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Everything posted by HRGMann

  1. My first, and all time favorite, was a white Free Comic Book Day blank I got years ago. I had it for months before I decided to pick up Cap and Rhino in Target. The blank fascinated me. My mind kept thinking... this could be anyone, any character, any company, any license. It was a blank canvas, and I even now prefer this over any of the other colored blanks I have gotten since.
  2. This is the first time I've ever heard of this happening with minimates. It truly sucks.... however, let's give a big thumbs up for window packaging. Can you imagine how PO'd you'd be if you bought it, took it home, and THEN found out someone made a switch? When I first got a set of GB2, I was so excited I didn't realize until I got out to the car that my Egon/Jogger pack had a Peter/Terror Dog set in the box. And as much as I'd like to, I can't fault toy store employees for not knowing every minuscule detail about every toy they sell, which allows these things to be returned in the first place. Heck, half the time, when you ask for help, they don't even know what minimates are.
  3. I was looking at the thread for series 4, and the first reported sighting was 9/30. I saw them in Central VA on 10/2, but that was when the local stores were getting a truck only on Wednesday and Friday. I'm guessing all bets are off, since trucks are probably arriving daily. I think I'd be okay with this wave NOT showing up yet... 1) money gets tight this time of year, especially with the recent deluge of 29, 30, GB2, etc. and 2) the appearance of series 5 would pretty much put the final nail in the series 4 coffin, and it seems like folks are still looking for Angel/Warpath.
  4. I don't know if this is happening at others' stores, but at my local ones it appears that the leftover Ghostbusters series 2 is mixed in on the Marvel pegs, giving the appearance of fully stocked pegs. It has been like this for a couple of weeks. I'm hoping the current stock level won't affect future distribution. At any rate, I don't expect to see any more Series 4 in these stores.
  5. I used to buy the plastic boxes at Home Depot with the dividers, keeping them all separated. Now, they're all in plastic tubs, all mixed up. Makes it more fun when the family pulls them out for play. It's always great to grab a handful, and see who you get on your "team".
  6. I know it's coming down to the wire... but it's hard to get too excited. If it's JL Jean, great, if it's brown Wolvie, no big surprise. For the packs without the hellfire goon, I expect Rogue and Beast packed together. I can see Cyclops packed with either of the ones I mentioned and still make sense. I remember the 5 different covers for X-Men #1, Cyclops and Wolverine together, Rogue and Beast (and Iceman and Colossus, I think) on another one. And JL Jean doesn't seem to far a stretch. Technically, if I remember my X-History, Black Queen Phoenix and JL Jean were 2 different characters (unless I missed a retcon). More mates, more characters, yay.
  7. My guesses... Jean Grey (and I think the Marvel Girl variant would be appropriate, given that's what she wore in issue #137) Wolverine and... Forge (with lots of cool weapons).
  8. Why Kang? Well, I've tried Quik, Ovaltine, and pre-sweetened Kool-Aid for breakfast, and NOTHING is better to help start a day of conquering space and time like a tall, refreshing glass of Kang.
  9. Considering all the Greek gods and heroes (in addition to the main characters), I think these would do pretty well if the monsters were scalled bigger, a la DC mates. I'm only on the second book, but am enjoying the series. Minimate ersions of a centaur, a cyclops, Medusa... bring them on!
  10. So. . .you are asking it wrong? there was a time when I asked about "ghostbusters minimates" and was told they didn't have any; when I asked for "gb minimates" I was Tod they had them (this was without a stock number)
  11. I guess the goo-covered GBs make sense... Venkman was the only one not covered after Mr. Stay Puft went boom, and we already have Ray. Like others may feel, though, I would have preferred Vigo over Peck, just in case this is the last offering.
  12. Yeah, definitely Zemo... he's the one to make right AFTER Kang! Plus, as part of whatever series he's part of, the FA Zemo could be the variant.
  13. I know, dead horse, you've been through a lot already, but... I still don't get why THIS was the one per case, instead of Molecule Man/Spider-Woman. Fans were able to get the variant Angel changed from the FA Angel, because the whole POINT was to be able to complete the team. Are folks going to be as gung-ho to order the X-Factor set? My stomach turns every time I see the IM/Hulk sets on the pegs. If they were going to go with ANY 2 figures from that series, a combination among IM, Nick Fury, and Cap would have been a better way to go. But I'm not in marketing, so what do I know?
  14. Nah, too many possible variants for THAT guy!
  15. I was able to track down all 3 of the sets this morning, but had to go to 2 different Ross stores to do it. The sets were $6.99 each. Maybe TJ Maxx has these too? If I see any there, I'll post the info.
  16. So the good news is, you got the minimates... the bad news is you now owe her... a favor. <insert scary musical sting!> But that's how the karma works, sometimes you get a little, sometimes you give a little.... Minimate collecting is like life... it's easier if you don't have to go through it alone.
  17. If we're getting Dominio, I'd like to see first appearance costume to go with the new Cable that's coming out. And while we're at it, let's see Cannonball, Sunspot, and Feral.
  18. I know I should be punished for that one. No, "sobs", because I still have yet to see Bullseye/Moonstone in stores (thank god for the kindness of board members), and can't find these for the life of me, while other people are finding multiples at one time. Well, the MM/SW pack is 2-per case, so there are multiples, but I've never seen more than 1 case of these at a given time/place, and I don't expect to see Angel/Warpath in stores any more since folks are paying the bucks on ebay. Does anyone know of any online site offering case pre-orders for Series 31 with 3-3-3-3 ratios? I could use some extra Angels for a possible holiday idea. Thanks!
  19. He's supposed to be like that... it's his "funky chicken" action feature.
  20. Angel/Warpath 699788727249 MM/SW 699788727232 Hope it helps
  21. Just to save you any potential heartache, Crippler, take a close look as the Nightcrawler in the picture... the left hand is just a standard white hand, not a Nightcrawler hand. Caveat Emptor.
  22. They also have the Harley Quinn set. I would like some advice from you, the more experienced collectors. Is the Harley Quinn/Joker and Bullseye/Moonstone set worth buying from toywiz? They seem a bit expensive but I don't know where else to get them from as I haven't had much luck on ebay I have never ordered from them, but I believe they're affiliated somehow with Wizard/Toyfare. Definitely do a little research before ordering from ANY online sites. If a company advertises something older as "in stock", and they have a customer service phone number, call and verify before ordering. I know a lot more cases were made of the earlier waves of DC minimates than the later waves (2000 cases series 1; 1200 cases series 8), but the first series had the ones you HAD to have (well, 6 out of 8... OMAC was a flavor of the month, and Star Sapphire was meh) Another option is this board. I was going through the some of the haves/wants lists, and it seems several have the BE/MS pack, and in some case multiples of it. Maybe one of them can help? Sorry, to get myself back on track, these JUST started showing up a week ago, and I expect there will be at least one more distribution wave next week or the week after. Except for Ult IM/Hulk, these are going to be pretty popular, and refreshed soon.
  23. Wow, never seen this available anywhere on-line before... $23 shipped? Sounds like ebay, though. But for those with no other options, better than nothing. I think at this point, what's out is out, and there ain't gonna be no more.
  24. Yes, yes, welcome! I too would love to see Alpha Flight. I enjoyed the first couple of years of Byrne's run, before things felt like they went Ka-blooey. Who knows? Sasquatch may translate well with duck feet and a waist spacer. I'd like to see something similar: Guardian / Shaman Aurora / Northstar Orange Sasquatch / Puck White Sasquatch / Snowbird Oh, and in one pack per every ten cases, Guardian is replaced by Female Guardian, but only in the Babies R Us distribution network, and only for cities ending in a double consenant. And I don't know if this counts offically as Marvel (becasue the comic was based on toys), but how about Micronauts? The minimate form lends itself to easy conversion from humanoid to centaur. Plus, some key pieces have already been made (Nightcrawler hands and feet, Ambush Bug antenae for Bug). Marionnette and Rann are just humanoids. (I guess this would better go under the topic of "future licenses", or even more appropriately "NEVER gonna happen)
  25. I'm really surprised we haven't seen a new Iron Fist yet. Some new decal artwork, reuse the existing Iron Fist mask - boom, new Iron Fist. I'm halfway expecting to see him as a new TRU exclusive. As much as I'd like to see a new Iron Fist, I'd rather they NOT use the existing Iron Fist mask - to this day, I have never been able to get Tarantula's mask on, and am worried that if I do, I'll never be able to get it off again. Seems like the noggins have gotten just a little bigger over the years.
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