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Everything posted by Deadpool

  1. i think that sounds awesome. we send it to all the members, and they take pics with it! only thing is, got to be a tad selective, no guys who signed up a week ago with 2 posts about his ebay auctions...
  2. I should get some minimate cake toppers for when I get married. but thats a long way off.
  3. ive seen em all but FREAKIN RYU! i want me a ryu soooo much! and i bought chun li and m bison.
  4. my problem is the marvel in my area are $6, whereas SFII are $10. i feel like im paying for packaging.
  5. my comic carnival has the SF2, but no marvel. that sucks. marvel are very hard to find for me.
  6. you seem familiar... what other forums do you use?
  7. If I got a gold spidey, I'd be pretty tempted to play with it, though I'd probably end up selling it to someone and using the cash to buy more minimates!
  8. what is it about minimates that makes em so addicting?
  9. Any spare ryu's anyones got, preferabbly P2 or P1 with P2's face, that they'd be willing to part with?
  10. yeah, i know that feeling. "hey look doom and iron man! oh and heres susan and the thing. spidey and wolvie wont kill! darktide could be fun! MUST HAVE STREET FIGHTER! NEED PLASTIC CRACK!" it all went downhill from there.
  11. Yeah, its another one of those AndyCarter/InktomiSpider things. Why are they here again?
  12. Awesome! I love the facial expression!
  13. yes, well deadpool owns ninjas.
  14. how do you feel about having a marvel legend of yourself?
  15. just picked up the hulk, and I like him, but I really want captain.
  16. i already have an iron man, so im just waiting for a pic of captain and the hulk to decide which i want.
  17. What about deadpool and his deadpool emote?
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