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Trekker 42

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Everything posted by Trekker 42

  1. Ultimate U. Now. My Ultimate Spidey has gotten so bored fighting Ultimate Gobby that he did a reality hop and killed regular Doc Ock. We need Ultie Fury, Ultie Electro, ultie Carnage, and Ult. Cap WWII. Ultimate Cap is the most badass hero of all time.
  2. PowerThirst 1 PowerThirst 2 MENERGY! Spoof on pretty much every commercial ever made.
  3. Sweet! Mark Two Armor! It does look a bit like War Machine
  4. HA. That is probably the funniest thing I've seen all day.
  5. New favorite book: The Postman. It's amazing. The author is David Brin. You may have heard of the Kevin Costner movie of the same name, it's based on this. Excellent book.
  6. Hello again. Seeing as Ultimate anything is proving popular will we be seeing any Ultimates or Ultimate Characters in Mini Form soon? X-Men, Spidey, and Goblin were good teasers, but Iron Man is a necessity. Any Chance of a Cryptozoology line? That is: Jersey Devil, Bigfoot, Chupacabra ect. Any chance that a Universal Monsters license could be procured. Mummymates and an official frankenmate would rule! And as a joke question: Iron Man's suit is escentially a vehicle. Why did Marvel let you produce it? P.S. Disregard any Spelling Errors.
  7. Anyone read Ultimates 3 #1 yet? How long is going to stay dead? How about that Venom fight! I wonder who he was looking for?
  8. What's A Borg? Ha! How can you make A Star Trek line and not know about Borg Resistance is Futile!
  9. You mean like a transexual? T. Shut up guys. She's a part of the group X-Men, so she's an X-Man. The group's not called X-People of Various Genders, so I refer to the members as X-Men Oooooh!... Someone forgot to put his sense of humor on with his underpants this morning! BTW If you are going to play pedant here then I don't think that the singular is ever applied, especially to the female members of the team. I've never seen the term used that way & the burden of proof is on you in this case! T. p.s. Yes I'm just playing devils advocate cos you told me to shut up and the one thing people don't do when told to shut up is... yep you guessed it shut up Stupid computer. You can never tell that I am secretly laughing when I type this stuff
  10. \ Was that hint about Trek the mysterious 24th century hint?
  11. As the smoke rises from the burnt corpse of the last Skrull invader, Iron Man turns to the non-registered heroes and says, "You are all under arrest for violation of the Superhuman Registration Act." Hopefully regestration will not be a factor. Heck, the people who put SHRA into motion may well be skrulls. Remember, one of the big advocates was Hank Pym.
  12. You mean like a transexual? T. Shut up guys. She's a part of the group X-Men, so she's an X-Man. The group's not called X-People of Various Genders, so I refer to the members as X-Men
  13. I think it's about time to create one. So let's go into the world of film and speak of it. Give a review and an opinion of a movie that is currently in the Box Office at this time. Leave old movies to the DVD thread. My review of the day: Beowulf Beowulf is an excellent movie. Ex. Cel. Lent. Be that as it may, it does have some flaws that did not coencide with the poem such as , but this movie overall was extraordinary. Grendel deserves to be marked amongst the greatest movie monsters and the most tragic. He did have a good reason to go against Herot. Poor guy. Angelina Jolie is an interesting character as the seductress that is Grendel's Mother. Side note: She is not full frontal naked. There is some odd gold covering there. Eh. Anyway, the highlight of the movie was the Dragon. At last, we have a good dragon design and he has a backstory and a reason to attack Beowulf. Beowulf himself is a fun character to watch and I was actually sad to see him die. (hopefully that is not a spoiler and everyone at least knows the basic story: man fights Demon kappa, and dragon and dies.) This movie is animated and the graphisc are like that of a videogame on the people. The inhuman (or half human) creatures are flawless. But this is NOT FOR KIDS! this movie has blood up the wazoo. This thing has demons which rip people in half. it is very VIOLENT. Final note: See this in Imax 3D If you don't have an Imax near you find a theatre that is showing it in regular 3D. Not 3D does not do this film justice. It's a 7/10.
  14. Well neo's list hit the mark, but here's things not to get: Steering wheel and Sword thingy. Just use the remote for these.
  15. Well where I got them they were two bucks for a five pack
  16. i was at a store called Tuesday Morning and I ran into this awesome collectable called Komikai. It is the first thirty issues of Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate X-Men in five packs. Here's the kicker:eachissue is smaller than a minimate in size, so it isimpossible to read without a magnifying glass which is included. I think these are amazing. Am I the only ne on this board who knows about these?
  17. Damn you Georgia, put Minimates in your stores! My FYE has nothing minimate related, but the one at Discover Mills mall has some minis, but no Trek and that's the only one you've reported at FYE tat I want.
  18. Sentry? Maybe there is no Sentry. It was all a lie! He is a Skrull construct meant to gain our trust. It worked didn't it?
  19. I actually edited the first post. It can be from anything anytime anywhere.
  20. Alright, I thought this would be fun. What you do is nam the thing that the person is quoting from. The first person to do that can put up a quote of his own. The quote can be from anything anytime anywhere First Quote: "The flight of Mr. Robert Wilson has ended now, a flight not only from point A to point B, but also from the fear of recurring mental breakdown." Show and Episode please.
  21. Hank Pym maybe? He would be an easy one t take as a Skrull. No single book, no life, supporter of SHRA, ad an inner worker for SHIELD. He did build a super-suit for them. He also is a Hero Traier for the Initiative. If I was a Skrull invasion planner, I would use Hank Pym. He is a nobody in a high place. Prime target.
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