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Mystery Man

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Everything posted by Mystery Man

  1. Anybody else not like the TOS Scotty hairpiece? I've tried since the figure was released in 2007 but I just can't stand it. Tried and tried to find an alternative for that look to no avail.
  2. When series come out that I like (classic comics), I tend to purchase the Hell outta them to show my support for the type of product I like. Plus, I like having spares just in case one breaks several years from now when they're expensive on the secondary market. Lastly, I like to support Luke's store.
  3. Thanks very much for the info! I'm still getting TWO custom cases, so rest assured your news wasn't all-bad.
  4. As soon as I can find these in my area I'll be trying to help out board (bored) members. Its ironic in a non-humorous way that a store with more branches than TRU is giving even bigger headaches than TRU. And I'll second, third, fourth the surprise I have that we've not gotten the rest of the Inhuman Royal Family. But unlike the much-wanted characters we've gotten animated versions of to tide us over, I really hope that we'll get some bright, colorful, classic Kirby versions of the family.
  5. Thank you very much. Regardless, I just ordered 2 custom cases from Luke... so it's not like ya aren't getting my dough!
  6. Hey Zach! Asked a couple times but it's a busy thread so I'm sure you missed it. Does this Wolverine and the TRU 22 one use the same yellows and blues? Thanks!
  7. I don't watch the cartoon, so I didn't know that. Now my heart breaks.
  8. Noooo, no, no, no... I wasn't implying you were rolling your eyes at all! You guys have been great! I just worry I'm part of an ever-growing minority that should stop chiming in.
  9. Do you mean series 68/69 (I'm dying for 'em!) or something else entirely? Woo! Speed Demon!!
  10. Me too! Gimme the swell original stuff that everything was built from first. Because those classics don't go away. I bet I'm the only person ever who wants a minimate of Lord Vashti, the Elder.
  11. Best I've seen is a restock of two sets of series 2. My heart LEAP when I saw new product... then SANK when I saw it wasn't 2.5.
  12. With Hastings getting no new stock, I'm SOL with the Direct Market stuff. If anybody scores any glowing Pumpkin King's, Mrs. Finklestein's or Melting Men they don't want I'd be happy to take them.
  13. Sometimes I worry that I've become the crank that always writes in asking for more classic comic stuff and probably gets some eye rolls around the office and then ignored... ? Not a knock against you guys... I just fret.
  14. Nothing severe, but I swapped out the torso and waist riser on Man-Thing for a NBX pumpkin king Jack. I really like how it fits and doesn't come apart at the waist now, since the peg goes further up into the torso which is now a solid piece. At some point I'll likely paint it but for now it's an easy fix.
  15. Really wish we could get Whizzer. Damn, damn, damn.
  16. Boop: Really tried to to like the slip on full masks but that just won't cut it for this guy.
  17. Agreed. Gimme green skirt Jean and the team from that era... throw in Polaris if ya must.
  18. I'm hitting the Walgreens from Austin to San Antonio and everywhere in between. Nooooo diccccccccce.
  19. I'm guessing using a phone means no more direct picture uploading for me? I can always go the other route and put 'em on Photobucket!
  20. Man, Indiana Jones 'mates would be outta sight!
  21. Only thing I can think of (and I've thought a lot) would be to paint a NBX Dr. Finklestein's "skirt" red.
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