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Mystery Man

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Everything posted by Mystery Man

  1. Quick heads up: Hastings is going outta business. If you need that exclusive Nostromo 4-pack I can help. Already helping some folks out, so I might as well post this here too. Cost is $16.50 plus shipping. Should be $21.50 al said and done PM if you're interested
  2. I can help anyone who needs the exclusive Aliens set. PM me. Cost is $16.50 plus shipping. Should be about $21.50 all said and done.
  3. I've been going to Hastings all my life. It's incredibly saddening that they're going under... and not just because I like buying Minimates there, like the thrice-damned blind bag stuff. People losing their jobs is never good and for the past few weeks going to the stores near me has felt like everyone's holding their breath. Going there today felt especially weird, knowing that not just my local store was going out of business but all of them across the country.
  4. Color me curious as to why they're released selectively two months before everybody gets a chance.
  5. To be fair, that icing on the cake may be what some people are really looking forward to. Honestly, I've been excited about the prospect of that and a non-damaged Ash from Aliens and the APC too. So both of those in a "maybe they'll be made, maybe they won't" is a bummer. Not taking it personally or anything, I know DST isn't making toys just for me and there've been oodles of recent reveals for sure. Just hoping for that icing on the cake.
  6. Damn. Not much of anything, it sounds like. I certainly hope more stuff gets revealed throughout the year. No classic GB, Star Trek and X-Files is a major bummer. i'm glad to get Squirrel Girl and Hyperion, though.
  7. Watch yo tongue! I've been leading the charge for classic Falcon and am gonna buy enough if 'em to balance out all y'all ho-hum naysayers who don't like 'im. For the first time in my life I'm gonna be screaming "SIXTYYYY NIIIIIINE!" like a dumb junior high kid that just heard of sex.
  8. Checked all around Austin today. Nothin'. Not even series 2. I have no patience. I neeeeeed these.
  9. Stores near me finally got series 2, so if anybody still needs 'em I can pick them up for cost plus shipping.
  10. Yeah, I've done that plenty of times. I figured someone might've done it recently since the Kermit is new and save me some time.
  11. I'm really hoping the lack of series 2 was just a fluke where I live. I was checking stores between Austin and San Antonio weekly for awhile there and only managed to secure one of each set. Everywhere I go it's fresh 1.5. The Nighthawk and Man-Thing are absolutely beautiful and I'm eager to have them to play with.
  12. Regarding reporter Kermit: anybody who has him know if there are normal 'mate arms that'll match that torso color?
  13. Some posts are still missing, because I just went to update my Marvek Minimates wish list from a few weeks/months back and it's gone.
  14. Gaaaah. I want a tuxedo Kermit for the coat tails so bad!
  15. We have him in his first appearance armor. However, I think he'd look much cooler in a metallic green paint and with bulky pieces to really make him big instead of just tall. They could just tampo details on the bulky pieces chest the Kree Sentry came with and re-use the helmet. They might have to make a new bulky skirt piece for him but that'd be it. He's look so much cooler next to more modern Minimates. I'd like both first appearance Blacklash and the later version with the purple cape and green ponytail.
  16. Madman would be the ideal, best series of Minimates ever.
  17. A comic book assortment of Dr. Strange Minimates would be the best ever. Wong, Clea, Mordo, Mindless Ones, the Ancient One, masked Dr. Strange with an astral Strange variant.
  18. This series does nothing for me. I'll get a Siryn and Domino for completeness sake, but that's it. I'm glad that others are so pleased but for me? My favorite toy line keeps saving me all this money... PS - There's a Hydra "Hank Johnson" one-shot for Secret Wars. Pretty amusing. The guy looks a lot like Bob, so maybe that's where the Secret Wars tie-in figure hails from?
  19. I've already got my spare Elle Driver ready for a pants-suit Scully. Still rummaging around for a better hair piece.
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