't have been cool with "Grabline Spidey" and "Unmasked Spidey" had I known there would be so many other Spider-Men made over Sub-Mariner, Quasar, or Havok. I'm all for the characters being available to late-comers. So keep them available at mass market stores. Or something. I don't know. But I hope they won't include old figures with teeny little paint changes in place of new characters in the line. Nearly a third of my minimate collection is variations on people I really would rather have waited for to get later on. That make sense?
  3. How much would you pay for a full set of the New Avengers series with the Sentry variant? Is 50.00 without shipping too much?
  4. If this is true, I can get the drop on all those Green Lantern bodies a week earlier for my Corps! HEE HEE!
  5. Well, neither my Home Depot, Lowe's, Wal-Mart or K-Mart has it. So can I ask a favor of somebody? If I send them the Spider-Man legs can you remove the red paint for me? I'll pay shipping both ways (of course).
  6. I've seen a few on ebay loose and they all seem to have that space in the belt where there should be paint but isn't. Are they all like that?
  7. I can't find any of this Goof Off stuff. Where do you guys get it?
  8. More Avengers. Hawkeye, Vision, Ant Man, Giant Man, Wasp, Hercules, Black Panther. More villains. Ultron, Kang, Annihilus, Dragon Man, Diablo, Baron Zemo, Red Skull, Mole Man, Electro, Kraven, Lizard, Vulture, Mysterio, Hobgoblin, Beetle, Shocker, Toad. More X-Men. Angel, Gambit, Psylocke, Havok, Polaris, Marvel Girl/Phoenix, Banshee. ... and Namor and Dr. Strange.
  9. I hope another movie line doesn't get in the way of comic book lines. I'm glad that some people like the movie stuff. As far as extra parts, they're okay with me. But that's the end of it. I want Sub-Mariner and Angel and Lizard. I know there are other people who want comic book characters made and that don't feel like their sets are complete until they get those characters. I think the recently announced Avengers line-up is a step in the right direction. I hope they continue to make decisions like this.
  10. I want a classic Beast. I can accomplish this with just swapping parts except for his lower legs. The legs that are perfect can be either a Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man, Luke Cage Power Man, or a Giant Size X-Men Cyclops. But that lower paint on there hampers it. Any tips for easy paint removal? I tried Nail Polish remover, but it just messes it up.
  11. I think a quick one could be made using: Astonishing Beast head/hair/feet/hands Con-exclusive Cyclops chest/crotch/legs Thanos arms The only problem is the yellow on the legs... kind of like leggings or something. I don't know any way around that, though.
  12. I was wondering if anybody took parts from the Astonishing X-Men Beast and fiddled with other spare parts to make a classic looking Beast. That's what I'd really like and I was wondering what it looked like if anybody else'd done it. -Matt
  13. If they do all the cast members and a Gorn, I'll buy 'em all. If they make a Salt Vampire, I'll be ecstatic. And if they make a Mugatu (Gumatu) then I'll buy doubles.
  14. It is about damn time! I hope Series 17 is more great and long awaited choices like this one is.
  15. I won't be picking these or the X3 ones up. If it's movie it's second rate, to me. I want comic book characters that haven't been made before. When my comic shop guy asked me in a knowing tone if I was going to want them to pre-order two cases of the New Avengers and Astonishing X-Men series, I told him "Don't even bother with one, man." If I see 'em someplace, I might pick 'em up if I've got the money on me. But certainly not until I've seen something coming from AA and Marvel that I look forward to. I'm not buying minimates anymore until then. How long has Thor, by himself, been promised? At least since before LAST summer... ... screw this. I'll save my money and buy Marvel Masterworks or a few neat Marvel Legends characters that I actually want (like Falcon), rather than more junk being forced down my throat because of completists sake (Ghost Rider/X3 stuff). -Matt
  16. After the disappointment I've had in all things Minimate for at LEAST a year, now, it really is annoying/disgusting/disappointing to hear the same God Blessed answers after all this time. Concerning the Marvel line: When ever asked about getting any NEW characters, be they Thor or obscure characters... it's always the same crap answer. "We sure hope so", "We've thought of them from time to time", or "Wait and see!" Man, after all this time with such a promising little line of toys... more of the same. Apologies to those who want movie character minimates, but for the line to have gone on this long and had the delays it has in this last year... what is it going to take to NOT get any more re-hash stuff. When will there be a Thor? Or a Hawkeye? Or a Scarlet Witch? Or a Jean Gray comic book version Phoenix in the Green/Yellow? Namor? Electro or Hobgoblin? Though I'm sure everybody was disappointed that the DC line had to be pushed back... they'll be worth picking up when they come out for at LEAST one reason. And that reason is a VARIETY of characters. Be it Digger or whoever the hell else runs the real show behind this stuff and the decisions on who gets made: Way to go. You suck. -Matt
  17. Suckity suck suck. So much for a quick and easy Beast in the blue trunks. ... gotta sort through some torsos and find a match. -M
  18. Someone who has the Beast could answer this for me quick-quick: When you take off the torso on him, what color is the body underneath?
  19. Don't get me wrong, they really do look great. Great likenesses of the actors/actresses... ... BUT... ... it's still yet another version of a team of X-Men. How many different eras do we have so far and not a one is completed? Sorry to be the doomsayer, but I'm still ho hum about this.
  20. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Now that this place is here, I'll continue to still check the AA forums "just in case"... but I'd rather post on here, anyway. They don't act like they give two hoots in hell. Sometimes it makes me wonder why I should even continue to support them, honestly... -M
  21. ... can we curse here? I don't know if we can curse here or not. But this really is a fuckarow. Can't anything "minimate" get released on time and be worth a damn? Shit. -M
  22. Not even C3 feet?! Jack-shit lame-ass... If it brings new people to the product, great. But then you'll just have MORE people complaining about no C3 feet. hah
  23. I hope that the Cap head fits with my Flash mask... the one I cut the eyes out of so you can see the eyes through. It'd make a great facial expression for my Barry Allen. I hope that either the mass market released Spider-Woman or the one that comes out in the Series 12 (or is it 13?) has the top of her head painted red so I can have a "full head mask" version of the character, like when she first appeared. I hope they all have C3 feet. Sweet crispy crap, FINALLY a Spider-Man with "good" feet?! I just thought of something. That unmasked, beaten Spider-Man face is PERFECT for either a mugged civilian or man-raped civilian. Hah. This is how I come up with ways to make the sour a little sweeter with no Vision, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Namor, Dr. Strange, Hobgoblin, Mysterio, etc. in sight. -M
  24. The new packages look good, I'll admit. But c'mon... I'm not buying minimates for the boxes! I STILL want new figures.
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