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Everything posted by Deadpool

  1. Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla. Good one, but not great. If you want a good Mechagodzilla story, you have to get Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla II. I don't remember too many of the movies I've seen. I have more of an interest in the creatures themselves than the movies. Have you played the game for Wii? Actually, no. My experience of Godzilla games is Godzilla games=Bad. Really bad. I like the Wii one and the ones of Xbox/PS2/Gamecube.
  2. Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla. Good one, but not great. If you want a good Mechagodzilla story, you have to get Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla II. I don't remember too many of the movies I've seen. I have more of an interest in the creatures themselves than the movies. Have you played the game for Wii?
  3. You big jerk! How dare you hide all that greatness? Really, those are SPECTACULAR. Gonna do the other Watchmen? I bet that Dr. Manhattan Would work pretty well. Seriously, great work!
  4. I wouldn't tell you that you're wrong, that's Timbo's job. But, I would like to add that I am aware they system is made for more user friendly, casual gaming mainly because of the remote. I get it and I love Wii Sports and Boom Bloxs for that very reason. My point is, Nintendo has the ability to makes hardcore games even without the Bells and Whistles. The system was launched with Twilight Princess (even though it was a GameCube game, it was still amamzing). Then there is Metroid Prime: 3. Super Paper Mario is another great one. And, of course, the best on the system so far, Super Mario Galaxy. All I'm saying is that we are going into a holiday season without once single significant Nintendo release. It would be a different story if we'd had a bunch of other stuff this year, but we have. We've got Smash Bros and that's basically it. We did get Mario Kart, but that was even made more of a Casual game....much like Animal Crossing. Where is Pikmin 2? We've heard a lot about Kid Icarus, where is it? Luigi's Mansion 2? F-Zero? Star Fox? Kirby? New Zelda? Metroid? Fire Emblem? PokeMon? and I could go on but I won't. Heck, I'd even settle for the oft rumored Metroid Prime Remake which includes the first 2 games with Wii Controls. Just something for the hardcore people that have stayed by Nintendo though the GameCube days! Throw us a bone! lol All of that being said, Nintendo did announce a Media Event for the October last week. What that means, I'm not sure, but maybe they've realized after all the negative feelings from E3 that they better do something. So, I still refuse to even look at Wii Music in the Game Case, I am still going to hold out Hope that Nintendo may actually have something to offer to me by the end of the year! neo There was a new Fire Emblem Neo, just throwing that out there.
  5. Megalon and Jet Jaguar RULE. That is all.
  6. Pre-ordered lego batman and expecting to love it and not out it in my "I-hate-the-frakkin'-Wii" pile (yeah...i have one...) Hopefully i get my Joker Keychain! Add me to the list of people psyched for Lego Batman/Hating shovel-ware...
  7. I have that dogtag... And that girl... I got the dogtag the day Halo 3 came out, so it's kinda special to me in an odd way. I wear it ALL the time, so... The girl is MINE, dammit! Hot Topic usually has the shirt, at least when I'm there. They might not anymore, but you should be able to find one. Mine isn't supposed to look worn out though, its just old.
  8. The pics of you in stupid hats were the real reason I brought it back TBT. Nah, I just wanted an excuse to bring it back. I hate most pictures of myself, honestly. However... I can live with this one
  9. So... I'm gonna partially revive this because I wanna remember to take pictures of myself tonight, because I want to (I'm 17, excuses are not needed. ) However, I also remembered I love this thread and thought we could all get some good laughs in if I brought it back. Anyone wanna share their mug again? Also, though it might be nice (or not) for some of the newer members to see the jerkfaces (mostly Shane ) they talk to on a daily basis. I'll get myself up tonight.
  10. I could do with some better pictures of as many as you'd like to take!
  11. Right now the ratio is 1:1, so I MIGHT be safe. Trust me, pal. I thought the same thing back when i bought my first pack: Torch and Mr. Fantastic from Target. I remember it well: "Mommy, mommy! Fantasic Four LEGOS!!!" Yeah...i actually said Well, they were all i'd ever decided to get, until i bought another, and another, and now my desk is waging war with a pile of 2'' super-powered toys... Trust us; one is only the beginning! I also started with the F4, or at least half of it. Yep, they're addicting as hell. Good luck!
  12. You know, I haven't yet heard the original version...
  13. Castle Crashers RULES! That was amazing!
  14. I've superglued the knee pegs back onto the legs before. It takes a VERY steady hand.
  15. It's a really easy fix with a Sharpie. That's what I did at least!
  16. Ok, I'll add to the gripes... come on guys, pics!
  17. My FYE still has the 24 exclusive pack, but never got the Cylons or SS/HG...
  18. I FINALLY found Wave 3 today. They look great! What did you use to add the black to Snarl's club?
  19. Dear god! That's amazing! Voting this time is gonna be hard as ever, I see...
  20. I must own that Plo Koon. he's the coolest jedi ever.
  21. Damn! I still have no wave 3, and I need to return my BB and can't find a Wal-Mat with him either!
  22. I love Two-Face! Nice work! BTW, should have that money soon. Just need to see where I'm at!
  23. I love both. I'm playing Sacred Stones, I've beat the first, I just got Radiant Dawn, and I've played Path of Radiance before. As for FFT, I beat the first FOREVER ago, and will replay it for my emulator eventually, I've beaten the GBA one, and I have no DS to play the new one on. The original FF Tactics is the best of the bunch, but FE is a lot of fun, and one HELL of a challenge!
  24. I never got this pack. Still kinda bummed by that
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